On it's own (not attached to Knuckles), Sonic 3 is a little bit of a let down compared to the greatness that's Sonic 2. Level's take much longer to navigate through and it gets very annoying as they are filled with cheap obstacles. Carnival Night comes to mind the most. It feels cheap as theirs only 6 Zones meaning they tried to lengthening out the game by adding annoying stuff to it, to make it longer for you to complete it. The game still has great controls and incredibly funky music by i'm always hesitant to replay this game as I always remind myself of it's annoying little moments.

As someone whose more of a fan of 2D Zelda, Breath of the Wild is just incredible. Is the story the best? Not really. Are the dungeons super interesting and diverse? Nope. But the reason why I love 2D Zelda more than 3D is how each game tackles travelling from point A to Point B.

In 2D Zelda it's much easier to travel the world, and can clearly see you surroundings with it's bird eye view. 3D Zelda it's harder as the world is usually much bigger and you sometimes can't clearly see what direction you should be going. This is the case with both the open world and individual dungeons. What could take 30 seconds to get to where you wanna go in a 2D Zelda, would take 5 or more minutes in a 3D Zelda. This wouldn't be much of a problem if in a 3D Zelda the world was constantly filled with interesting things to see or discover or the enemies you encountered didn't become annoying or mundane.

In Breath of the Wild when going from point A to point B you will always see and discover something brand new. A new Shine, Weapon, Settlement, Treasure, Secret Location, Puzzle, etc. There's always something interesting and cool to find that scratches your curiosity. If you encounter the same enemy it's not boring. The battle your about to experience will be different than the last because maybe you have different weapons on you, or the enemy has different weapons, maybe the location is different ether by a river or by a cliff, maybe the weathers different and lightning is striking down. The Problems in previous 3D Zelda's are completely demolished here.

Some people will say this isn't a true Zelda experience but I disagree. It's the truest Zelda experience I've seen linking back to the original game on the NES. No it doesn't have this incredible story but the story is the one that you create on your journey. You can choose to be the hero that fight Ganon or be a traveller or adventurer or whatever you want to be. The story is what you discovered while playing the game, what you found and those moments stick with you. Breath of the Wild isn't about giving you a set story for you to experience, it's about giving you a world for you to create your own stories.

I don't think any other game will give me the same experience Breath of the Wild did. This game is something special. And that's why it's my favourite game of all time.

An improvement on Prime in almost every area and potentially one of the best Metroid games. Holy crap everything is amazing. The exploration is much tighter, the Boss Battles (for the most part) are Legendary and that OST is God Like.

There's a few faults, the Sky Temple Keys, some Bosses and Mini Bosses are super frustrating and if your playing the GameCube version that penultimate Boss is gonna be a headache.

Do not play this as your first Metroid. But if you familiar with the series, you owe it to yourself to give this a try.

Sorry guys, I don't see it. Metroid Prime is a good game, but I would be hesitant to say it was one of the best. Compared to the 2D games, I didn't enjoy it as much. I think that comes down to the 3D elements of the game.

Areas are bigger so it takes longer to navigate through them, making backtracking longer as well. The map is so much harder to navigate as well, I was constantly getting lost of where I was and where I need to go. Weapon had longer animations than I would've liked, doors take a while to open sometimes, some bosses overstay there welcome, Meta Ridley in particular. If on Hard-Mode, a section of a boss takes about 20-30 minutes to beat, I'm sorry that isn't good boss design that's just wasting my time. Speaking of wasting my time, the artefacts, what the hell. It takes so long to find them as there all over the place and it's just annoying as it feels like it wasn't necessary.

I don't dislike the game, there are elements that I love. The first person view in Samus's helmet is awesome, you truly feel like your in the game. The controls are really good to, until you get to some platforming sections then I think the controls faultier a little. I think the music is great too, super atmospheric.

Metroid Prime is a good game, and i'm interested in checking out it's sequels to see if they improve on the things I disliked in this game. But until then i'm still gonna say I prefer the 2D games.

