awesome (robobot still better tho)

This game has no right to be as good as it is but it was pretty fun honestly. Stage 4 Scene 2 suuuuuuuuucks but other then that it was just a charming and nice platformer/runner style game. The music is really good as well, which is surprising since each song revolves around the words “Pepsi Man” being said over and over.

Absolutely phenomenal. Regardless of how many issues I could probably come up with if I really think about it, I simply do not care. The stellar cast of characters, the extremely fun gameplay loop that manages to be really challenging on hard mode, and both the many heartwarming and wrenching moments that take place throughout the story are enough to consider this on par with the other games in the series and as one of my favorite games ever made. What a fucking ride, dlc already gonna make this the best game ever made I can feel it.

You open your eyes. Chains cover every inch of your limbs. Movement is not an option. One thing is certain: you are not in the Airship anymore. You look up and see a figure walk towards you, but not much can be determined about it specifically. Eventually, you slowly make out a massive, red, dripping cock in the shadowy essence of a person. All of the sudden, a massive, gargantuan hand grabs your abdomen, immediately impairing any breathing and blood circulation that was happening in that area. As you slowly feel the dominating pressure crumbling your bones and squeegeeing your organs, you are able to see a face through your bloodied eyes. Red. Of course. He was sus from the start. However, it's much too late. As you fall victim to the impostor's cum jar collection you hear your very last sound, a grim reminder of your fate.


$10 is overpriced as fuck but the actual game is pretty fun honestly

it’s like eating one of the best meals of ur life but it also comes with some really shitty side dishes

literally everything I ever wanted ever. play it or you suck

You know the gameplay was fun enough to where this is probably my second favorite megaten game I’ve played now but lmao if you play megaten mainly for the narrative then I am so sorry.

unironically better than wii sports

there’s no way lost judgment can somehow be better

I think my standards were always gonna be too high since this game was the whole reason I wanted to play the series but sadly didn’t really enjoy this as much yakuza 2-5, 0, or judgment. Still good though, Ichi is a wonderful protag and the gameplay loop is fun enough for what it is. I think if LAD 8 irons out the pacing issues as well as a couple of other things then it has the potential to be the best in the series. Good base for the series going forward even if I’m not as big on it as I wanted to be.

Never thought I’d like Mario 3D World more than Galaxy 1 but damn playing this with friends for the first time really changed my opinion on it. This game as a whole was made for multiplayer, and while some of the levels of clearly weren’t designed for it, almost all of them we’re fun regardless. Bowser’s Fury is also a great addition as well and it makes me excited for the future of 3D Mario. I wouldn’t recommend it for just Bowser’s Fury alone, but I’d still recommend it just because 3D World is a great game worth playing, with Bowser’s Fury as a wonderful bonus. Definitely the best port Nintendo has made yet.