There's a lot of post game stuff I'll probably come back to but in terms of the main story it is complete.

The story is a wonderful experience
Both the minor stories that you start with as well as both how they relate to and feed into the main storyline
The game deals a lot with death and consequence in such a beautiful way
The death of towns, the death of status, the death of empires, to the death of a single person. Each touched on beautifully.
Each smaller story is so packed with love and hurt, the characters really do shine through in each of their experiences and how they deal with grief, identity, life and many times their own death
The main story is especially touching and brought me close to tears at many points, it's just a wholly beautiful and heartfelt game and story that I can't help but recommend
The music is also equally as beautiful, the score especially when dealing with the celestial aspects is hauntingly beautiful. Especially whenever it concerns Yggdrasil
My main issue with it is funny enough one I also had with FF3 which is the grind required at multiple points is actually insane. Might have been the party composition I was working with but easily the last good long part of the game is simply spent grinding for levels
But even then, the story, characters, music and boss fights are worth the grind 100%

Majin tensei is a game with a lot of missed potential and I think if they made this story in a format atlus was more comfortable with it would be a classic.
Sadly it just shows off why Fire Emblem games usually stick to only 20 chapters with a few bonuses rather than 60 with multiple to repeat for the true ending.
It's also just slow and has so much delay it's insane, I genuinely don't think this game is playable without the speedup of an emulator.
Map design is also awful and too big for the traversal options you have.
The game is honestly quite enjoyable for the first 20-30 chapters then all sense is just thrown out once you get to hell and every single map is a massive slog.

Done all that's to do story wise in the early access so I'll be coming back to talk about the newer stuff added in the future

It plays similar to the first one and already has more content, the game is insanely good already and an extreme improvement over the first I didn't think was possible.
Only issue is that I feel like weapon variety isn't that great and no one I know used the wand thing that shoots flame.

Before I start the review I'm going to make clear I played a mod that restored original portraits and got rid of the magic seal mechanic.

The final DS game I played
Story wise I see it as pointless, the first game with Soma wrapped up the story wonderfully so this just felt completely unnecessary from a story perspective, especially since it felt like just a rehash of the basic plot of Aria.

Gameplay wise it's similar to the rest of the DS trilogy with the slower movement and solid combat. I honestly don't know what else to say with this game that hasn't been said in the other DS reviews.

Won't be writing a full review until the games done fully but it's peak
Completed Layer 7

This is a game I've always wanted to try due to the sheer history and story that I've seen throughout the years. To me this is the start and a wonderful framework of what a player driven RPG should be.
The sheer amount of options you have to deal with the issues this games presents is amazing, it's something games even to this day really don't match.
I've gotten stuck on this game multiple times, once where I was genuinely lost and didn't know what to do and the other I was just severely underpowered and went to get an upgrade

An extremely amazing game that does justice to older SNES titles, (Chrono Trigger being the main one it takes inspiration from)
I have all achievements including one that requires me starting a new game
The story, art, characters and music were all amazing helping this game really become an Epic.
Combat is fun, responsive and only gets better and more engaging the more characters you get and the more abilities and options open up to you.
While the story can feel tropey at times, it's does help it with being a love letter to this type of game.
Only issues I have are that, the ending feels lackluster and leaves a major question and not in a good way, also Zale and Valare both feel very flat for a majority of the game, it's only really post Sea of Stars that I feel like they start becoming proper fleshed out characters.
I do think the game is amazing in every other aspect to forgive these things

Rash'en and Aephorul's dynamic was an absolute joy to see unfold although the game kind of drops off with it at the end as there's no real conclusion, you beat Aephorul then him and Rash'en just walk away, no payoff for all the suffering he's caused. The true ending is very sweet.

Seed of Light complete
This game is horrific and beautiful.
It's monstrous and at the same time so human, it's a mirror to the player.
I'm at a loss for words, I love this game
Face your fear, build your future

Started it immediately after Portrait of Ruin and finished it in a day
It’s fucking good
The cast is amazing, Soma is an amazing protagonist, while short, the characters do have an impact, although you do wish to see more of them.
The movement is amazing, especially after playing the much slower DS titles, having a good base movement speed and dash feels extremely satisfying.
It has the GBA issues though, a lot of running back and forth to get to a teleporter and a bit of annoying backtracking.
It’s an amazing title, really good, really fun, the monster mechanic was really cool to fuck about with.


While I could see the twist a mile away it was still well deserved and just felt right, the power and mimicking of the skills Dracula has had in so many of the games and taking down the chaos that caused it to be felt like a really fitting end

While I was less annoyed by this one, I didn’t feel the need to grind as much as I did, than I was with Order of Ecclesia this one just felt flat. I didn’t feel as attached to the characters or story presented.
The portrait worlds themselves were interesting, but I felt like each world wasn’t enough to make up for how much Dracula’s castle itself was lacking.
The antagonist pre Dracula really never felt like a present threat, Death felt more present than the antagonist of this game and the whole portrait gimmick never felt too personal to him.
The protags are kinda one and done.
It’s just a very passable game.
While order of Ecclesia pissed me off it at least gave me something to chew on
While I’m being quite negative I didn’t dislike my time with this, it felt nice, just not anything special at all

First time I played Killer7 I fell into a routine and just didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
On replay it fully clicked, I love this game. The criticism of american and just overall imperial cultures, the mystery surrounding the Killer7 and each character and relationship between Harmen and Kun Lan.

My only issue with the game this go around was that you can really feel the fact the writing was culled as a lot of the characters really don't get much in terms of character apart from Dan, Mask and of course Garcian.
This is a game that I know I will find more love in as I play it again and again

I went into this immediately after playing Harmony of Dissonance.
I didn't really like this one all too much tbh. The level based system felt extremely limiting and felt like you're just fucking about and waiting for Dracula's castle to show. With it not feeling like progression was tied to abilities like the other did.
I do like the characters, the villagers, Shanoa, Albus and Dracula himself are all really good.

The villager quests take too much grinding and a lot of the bosses feel like bullshit. Shanoa feels extremely slow, especially the back dash. It's just a game that annoyed me until I got to Dracula's castle

Great story delving into the people Xehanort and Eraqus were before the events of the series. The rest of the classroom and the cast being a delight to see
Fun gameplay tbh just an extreme amount of grinding is needed so its best to just buy a ton of revival items and have the game do it for you
Also just buy the best cards

It's chill
Artstyle is cool and I really like the demon Beelzebub design, hope we see more demon designs for the rest of the cast

Chill wee thing, it's cool, tight and well designed
Played it in the middle of playing OoE because it was kinda annoying me
Frankenstien is a fucking asshole without holy water no wonder why I couldnt beat that fucker as a kid