A game too ambitious for it's own good. A bunch of wonderful ideas that don't quite land, be it because the acting is far over the top to make up for uncertainty in their own face tech or just the vagueness of your character's dialogue choices

Assassin Creed 2's exhausting 3rd at bat at least takes place in a beautiful rendition of Istanbul and provides a satisfying send off for Ezio. You have to really want to play more AC2 though to make it through this one however.

I don't think Bastion lands all the themes in it's pocket but the narration and gameplay are great and enough to keep someone going through multiple playthroughs.

The only Persona game worth playing, outdone only by it's superior version, Portable

I don't think it's that fun to play compared to other titles and the overall conclusion is not satisfying. For every world creative and fun world, usually based on Pixar films, one exists where Disney held too tight for Square to do anything fun with. Taking photos is fun though.

The best Machine Games gets to delivering on it's mix of classic shooter gameplay and stealth immersive elements. The New Order's plot is simple but engaging and it's a genuine blast the whole way through.

The part where your planning and executing long heights through Icelan cough America? Top notch. The parts where it has a plot and becomes a bit too much of a driving / combat game? Less than top notch.

Square's first foray into voice acting is a little off but FFX has the best turn based combat system of the main line Final Fantasy games and a really compelling world and plot to boot.

A bunch of people below this are explaining why this is the best shooter ever made below me. You should just read those and know that I think they're correct.

It's the best Sonic game, except for maybe the last two levels. Go fast I guess

Some really cool ideas and world building shoved to the side for some truly bad-medicore game play segments and a plot that feels like it's missing two of it's five acts. It's dlc is worth checking out though.

Some routes make this the best Fire Emblem game ever made while some are... well not. On the other hand the new systems for customizing and progressing your units are undeniably the best in the series.

A creative Halo with a more somber tone. While I don't love every part of it does a great job of polishing parts of the series while experimenting with some new concepts.

Fromsoft firing on all cylinders. While it's a departure from some aspects Souls fans are use to it feel like the perfect embodiment of all the tools From has been using since King's Field

Oh no the ambition is back and besides Connor being likable and the naval combat being shockingly gripping this is perhaps the most difficult Assassin's Creed to recommend in the AC2 - AC Unity generation. Oh and the conclusion of the initial plot is just not very good.