It's a step down from DMC3 but still better than the first two games. It does annoy me in a lot of areas like the repetitive levels which are often recycled and contain a lot of poorly designed areas (even at points wasting your time taking you to areas from previous levels that shouldve been blocked off),the over-abundance of cutscenes in the beginning of the game, some of the special missions not making it clear that extra abilities are required to even make them tolerable and the story being a bit of a slog.

But it's a DMC game and the combat is where these games shine. Glad to say the core combat of the game is still just as great and while Dante has a more limited role in the campaign, the game more than make up for it with the vast amount of playable characters each feeling feeling unique from each other and really giving DMC4 a ton of variety in combat to carry through those levels that really drone on.

The core tennis gameplay is the best it's ever been here, it does get a little confusing to follow sometimes but that's just me not bothering to put more time into learning it.

This game suffers from a lack of content past the story mode and core base game, the nature of these kind of games just leads to them getting stale after a while.

The story mode has it's moments and it's cool having boss fights and a world map. Some of the challenges even asks a bit more of the player with some puzzles which was sometimes pretty cool, other times frustrating. As a Golden Sun fan this stuff just has me imagining how a current gen revival of that series would look
It does however have an abysmal difficulty curve with some of the opponents and challenges having downright broken AI.

X-Men 97 gave me the drive to play this (I know this is based on Pryde of the X-Men but still =P)

It's a dated but fun little beat em up with great sprite work and innovative presentation with its cutscenes and voice acting for the time. I do hate that thing with old arcade games where your special moves take your health away kind of taking away some of the magic of playing as the X-Men and using their iconic powers.

A really solid remake of a fun yet very basic platformer. The minimal exploration in this game is fun but it does tend to sometimes feel pointless and time wasting. It's pretty faithful to the original besides some presentation changes like poor Ms Pacman being replaced by that fraud Pac-Mom and the delightfully cheesy voice acting being replaced by Banjo-Kazooie-esque grunting.

I like the aesthetics, the general controls feel really good and when it clicks it really clicks. Unfortunately the later levels in this game really annoyed me requiring a lot of trial and error and super precise jumps to be well positioned for obstacles that weren't even on screen. I wouldn't have minded if the levels were much shorter, my breaking point was one of the taking up almost two hours of my time. At that point I had enough as the later two levels I didn't do looked more of the same. It's a solid game but I really wanted to like it more

My most liked review on this site is literally wanting a new Wario Land game so you'd expect how excited I'd be for something that takes close inspiration to it.

Pizza Tower not only feels like an amazing evolution of the Wario Land formula but a game that also perfectly crafts its own identity, all the toppings come together to make the perfect pizza, ugh I mean game.

The fast break neck gameplay mixed with the zany artstyle that bring so much fluidity and bizarre life to this world. The game has this clever approach to difficulty where the levels are fundamentally pretty easy but the encouragement to crank your rank up drives you more and more to keep replaying and master all the requirements to achieve it. It's complemented by each of the levels crafting it's own unique theme and keeping things fresh with original transformations and power ups that complement the breakneck gameplay perfectly. I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time across this journey with it's wacky antics and goofy characters.

I could gush about this game all day but borderline this is one of my favorite indie games ever.

They do pretty well differentiating the Noise's playstyle from Peppino with the emphasis of doing quick Mach runs and extra trick jumps with his skateboard keeping it fresh. Some of the power-ups also have neat little twists that make them play slightly differently. His moveset does get a little more chaotic to wrap around and it did lead to a lot more frustration for me when it didn't work as intended but all in all this update is a good excuse to play through this awesome game again.

Absolutely a peak action game, it's short campaign with the unlock system does hinder you really utilizing the full potential of the game's combat system so I'm glad I went back and replayed some levels once I unlocked more moves and it really clicked. Dante's moveset is given some fresh new additions that are welcome and the returning weapons are the necessary ones to really make this the right balance for the perfect stylish action game character. Nero also is much better than 4 with the variety of the robotic arms really allowing much more experimentation and the air juggle potential later on is insane and extremely fun. V is fun to use but his playstyle does sometimes get really repetitive and one-note but the game does use him sparingly enough to not make it a big bother.

