The story has plot holes. The combat is better than the first. The music still great too.

The music.

My fucking god, the music is so good. It just makes the game flow so well.

You could have been so much more...

I still had fun doing side quests and stuff but its no way near the level of depth of witcher 3. I didn't give a shit about V and keanu's acting was kinda bad. Johnny is just an edge lord. Panam and Judy were great.

The combat is not very good, although it was fun running the entire game with just a knife.

The story is godlike. The music is amazing.

The only thing bad was the enemy variety but other than that, perfect game.

Will always be my first love.

There's reason it has lasted this long, my kids will probably play it.

The only reason its not an 8 it's because of the shit ending. The graphics are incredible. The combat is pretty smooth, even though i spend most of time running because i had no ammo. lol ayyy lmao

The story is fine, although you didn't have to make a sequel in the first place.

MY LOVE!!!!!!!!!



Its fine. Better than what i expected but didnt over reach.

Good. The villain is forgetable. I don't even remember.

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Very good. I just wanted more visually lively world. The spaces were kinda dead, sad, visually. Lots of greys and browns backgrounds. Made me feel nostalgic, but i guess it makes sense since its the last one. The one scene where drake and elena are in the car is one of the best scenes in videogames that i can remember. Top tier music. The villain is pretty great, so is the story. Perfect ending

Great game.
I spent a lot of time wandering around, doing side quests. Got 100%, i couldn't do that shit on spiderman. The combat is great, the costumization is great, the costumes are dope.

Didn't really feel much for the story but jin still tried to be interesting, since its a samurai game.

Do i really need to say something?


Great fucking game.

The combat loop is one the best i have ever played. You literally feel yourself getting better at the game. Its crazy.