September, 2023



First impression didn't persist, at least not visually. Had fun throughout, great level design, but it fell back a little too hard on the medieval fantasy aesthetic that I don't find especially compelling as presented through Quake.




Hey, this seems really good. Difficulty selection map and intro sequence make a phenomenal first impression.

It's clearly more vanilla+ than the experimental shit I'd normally go for, but when the production levels are this good, I'm inclined to stick around.




Only really finished a minority of the maps. The ones I ditched were generally good, but I'd rather play a bad map that tries something different than a map that hews too close to the spirit of the original game. I've played Quake, what I actually want is cool, surprising shit that just happens to run in the Quake engine.

And a few too many of them don't feature any daylight, which tragically obviates any need for the iconic sunscreen featured in the start map.

Standouts include radiatoryang's Breakfast Under The Balloons, Trashbang's Amid A Fresh Carcass, and Fairweather's SCVMFVCK II: FVCKED HARDER.


Yeah, not the right fit. Glad people are enjoying it, and it's impressive for a studio's first production.

I imagine some of my distaste stems from an inability to enjoy the game in a vacuum. I can't deny that the source for much of its inspiration presents an unfavorable comparison. Lies of P makes an admirable attempt to engineer its own identity, but it's not convincing enough to dispel the feeling that I'm playing a worse version of something I love.



I'm torn. There's a considerable number of things I definitely don't like about this game. The writing and voice acting is relatively high up on that list.

But I'm five and a half hours in, so it's clearly not all bad. The combat is fun. It's not often I'd say it exceeds "acceptable", but sometimes that's good enough.

Maybe? Gonna sleep on it, see if I actually want to keep playing tomorrow.



Another break, and now I'm officially done with Hitman 2. Haven Island wasn't as immediately dope as New York, but it's hard to top a bank level.

On to the Hitman 3 levels proper. I'll finish this eventually, I'm sure.


Deep appreciation for Freyre's creative output. Speaks directly to my own history with games.

Doesn't always come together in a way where I'm enjoying the game itself, but it's centered on a clarity of purpose and direction that I really do like.

The man also knows how to title a god damn video game.



Finished Sal's story, and I'm not immediately compelled to try the others. It's fun, though. Well written, solid production.

I'm not sure if deckbuilding games actually appeal to me. I like some of them, and I find the concept interesting, but... I haven't played one that drives me to invest dozens of hours. Which is kinda necessary if you want to appreciate the possibility space of so many cards.

Slay the Spire came close, but I fizzled out there, too.

Maybe the next one.



Might come back to this at some point. It's just not doing it for me right now.
This is a puzzle game, huh? Not what I expected. And not exactly what I wanted.
It's a lot. If my wrist was 15 years younger and not strained by a lifetime of poor posture and an unwillingness to change, I might have considered grinding out the proficiency required to see this thing through.

61 seconds is practically the end, anyway. Yeah.



Just like with Devil Daggers, more than decent chance I won't ever get close to something resembling an ending. Here for the ride.

God damn they really stepped it up.



Something changed. I don't know which - the writing, or me. I really liked the other two games. 15 years ago.

Probably me.



Good! Hard to say what I would change, but I think the pacing is somewhat off in places. Minor stuff that adds up.


August, 2023


Raytracing looks surprisingly nice, especially coupled with one of the best CRT modes I've seen in a game, but I don't really need to finish up Doom '93 at this particular moment.
Might not finish this campaign. Feels a little too much like I'm doing the same thing over and over. Love the raytraced voxel presentation, though, so it'll go on the list of things to boot up when I'm bored and just want to destroy some shit.


Lovely presentation, just very cute in general. Not really for me, though.



So charming. Lots of cute little flourishes and I had a great time with the combat.

One minor detail that stuck out to me: The LOD has this painterly filter that (I imagine) obfuscates what would otherwise be low quality geometry. It fits perfectly with the art style, and it's just really clever.
