I'll never forget the time when I was playing this at the same time one of my best friends was. I remember running to school, excited to talk to him about what I'd seen in the game over the weekend. This was, and still is, my favourite video game. I'm currently playing Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade again, and it's taking me back to so many special memories of that time. The music, in particular.

This is such a great game, even today.

This game doesn't deserve a lot of the negativity around it, and I agree with the "criminally underrated" term that's often used to describe it. If you're at all interested in this genre, ignore the initial negative reviews and give it a go. It's a genuinely enjoyable game that's worth checking out. It's no masterpiece, but it doesn't need to be. It does a lot of things right — it offers an immersive world with a great atmosphere, good music and sound effects, and nice visuals.

My wife saw me playing the demo, and said that she'd love to play it. The next day, I picked up a copy on the way home from work and gave it to her as a gift. Within half an hour she handed me the controller and said it was too scary. Naturally, I had to play it through. It's brilliant, but truly terrifying at times.

I’m not sure where to even start with this one. I try not to throw this term around, but Hollow Knight is a masterpiece and a real triumph of video game design. While this type of game isn’t for everyone, it’s exactly what I’m looking for in a single-player experience. I was never bored in this world, never so hopelessly lost that I was close to giving up, and never too frustrated. There was always that idea of something to go back to, something to try, and while quite difficult at times, it was extremely fair and not punishing for the sake of being punishing. Even during backtracking I was enjoying myself, poking around, pushing what initially looked to be possible. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to design a game that flows this well. Combine that with stunning visuals, a beautiful soundtrack, and great controls, and you can see why so many people love it.

Just give it a go. Get lost in the world, soak up the atmosphere, listen to the comments and thoughts of your fellow creatures, and enjoy one of the best gaming experiences out there.

This is a deep, thought-provoking, and well-written story with characters you really care about, all wrapped in a beautiful world with one of the best soundtracks I've heard.

I loved every minute of it and I'd play it again right now but, well...

(no regrets, glory to mankind)

This game is so much fun, especially with a group of friends. It immediately took me back to being in the arcade as a kid, my brother and I begging our parents for a bit more money to play the Turtles arcade game one more time. This game definitely succeeds with bringing the nostalgia, but it's also just a great game — the controls are tight, the levels are fun, and the soundtrack is awesome. Highly recommended.

A triumph of a game. Don't be put off if you're not interested in poker. Just download the demo and give it a go. It hooked me immediately, just like Hades and Dead Cells. Just be warned, that one more run might end up costing you your whole evening. In a world where AAA game development is such a mess, it's refreshing to see a solo developer come in and clean up like this.

This game really is something else.

The soundtrack, art style, and fluid gameplay will keep me coming back and playing it through again and again. Highly, highly recommended. Play with headphones and, if possible, play through in a single sitting.

Highly recommended.

The visuals, the music, the narration, and the story are excellent. It was, in my opinion, the perfect length, too. It wasn't short, but it didn't drag on unnecessarily. Adding the little pieces of story between some of your runs is a great touch as it keeps you interested.

This is one of the few games that I'm sure I'll play again using the New Game+ as the combat is so satisfying.

With stunning graphics, a beautiful soundtrack, and puzzles that leave you feeling like you're surely the only one to have worked them out, Cocoon is right up there with the likes of Portal 2, and it was a delight to play on the Steam Deck.