106 Reviews liked by JabroniAbuser677

RIP Nagoshi bozo you done produced your last great game

11 SHIELDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!!???

11 SHIELDS!?!?!??!?!?!?!?1111. Hogwarts has fallen.

Y'all thought it was sooooo funny when Wheatley and Glados kept incessantly spouting punchlines from your gun in Portal 2, yeah?

Well look at the consequences of your actions.

Backloggd reviewers somehow have better material than this

im gonna cringe in the club
ive got soy in my lungs
i dont need any cope
i cant seethe when im drunk

Ragnarok showed signs that they might have learned from their mistakes in 2018 though despite this ragnarok is a far worse off product and doubles down on a lot of the mistakes 2018 made while introducing new ones.

Ultimately ragnarok is a dreadfully slow badly paced handholding experience with bad camera controls characters that never shut up plot holes in an already unstable plotline with reddit tier humour and jokes that never land (any game with prozd in it is reddit sorry i don't write the rules) plot threads that clearly were meant for a whole trilogy are unceremoniously shafted freya's character arc especially good lord so much for raining down every agony possible lmao. 0.5/10
(PS nobody shuts the fuck up in this game don't play it if you don't like NPCS who constantly prod you about trivial puzzles)

Your reward for completing the game is being able to play as EVERY character in it! Including the bosses and minor enemies!

10/10 for that ALONE, who gives a fuck if it has flaws. It had BALLS.

Where to even start with this one good lord.
From the game being boring as sin to it glitching the fuck out at least for me my partner seemed to be fine for the most part to some asshole literally spitting fax over the radio in chapter 14 yelling FACT every 5 minutes or so in FACT I'll structure this just like that dip shit did.

FACT : This game somehow manages to look way worse than it's predecessor from 2 years ago the visuals in general are extremely boring except at the very end where it starts to get semi competent only for it to end.

FACT: If I wasn't playing this in CO-OP I would have never finished this shit. It really stress tests the "everything is fun with friends" to the limit.

FACT : The glitches holy shit they were everywhere from ha ha funny ones to me being banished to the final boss' asshole during the fight and having to reset to us getting fucking scammed at some point at a bench where we used all our resources only for the game to shit itself and disconnect saving the FACT that it took our resources but not what we bought with them THANK YOU EA.

speaking of thanking EA fuck their app you can't even invite people for some ungodly reason and even connecting to each other takes 10-15 minutes every time we start this trashfire.

FACT: I ran out of shit to say just wanted to say FACT one more time.

One final FACT : If you are playing this trash find a co-op partner it's way more tolerable that way or you know just don't fucking play it period.

I couldn't think that I would ever find something worse than Daemon summoner on PS2 (Chronicles of a vampire hunter for you PC people) but holy fuck did I find something infinitely worse in every category.

graphics look like absolute dog shit and no it's not because it's on PS1 at the time of this shit's release Resident Evil 3 , Tekken 3 , Legacy of Kain : soul reaver were already out but that's not a deal breaker I've looked at worse before so I can stomach that.

Now as for gameplay and controls holy fucking shit this is the lowest of the low you know that feeling when you press a button harder out of frustration wanting the action to happen or happen faster? that's all over this game it barely functions. and if that's enough it's also extremely difficult expect to clear every single section with a sliver of health after repeating the entire level each time you die. you name it this game got it : bullshit enemy configurations , cheap shots , insane damage or no damage at all , escort missions that happen back to back with no healing or any help whatsoever , insta kills , an infernal final boss that bugged out for me and refused to die even after I emptied it's life bar 3 times in a row it kept refiling and on the third time it decided to have infinite health as a final fuck you and much more shit that I'm too lazy to type out.

Level 5 in particular was the worst with tiny fucking gremlin things that charge you and do AOE damage that kills you in 2 seconds and the game spawns 50 of them in a small ass corridor that section alone took 40 minutes of retries because this whole game was developed by lobotomized French monkeys.

I would talk about the story but there's barely any of it you see a FMV of people dying at the start and then you get text with shit grammar telling you to find and kill "THE EVIL"tm. zero voice acting as well because who needs that shit to explain anything.

Thankfully the entire ordeal lasts an hour and 30 minutes but those last few levels will test your patience , resolve and the will to put the gun away from your mouth. Cryo interactive is the absolute worst publisher I've ever seen and thank god they are fucking dead. Fuck this game and fuck whoever made it.

Just found out today Rondo of Blood came out before Bloodlines..


In my failed attempt to play the Castlevania games in order, I played Bloodlines before that one (I also accidentally skipped Belmont's Revenge but I didn't like Adventure very much so I'm not too concerned, will play that and CV Chronicles next.. I should've looked at the wiki lol)

Otherwise, this is the best CV game I've played thus far in my go-through of the CV franchise, enough that I wanted to write about it.

Castlevania Bloodlines (known in Japan as Vampire Killer) is the Genesis's take on Castlevania. Unlike Super Castlevania 4, which is more focused on really tricky platforming and atmosphere, this game is more focused on action setpieces and really big levels. What I learned from this game is that I like this style way better for Classicvania.

This game is only 6 levels but all six are super memorable taking place in different locations over the world, and the bosses are top notch (The boss in stage 3 made me want to die as Eric, but he's pretty easy as John). Despite both John and Eric being pretty similar, I like the little distinctions in their playstyle. Though after playing a bit of both I prefer John, I think being able to jump and whip diagonally is a lot more useful then standing still, plus his whip ceiling ability is NUTS.

I also think of the franchise so far this as by far the best bosses, they all feel very balanced while challenging. The Dracula fight perfectly encapsulates this for me, it's still a challenging 3 phase battle, but when you learn how to approach it, it becomes a fight you can almost do damageless. His moves aren't very tricky to dodge when you know how to time or when to plan, in contrast to something like Castlevania 1 where your jumps to get over dracula's fireballs and hit him are nearly frame-perfect.

The level design is awesome and the setpieces are so interesting and memorable, my favorite being the Leaning Tower of Pisa level! This game definitely sticks out to me more than CV4 did even if 4 had more levels.

The lowerish difficulty imo, I'm one of the weird ones who thought Castlevania 4 was really hard due to it's constant insta-death and super tight platforming, and the nice bosses and character variety makes this one of the castlevanias I plan to revisit more often, along with Dracula's Curse on it's easier routes.

9 Spear Vaults/10

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it's kevin, not cabin. kevin-sama