575 Reviews liked by JackOften



Minit is one of the most average games I’ve ever played but with a phenomenal gimmick. I love the idea of you have one minute to figure out what you need to do and then speed to get it done. However the game only lasts about an hour and once you know what to do it really kills the replay-ability imo. The puzzles were good enough. Nothing to ridiculous but not so easy that you can walk through the game without thinking. The minimal visuals and simplistic gameplay were a nice change of pace. Overall a solid good game, again, mostly because of its awesome gimmick. If you want something quick and easy to play I would definitely recommend it.

Hell Divers 2 blew up for reason. The game is action packed, hilarious, immensely fun, 3rd person shooter, PvE, and a game you absolutely owe it to yourself to play with some friends. As someone who finds the shooter genre just very ok I can not recommend this game enough.

It has been since Overwatch (before it sucked) originally came out that me and my friends had a game that we regularly get on every other night and just have a great time together with. For two months me, @Chordata3 and @TSampys25 have regularly got on and just joked, laughed, and had a great time killing robots, bugs, and spreading democracy.

The gameplay loop is great. There are many different missions, across 9 different difficulties, against (at the time of this review) two seperate factions. The first race you are at war with is the alien bug like creatures known as the Termanids. The bugs are aggressive and can overwhelm you with their numbers quickly. The second race is the robot cyborg Automatons. This race while less likely to swarm you and less chaotice are more tactical which makes them in my opinion a scarier threat. With an aresonal of tanks, rocket launchers, grenades, and a whole lot of guns your going to want to seek shelter and be more stealthy in you approach against them. Going from one race to the other almost feels like a separate game. Luckily the game gives you many different weapons you can unlock as some weapons are great against the Termanids but awful against the Automatons and vica versa.

This game can be played alone but I highly recommend playing with friends. Once you get to a high enough level to unlock all the weapons playing on the highest difficulty with some buddies is one of the most fun and rewarding times you can have playing video games.

I will always be thankful @TSampys25 on a whim asked if me and @chordata3 wanted to buy and play Hell Divers 2 together. We had no idea what it even was at the time and its been some of my favorite gaming memories I have with them now.

Now back to spreading liberty, freedom, and democracy.

This is my personal favorite Pokemon game of the ones I've played so far. Is it the best Pokemon game out there? No. Do I have blind raging nostalgia for the original Pokemon games? Yes. I still remember feeling excited to play a remastered version of the first Pokemon game I had ever played back when I was 7 years old. I loved the fact that it wasn't just a graphical upgrade but also received bonus content in the islands as well as an updated Pokedex to catch it up to the franchise to that point. Going through it is like coming back home and I can't stop smiling. Even today I will play this from time to time to try different Nuzlocke challanges.

I still have to play a few generations, which I plan on doing this year, before I can say I've caught them all and beat every game. But I firmly believe for most people your favorite game and favorite Pokemon come from your first experience with the franchise. Im not saying I'm hard headed and wont keep an open mind because I always do especially with this medium. What I am saying is I am fully aware of my biased blinding nostalgia that I will always have for this game.

Donkey Kong Country 2 took everything that made its predacessor great and cranked it up to 11. I seriously mean everything. The visuals, the music, the gameplay, the levels, the story are all major upgrades from an already fantastic platformer.

While the story isn't great it is much better than the original. The original is legitamately Kaptain King K. Rool stole all of Donkey Kong's hoard of bananas. In DKC2 the stakes are raised from bananas to Donkey Kong’s life as he is kidnapped by King K. Rool. It's now up to Diddy Kong and newly introduced Dixie Kong to save the day. Dixie and Diddy are far and away my favorite two characters in the franchise so it was so much fun to have the entire game revolve around them. The gameplay is smooth and feels great even today. To be fair the original DKC also had smooth gameplay but I always found myself using the limber and quick Diddy over the lumbering DK. In DKC2 Diddy controls identically to the original DKC but now instead of a slower based powerful DK you get a second quick character in Dixie Kong. Plus Dixie comes with my favorite movement in the entire series with her hair spin which functions similarly to Peach's float mechanic in the Mario series. You will absolutely need that hairspin as this game is very difficult, especially the bonus stages. Every world out side of the first is sprinkled with a few very difficult levels which I appreciate.

The levels in DKC 2 put other platformers of this generation to shame. From a pirate ship, to a volcano, to a swamp, to a run down amusement park, to a giant castle this game takes you to many different locations that all feel fleshed out and keep the levels intersting and fresh. Not to mention they are gorgeous graphically. In my opinion it is some of the best graphics of the entire SNES library. The pirate, amusement park, and the bee hive levels absolutely pop with vibrant and beautiful color schemes. The swamp, castle, and volacono have a completely different tone with a much darker palette but equal in beauty just in a much different way. The animations on the enemies and the Kongs were top notch for the time. My favorite animation, which is also one of my favorites of all time, is when you complete a level and Diddy Kong breaks outs a boom box and starts rapping while Dixie pulls out a guitar and start slaying. It’s also very fitting that they celebrate their victory with music as this game with out a doubt has a top tier sound track of all time. As many great qualities that DKC boasts the star of the game is the abusrdly beautiful OST.

DKC2 is rightfully thought of as one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time and this is absolutely a game you should play.

My favorite 100 games of all time:

I was so excited for Octopath Traveler when it came out. JRPGs are my favorite genre of games. I absolutely fell in love with the art style and thought the premise of 8 different stories was a cool concept. Unfortunately Octopath Traveler under delivered in every aspect for me outside of art. That is why I waited so long to really give Octopath Traveler 2 a try even though I bought it the week it came out. I’m very happy to report that Octopath Travler 2 succeeds in every aspect that failed in the original.

