Pretty solid port, it does eat up the memory and lags a little bit with fatalities and some of the menus but really impressive technical feat

Gameplay is a lot more polished and refined than the first game but I did wish the story lived up to what was promised. Regardless I had a lot of fun

Improves a lot of things from Phantom Hourglass especially the core dungeon you return to every now and then although I did enjoy using the boat more than the train and the flute parts with the microphone were a pain

Backtracking and the map was a pain but the traversal was just as fun as ever and I loved the combat additions this game had

Really solid platformer, does have the awkward jumping and cheap deaths of the original but it's so much fun and the whip is so great to use here

I finally got around to playing this game after hearing it's praises for years and I got to say it's pretty good with some minor gripes. The world is interesting and beautiful, the characters are fun with a great voice cast and the combat and exploration is solid. Personally for me it did get tedious and repetitive at times and there are some cheesy boss fights that really annoyed me. Regardless anybody who love JRPGs must play this

Combat is a little more boring, Bionis shoulder was fun to explore, side quests felt more meaningful due to the shorter length and the story was fine but pretty by the numbers and predictable. It's solid but I probably won't play it again

Kicked my ass but still fantastic

Balance is a little wonky and Pokeball capture rate is broken but its a fine enough game. I didn't hate it


This is for the superior GBA version which is weirdly absent here but is a fantastic beat em up

THIS IS HOW YOU DO A REMAKE! Buttery smooth gameplay, fun world to explore and the last act is super memorable. Absolute banger

One of the best fan games I've ever played period and it's one of the best Metroid games out there, it's THAT good! This was made by someone who has so much love and respect for this franchise and it shows.

Easily the best series of games I've played on web browser period. The platforming is fun and the controls are super smooth with great use of momentum. Big recommend

it's TETRIS, what more needs to be said

Solid game but man did it have to be gacha =(