I played this on my Xbox One S, but there was no platform option on my console, so the Xbox 360 was close enough.

I loved playing through Doom and I absolutely ADORE the soundtrack. I am definitely adding this to my Spotify playlist. I would give it a 5/5, however 1) sometimes on the easiest difficulty, I found it quite hard (but this is more of a skill issue 😆), and 2) I want to keep 5/5 rated games as my absolute favourites of all time.

I really need to play Doom II, 3, 64, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal now... I am HOOKED!

I played through this game on hardened and at times, it did not feel like it. After Act 2 however, it felt like there was a massive bump in difficulty.

Overall the story was interesting, the levels looked great, the characters (like Price) were very likable and the music was EPIC. I love the music so much. I can't wait to play the next two modern warfare games.

I'm not playing this on veteran, I'm sorry. I think I will hate the game if I tried! 🤣

(Notice: I completed this before Senua's Sacrifice in case of any journal and review timeline confusion)

Although I had some problems with the changes from Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3, I really enjoyed the ending to the trilogy. I didn't like how they kept changing the layout of the Normandy, especially considering I played all 3 games in under 2 weeks. This made it particularly annoying as I wasn't able to accustom myself to a singular interior layout design.

In terms of the game's ending, my personal take is it makes it easier for Bioware to start a new game or future trilogy with a new main character and companions. The plot twists in this game were amazing and the characters were as good as always.

Eventually, I want to purchase and play through the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, so I can experience the additional DLCs and play in a different style to get a new and alternative perspective to the main storyline.

After around 7 hours of pure concentration, I can finally say I LOVE THIS GAME!

In the beginning, I struggled to get used to the fighting mechanics and I didn't quite understand what the game was supposed to be about (because I wanted to give myself a blind look into the game). After looking up what the main story synopsis was, it made me understand the overall narrative a lot better. In addition, by the end of the game, I felt REALLY confident in my combat skills.

The story was incredible and the voice acting and environments were amazing! At some points in the game, I wondered if it was made in the Decima engine (because of how amazing it looked). I am beyond hyped for the upcoming Senua's Saga game now; I can't wait to play it!

I wish they implemented minigames into Bedrock edition, that would have been so cool!

Overall, this game is my childhood; this was the game I played 95% of the time, both single-player and with friends. I'm surprised that this console edition got the Aquatic Update (1.13) due to its age, but I love it still. I want to go back to this game and create my ideal survival world. There are obviously downsides to this version of Minecraft, like loading times, world sizes and slight frame drops.

As of rating this game, I have only completed the career mode and have not completed every race in the Event List, but here are my overall thoughts:

This game kept the best parts of Forza Motorsport 2 and 3 and polished them to perfection. The career was great, the tracks look amazing for an Xbox 360 and the music is so nostalgic to me. I used to play multiplayer in split screen with friends messing around on the Top Gear track and it was so fun! I definitely recommend this game to people who want to revisit games on the Xbox 360. This game isn't part of Xbox's Backwards Compatibility list, so you will need to own an Xbox 360 console in order to play.

Half-Life is a game that every gamer needs to play at least once. Although the mechanics in the game have dated and I did struggle to get used to the way the weapons worked, it was very enjoyable to play. I also did struggle with finding a way around the locations and how to progress, so I did have to search for a Youtube guide to help me advance through the game. But apart from that, the way the story was told was cool and I liked the soundtrack. I really enjoyed playing it and I will probably play this game again.

This game is just like the other two in the franchise (in terms of pros and cons), except this game has a smaller story. It's really cool how many character cameos happen in this game, which I think is a good detail. This shows Gearbox's care for making good expansions, instead of making simple cash grabs. If I had played Half-Life 2 first, I would probably have forgotten about playing these great games, so I'm glad I made the decision to play Opposing Force and Blue Shift beforehand.

It was really fun playing as Adrian Sheppard, and although the story is shorter than the main game, I still enjoyed it. A few times, I had trouble with what I needed to do and where to go, so I had to search on Youtube (I had the same experience in the main game). I did start to get a little bored with the game about half way through, as I was mainly running around maps, shooting enemies then going to the next checkpoint. However, I pushed myself through the story and eventually finished the game. Still do recommend, despite my thoughts.

Story is amazing, it ends so well yet so shocking, and the characters are great as normal. I'm so annoyed that there isn't a Half-Life Episode 3, as I've had a look at videos online and Episode 3 story would have been AMAZING. I'm so sad Valve have not created a sequel, when they had so much more to add to this franchise. Now I need to wait to get a VR headset for the prequel Half-Life Alyx, which I know will take a very long time! 😂

I expected the game to have a different type of story, as this first episode could have been a standalone game. It still a very good game, The only thing I don't necessarily like about this game is the lack of new weapons. Having the original guns are fun, but playing with the same weapons makes it a little less exciting. Even one more weapon would have been cool. But the characters are still great and the levels still look amazing. Can't wait to see what happens in the second episode.

My first experience with Half-Life 2 was on the Xbox 360 with the Orange Box. I loved and completed Portal and played Team Fortress 2 with my friends quite often, but somehow never got into playing Half-Life 2. I tried starting the game multiple times but never got into it. Years later and a new PC, I decided to buy the Half-Life bundle. I decided about 2 weeks(ish) ago that I was going to complete every Half-Life game. Half-Life 1 and the expansion packs were pretty good, but when I started Half-Life 2 again, it was different... in a good way. It went from a shooter game with a simple story, to an exploration shooter with a very different but fascinating story with great characters. You can tell that the developers did not want to be bound down by the previous game and wanted to try something new with the Half-Life franchise. I really enjoyed playing this game and I cannot wait to complete Episode 1 and Episode 2.

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This is not a game! This is a tech demo from 2003, which shows the capabilities of the new (for the time) features in the Source engine. This included HDR and the commentary nodes. This is an incredibly short demo and I recommend enabling commentary for your first run through. The environment looks great and the Valve team's commentary on water reflections and HDR within Source was really interesting. I recommend this if you're interested in game documentation and how game developers create sections of games.

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In case you see my log dates, yes... I finished the game in under 3 days, don't judge me. 😁
Anyway, to the review:

I really liked Mass Effect 2; it took me a long time to get used to the new Normandy design and the fact I can't change the team's weapons in the menu. Apart from that, it was amazing. The story was great, the missions were exciting and the characters were fleshed out and really hit me when some teammates died (in my first playthrough, like Miranda, Jack, etc). I am disappointed that Liara didn't have a big role in the game and wasn't able to join the team; hopefully, she has a bigger role in the next game.

This is the first Mass Effect game I've ever played and I REALLY enjoyed it.

Although the combat is a bit annoying sometimes, especially with aiming down the sights, and the movement can be a bit irritating, the story and characters are amazing. I love the use of a romance mechanic, as it makes you feel more in control with Shepard, and the graphics look really good for an Xbox 360 game. I did encounter quite a few frame drops, especially during battles, which is odd considering my Xbox One is more powerful than the Xbox 360, so it should maintain the frame rate better.

But in conclusion, I absolutely loved it, and I've heard from reviews online that Mass Effect 2 is even better (which is why my score is not higher - if I do enjoy it better than Mass Effect 1, I will keep this last paragraph).
Note: I enjoyed Mass Effect 2, more than Mass Effect 1, even though there were feature changes I disagreed with