One of the first Switch games I played and an amazing introduction to the console! Story could do with a lil improvement but honestly cannot wait for the sequel!!

Jeez I didn't think this series could get better but DAMNNN, I've loved this series for a long, long time and cannot wait to see what IOI/Square do next!

My GOTY 2021.

Best game in the series, love the cast so so much, but let down by some of the cases and especially the surviving students. Btw Nagito best boy, Chiaki best girl!

2nd fav game on the Switch, jeez this game is honestly amazing and I understand the hate and everything around it. Can't wait for the rumoured XBC3, PLEASE JUST BRING NIA BACK. Btw, Nia best girl, Jin best boy.

My favourite game EVER, everyone needs to give this a go one day, and it really convinced me to try other JRPGS! 100/10. Ryuji best boi, Futaba best girl!

JEEZ! This is my most played game ever! Biggest crossover ever is an understatement when you actually take into account all the 3rd parties here with DLC too! I main Aegis, MinMin and Cloud if anyone was wondering.

Great series, TaT is the best, characters are amazing and basically all the cases are amazing. However, some parts of the game and some of the pacing is off, but other than that it's perfect!

Not a bad Pokemon game but a bad game in general, yet, it was alright and I still have had fun playing it when I have played it! Wish I could give it higher but, yeah.

AMAZING GAME WITH AMAZING ROUTES!! Amazing battle strategy system, amazing characters, superb story.
However, I wish the game pushed the Switch harder and made everything look nicer!

SO much to do here, people with wide creative outlooks will go WILD with MARIO MAKER 2. However, Nintendo let this game down by not supporting it and not giving it more updates.

Wow, I wish I could say more about this, but Nintendo doesnt so, yeah the game exists and it works but I honestly wish it did more!

Edit after the Oct 2021 Direct: DAMN THAT WAS GOOD, new review coming soon after the update and DLC drops.

IT'S A ME, A SOUP MARIO ONLYFANS! Seriously tho, amazing game, hope we get another one anytime soon!

THAT'S DUNBAN OVER THERE (alvis is cool too i guess)

Great minigames, great boards, great time but there just isn't enough and gets boring so easily.