I did have issues with how samey a lot of the levels looked as well as the level gimmicks not being that interesting and the story ending too soon after things got really interesting. It's still a must play game regardless and I'm glad I finally got through this entire series and had a blast.

Charming game but the weird ass controls while entertaining can get pretty frustrating and it's way too short. I liked those bonus shorts that put Octodad in some different scenarios but there's only two sadly. I was hoping the Steam Workshop levels would add some longevity but there's not many and I didn't like the ones I tried.

The extremely slow opening with endless cutscenes and slow walking segments did almost lose me but I strapped in for a game ripe with a really fun beat em up fighting sections and a really engaging crime drama with memorable characters. There's so much to do outside of the story and while every minigame didn't really grab me, it's insane how well polished they made them with the amount of variety on display. This game's presentation is crazy good with timeless visuals and riffing with such a stylistic.

I did feel the combat could get a bit clunky at times especially with some of the later segments plus the awkward delay when switching between styles ruining the flow of combat and the downtime in certain sections like with excessive cutscenes and barely interactive dialogue quests did bore me. However I really overall dug this game and am excited to get into the rest of this seriesm

A disappointing end to the trilogy that at times left me bored and has the most boring story for this series yet. The gameplay has barely evolved and the structure in regards to story pacing, exploration and levels feels a lot more poorly put together. The tombs feel a lot less satisfying to complete and the combat even on hard mode feels a lot less engaging especially with the skill tree not making me feel much of a need for it unlike the previous games. I just lost motivation for completing the extra challenges with how much of a waste of time it feels.

Despite my rant, i don't think It's a bad game at all and still stands fairly fine on its own. I still enjoy the stealth encounters and shootouts and there are some solid puzzles still here. Plus there is some really gorgeous set pieces that are fun to play through.


Excellent game and the best rogue-like I've ever tried with a greater incentive to keep retrying and improving as the game has a great sense of progression after every run. The combat is really fun and the boons offer so much variety with each run that I just had a lot of fun expirimenting with different weapon types and boon effects for different attacks to see what would be most effective. It did feel like some boons and weapons were way more powerful than others but as I got better I learnt how to take better advantage of the others. The presentation is simply fantastic with gorgeous environments, awesome character designs and such an immersive world they've built with so much character and an insane amount of dialogue that really makes you feel like you're really experiencing this in Zagreus's shoes making the story all the more resonant. After beating the main story there's still a lot of things to do with more side quests and social links that I'd be down to do if I didn't have other games to play lol.

I did sometimes struggle with the enemies overcluterring the screen/attacking from off-camera which did get annoying and at times playing through the same four areas did get tiring. However all in all Hades was an absolutely superb experience and a fantastic experience that I loved getting through.

While I'm playing the 2015 Avalanche game, I gave this a try out of curiosity. While the effects are well done and it controls well, it's kind of a confusing mess with a poor sense of direction and giving me limited ammo without indication, plus fuel ran out really quick. The resource management here is just way too brutal here before you even figure out what's going on

I absolutely adore this game but it's been so long since I last played it that I keep getting lost and wandering around to find where to go is just getting frustrating so I'm tempted to pick it back up in the future and play it from the start to get a more fulfilling playthrough out of it.

Will definitely give it a proper review when that time comes

A lot better than I was expecting and I was absolutely gobsmacked with the amount of content and things to do in this game. It does get pretty repetitive with its combat and mission structure and the story has this hamfisted and rushed romance at the end which made the pacing fall face first. it still manages to be a really fun game with a well realised world where they go even deeper with the reality that this desert wasteland was once a thriving Australia. Upgrading your magnum opus car to being this unstoppable beast by the end was a really satisfying journey and its thanks to this games addicting sense of progression when you clear side missions and optional objectives that really keeps you around longer than you expect