Really fun and interesting, just not a 10 because i expected choices to have more impact

Almost a perfect visual novel really

Loved it Loved it Loved it, such a surprise and a hidden gem from the Silent Hill series. Great plot with a fun exploration.
The only flaw is that its not very scary compared to the first 4 games and frustating chase sequences.

Apart from that it was perfect, a short almost perfect game.

Second Sam Barlow game ive played after a long time after playing Her Story and this just hyped me up alot to play more of his work

Really Really buggy on PC, way too bug.

but apart from that its not as bad as people say it is.

Somewhat decent plot that reminds me of Silent hill 1 but this time with a shitty ending

Its fun but sometimes frustanting, i think trying to make the combat more dynamic was a good idea but the execution was mediocre at best.

Good soundtrack and the visuals are pretty good.

level design is nowhere near as good as the original 4 games but i guess it does the job

It has a decent plot and some interesting puzzles, it for sure has its moments, i liked the chase sequences and when the game tried to be more linear and cinematic.

but the open world stuff is boring and confusing, alot of it thanks to the terrible combat this game had and the terrible weapon breaking system. Also whats the deal with 99% of the combat being with meele weapons since ammo is so scarse, guns are fun and you should allow players to use it.

in the end Downpour has its moments but thats it and its mostly boring, confusing and even frustating game.

it somewhats gets the atmosphere and sometimes you feel like you are playing a good silent hill

Its a great game until you get to the end and it becomes the most stupid game ever made.

what a waste of potential

This is everything bad about modern AAA open world games put into this single game.

terrible quests, lame level design, bloated, game tells you everything you have to do and leaves no space for actually exploring.

its crazy how they have built this beatiful world and somehow turned into a chore list, a very boring one

make a uncomplete game just to sell a bunch of dlcs for it to be complete after

it gives me quite a nostalgic feel to it similar to Life is Strange.

but its really lame and boring tho.

maybe there was a better way to tell the story who knows

its fun but gets repetitive


Dark Souls if it was unfair

It was scary at the type but i lowkey hate this type of horror games.

its pretty much just a rollercoaster ride where you have no agency

you see someone and run and hide, thats it. Its quite a boring gameplay loop.

the entire game relies on shock value for it to work.

The narrative is interesting tho

its really fun if you play with someone else

Great game but one of the few games that i would complain about it being way too hard.

its legit frustating at some points

i dropped the first time playing and just played it again years later and finished.

the end is awesome tho