The issue with Scott Pilgrim is this, the presentation is fantastic throughout and once you get the new moves and upgrade your stats, the game is fun, but that's the problem.

Without those upgrades, the game is so challenging to the point where the first few levels are not that fun.

While I have problems with Sonic 3 & Knuckles separately as individual games, when combined they make a very enjoyable plat former. As a whole package you get a nice variety of zones to play through, multiple playable characters, fun music, probably the best controls in the series, and overall just a great game to replay. But I still think Sonic 2 is better.

This game isn't hard, it's challenging. It strikes the right balance of being a fair challenge which many platformers fail to do. If we are going to compare this one to the original then first I have to say that I find Diddy and Dixie way more fun to control. It's fun to experience these challenging platform sections when playing this two characters. However I feel it's missing the magic of the original. Donkey Kong Country 2 is a great game and a great challenge for those who are looking for something to really test their skills, but I think as the years go by i'll be more likely to pick up the original more.

As someone who has had no experience with previous Paper Mario games, I enjoyed this. Best part of the game is exploring the world, looking at the uniqueness of it all and experiencing the comedic moments when rescuing toads or random one off characters. The game is filled with charm and that helps push you along it's long story. It's always giving you these wacky moments that keep your entertained.

I'd say combat is both good and bad. The general idea of it is fun but after doing it over and over again it starts to really drain you. Thankfully normal enemy encounters seem scripted so it's not like your going to experience 1000 random encounters in the first hour. I actually really liked the boss fights. Boss fights kinda invert the battle system and the fact that your doing less boss fights than normal enemy fights means that they don't get boring due to you doing to many of them.

If you have a Switch I'd recommend the game. If your a fan of the previous Paper Mario games then I hope this lives up to your expectations. The greatest thing I can say about the game is it makes me want to check out the previous ones, specifically Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door.

Bioshock is a fantastic game. Everything it sets out to do it achieves. It's setting and atmosphere is the best thing I've seen in any game. Combat is fun and the story is very unique. I think the game drags a little in the middle, however the fantastic first and last third of the game more than make up for it.

I love everything about this game. It's characters, controls, levels, music, visuals, world. I honestly can't explain how incredible this game it. I quote so many of the lines all the time. This game is a must play.

Yeah the story is a complete mess, yeah the Disney worlds have no purpose to the actual story, yeah I find the first 2 hours of the game to be really annoying as it's in the way of what I really wanna play. Kingdom Hearts 2 has some issues I can admit that but I generally believe that this game is saved from it's gameplay. There is nothing like it, the things you can pull off in this game are insane. Every battle is fun, every new ability you unlock makes you feel stronger, every boss fight is this super cool anime as hell battle. I don't think i'll ever play a game quite like Kingdom Heart 2. It is truly one of a kind.

Nintendo should hire the creator of this, a great remake and one of the best Metroid games.

For what it is, this is a good game. For what it sets out to do and achieves, it's a 10 out of 10. I defiantly enjoyed myself. But I have problems that bring it down a lot. Investigations kinda suck and are pretty boring most of the time, this becomes even more of an issue because the court scenes are so awesome. I struggle to see the replay value in it? If your gonna play this game really savour it because I doubt you'd wanna replay it. Again it's not a bad game, far from it. I just feel there are a few problems that effect it. However I will never forget those court scenes, OBJECTION! Also the music is really good.

Wow. I was not expecting something like this. I'm not really a turn-based RPG guy, like at all, but there's something about this game that feels different. It's combat is great, combining the powers of each character together. The characters are extremely likeable and interesting while also being useful in combat. It's a long game but the use of Time Travel always keeps things interesting and fresh. Time Travel leads to varied enemies, locations, music, everything. Everything comes together to give you sense of an epic adventure while also having this feeling of pure magic you don't get with most games. If your a turn-based RPG guy, this is a must play. If you not, I would still recommend to give this a try, it may even change your mind. Once I beat this game all I could say was, wow.