You are skating on a ramp and do simple tricks while lofi music plays in the background. That's the game. I paid less than a dollar for it.

It's so much fun I have no idea when 10h required to finish it went.
Such a tightly designed game.

This game is a masterpiece. Nothing else to say. Level design, music, controls, every level is polished to perfection. Every single level has unique mechanic, and it is always fantastic. Bosses were so much fun and it has probably the greatest final segment to a game I've played in a long time. Goddamn, what a steal for 20$.

Your friend's who peaked in High School favourite video game

It's Shovel Knight.
Ofc it is a quality.

Valve is so talented they made tech demo for Steam Deck good.
They have such a knack for writing.

Another Team Silent banger.

Try not to have fun playing Katamari, I dare you, you can't.

Stellar exploration, gorgeous pixel-art, insane style. Hard to say anything about story when its so open to interpretation and I guess I suck ass at interpretation.
2 puzzle solution left me wondering if I should steal oxygen from people on this planet.

The fuck I just played.
QTE fest and pretty basic combat, but it is so entertaining you just can't help yourself but have fun.

There is no other game I suck as much as I do with Ikaruga but it is still a blast
Music, art style, bosses, gameplay loop with switching between different ship modes is addicting.
Hats off to anyone who manages to finish it without continues.

There is nothing better than starting trilogy from the last game
Really good game
Maps are well designed, game let's you do anything, it controls very well.