One of the best JRPGs made in the past 15 years. Everyone needs to play this game at least once in their lifetime.

No doubt the weakest of the original trilogy, but the impact that Metal Gear Solid had on the gaming industry is undeniable, and its still a fun game in its own right despite feeling outdated in a number of ways.

A pretty mediocre zombie game, but there is fun to be had. Can be finished in only a couple of hours so its worth a shot for anyone with a bit of time to kill.

It's also free to download which is always a plus.

Not just one of the best survival horror games of all time, but also one of the best games of all time. There's nothing else that feels quite like this game.

The best Total War game ever made.

Makes an already fantastic game even better.

Of the gunpowder Total War games, Napoleon is pretty good. The total overhaul mods are awesome too.


Criminally underrated racing game. I have so many great memories from playing this as a kid.

Excellent game, sad that the series peaked here though.

Not a bad game in isolation, but following the masterpiece that was TWD season 1, this was quite a disappointment.

Not as good as New Vegas, but still great fun.

The beginning of the end for Bethesda. Not an awful game but such a downgrade from what we'd seen from this studio before.

Considering that this came out before DMC, it's a fairly competent hack and slash action game, albeit a very flawed one.

The gameplay is fun for the most part, although there are some extremely annoying design choices such as the fact that the Dragon Slayer is pretty much useless in tight spaces because it will bounce off any walls that you hit with it.

Other than that, there are a few other strange design choices such as the save system, as the game only saves after every few levels. Not great if you don't want to play for long, but fortunately the game is very short anyway, taking me only around 3 hours to beat it.

All that aside, I'm sure the main reason why people might want to give this game a shot is because it's part of the Berserk franchise which I totally get. Certain aspects such as the music feel very reminiscent of the original anime as it was composed by Susumu Hirasawa. The story it tells is also decent, although it is very very similar to the Black Swordsman arc, which was a little disappointing as it was written by Kentaro Miura.

All in all, I wouldn't really recommend this to people who aren't fans of Berserk. As mentioned before, it is a perfectly serviceable action game, but at the same time there are far better ones out there. For those who are fans of Berserk however, this game is definitely worth trying out. Just don't expect to be blown away by anything.