The first Assassin's Creed to truly find it's footing. Rome is fun to explore, Ezio's tools are satisfying, and building your brotherhood is a fun side activity. It feels marginally less ambitious than previous titles however and the plot feels a little more boiler plate than before

While it's plot becomes just a mess in the last few hours KH2 has one of the best openings in an rpg. It follows up it's opening act with perhaps the best the series ever gets when it comes to combining Nomura's anime flair with Disney's franchises. Plus it just feels good to play

Assassin's Creed is a slow and tone filled game with really creative and inventive ideas with far too many collectibles force into it. It feels at odds with what it wants to be and what is expected of it as a video game. It's worth checking out at the very least for perhaps still being the most interesting in it's incredibly long running series

A fabulously creative stealth immersive sim with one of the most fun settings in video games. Possess rats, slow time, and teleport across the streets of a whale punk city while not having to hear to voice acting for Corvo in Dishonored 2

Look it's better than it's reputation but not much

A masterclass in action rpg design perhaps only held back by it's own reputation as impenetrable and unfair when it's really neither of these things

Dark Souls 3 is hard to review because much of it's charm is in treading nostalgia for older entries while not bringing much new feeling to the table. I don't know how striking the game would be to a new player but it is a fun send off to the series

While it's an improvement in some regards compared to the original game Assassin's Creed 2 still finds awkwardness in parts of it's world design, pacing, and overall structure. Still it's fun to climb around Italy and some of the story sequences are my favorite in the franchise

Plagued by bots and meta mechanics topped on meta mechanics TF2 was once one of the best casual multiplayer shooters in the genre and is still good for the occasional revisit because of it's dedicated community

While the longer vehicle sections have not aged well Half Life 2 is a great looking trip through an alien Earth with some of the best shooting in the business

While occasionally still striking it's sweet spot Overwatch has gone from being one of the most approachable and inventive team shooters to a fairly average hyper competitive grind. It's still fine but it's dropped a lot of it's more inventive and approachable game play aspects to cater for the esport crowd. Interested in some high end competitive shoot grinding? This is for you. Want an introduction to team shooters or are just looking for a casual game to play with friends? Probably look elsewhere

The combat overstays it's welcome and most encounters are nothing to write home about but the world and story of Nier: Automata is perhaps one of the most striking last decade. Oh and the music? Incredible

A fine Mario game with the usual charm but fairly dull worlds that fail to make use of the inventive powers and movement capabilities present

An interesting world and entertaining story trapped with a poorly paced combat system that appears far more deeper than it actually is. Far too much is traded from the traditional turn based system for the ability for units to flank other units. This combined with a poorly thought out progression system makes The Last Remnant and interesting but sluggish project

A frustrating sequel that's over emphasis on lore makes it feel completely out of touch with what made the first work tonally. Combined with a frustratingly limited combat flow, where you need to use the appropriate weapon, appropriate mod, appropriate spray of the flamethrower, appropriate time to throw a grenade, appropriate time to use a finisher, and appropriate time to use the chainsaw along with four different ways to modify all these mechanics Doom Eternal is a bloated sluggish game in comparison. However it's still Doom and it's still pretty fun to shoot in new Doom and the soundtrack still rips