Let’s start with the story and characters. In the original I only like 3 of the 8 cast the other 5 I didn’t even care about. They felt soulless and I didn’t care about anything going on with them. In Octopath 2 I struggled on who to keep in my party as I loved all 8 characters very much. Each one had motives, struggles, and real emotions that made me care about them. But what really made this game so much better was the story. In the original the stories were so disconnected with chapter after chapter being a boring slog fest. Characters didn’t have any relevance at all unless the chapter was about them. No inner party connections and at times you wondered if they even knew each other were there together. It felt like there was no purpose, no over arching story. Now I’m not going to lie to you and say this is a great story and that the party was as connected as some of the greats in the genre. But I will say it was a Grand Canyon size difference from the original. The story’s were entertaining with no throw away chapters. As the stories unfolded you could see there was something connecting these stories that was drawing closer to being realized. The party grows together, have real conversations, and care about each other. These small things made a world of difference in the quality of the games.

The battle system is very similar to the original but with minor changes that make all the difference. For one the battles felt faster and more snappy. My second biggest problem with the original outside of story is it blatantly didn’t respect the players time. If you wanted to beat the original plan on running in circles for hours to grind out EXP from random encounters. With Octopath 2 you can change at will whether you are playing at day or night. When it is night you fight tougher enemies leading to more EXP thus killing the need for grinding as well as making you use more strategy than just hit X to kill the enemy but gain no EXP. My final major upgrade is the boss fights. In the original literally EVERY SINGLE BOSS FIGHT was a DPS race with each side one a timer. It wasn’t fun or satisfying. Octopath 2 is much more strategy based finding weak points and exploiting them to gain an advantage. Again simple things can make worlds of difference.

The art style is one thing that didn’t change and thank God for that. The game is a beautiful masterpiece with wonderful set pieces and great character designs. I love thier take on 2.5D and wish many more games made use of it. The music is equally sublime and many tracks stand out as greats in the medium.

All in all if you were turned off from Octopath 2 because of the extremely average Octopath Traveler please don’t be. Give this game a chance if you are a JRPG fan, it is worthy of your time.

My 2024 ranked. (It’s been a supberbyear in gaming for me so far)



20XX is a Mega Man X love letter set to the tone of a rogue-lite. As a huge fan of the Mega Man X series (particularly X1-X4) I was super excited to try this game out. As you can see by the star rating it was much more of a mixed bag than I was hoping to find. Before I get to the negatives I would like to give it its flowers.

As I said 20XX is a lover letter to Mega Man X and if there is one thing that they nailed it is the buttery smooth gameplay that feels just like the SNES trilogy. The first time you play the game it truly feels like you're playing an old school X game and it feels great. They give you two characters to play with which for all intents and purposes are just X and Zero with both being equally fun to play as. Unlike in most Mega Man games you can't just pick the best route by matching weaknesses of bosses to decide who to fight next. Meaning most of the time you won't have the optimal weapon to take down the boss of the level. (The theory of this is awesome the practice however will be talked about in the next paragraph.) This game also follows in Mega Mans footsteps with an amazing sound track that the series was well known for. While these positive are really strong positives it wasn't enough to make up for the negatives.

The first thing I will bring up is the second half of the bosses weaknesses I mentioned earlier. As I said, in theory it is awesome as it theoretically should make you have to work hard against bosses you don't have the best weapons to inflict additional damage upon. However, in practice, the bosses in this game are so laughably easy that there is legitimately no reason to even waste your time figuring out which bosses are weak to what. Just using the basic shots you will probably never find yourself in trouble against any boss. Speaking of easy, before I had any permanent upgrades or upgrades you can earn to show up during you run, I made it to the final level easily going through the 8 regular levels. Now that I have the upgrades it's actually hard to die before the final level. Unfortunately, once you reach the final level they flip that on its head. The enemies are not the problem but instead it throws 500 bullshit poorly placed traps at you that you have to have great timing on or you will get hit. Then the game doubles down on the bullshit as the traps are set in the sky while making jumps. You have a few frames of invincibility once you are hit so if you get hit and then fall into a pit it only counts as one damage. However, in the final level they place the traps just high enough so that your frames end right before you hit the pit causing double the damage for no reason. I don't mind a challenge but its infuriating to go through 30 minutes of easy levels only to get a randomized set of traps bull shit you to death. I say random because it is a rogue lite so the stages do change. However, for the first 8 stages they change so slightly that you almost never really notice any difference. This makes the game go from a joy for the first two hours to a slog every time after that.

20XX had so much potential but I feel like they bit off more than they could chew, leaving you with a game that feels underwhelming and begs you to only play it for a few hours. I've heard 30XX is better so maybe I will give it a try but as for 20XX I can't say I recommend this.

How can I explain a game that I got the platinum trophy for and found every item, egg, candle, and everything it asks you to get yet still have no idea what’s going on story wise and barely scratched the surface as far as finding all the secrets? A game where I feel like I know so much about yet somehow know very little. It is hard to explain but I also think most people that have completed it will understand.

Animal Well is a uniquely wonderful experience that was made for serious gamers as it doesn’t tell you anything and refused to hold your hand or coddle you. If you’re new to Metroidvanias this is not where to start but if you are experienced in the genre I can’t recommend this game enough.

The number one thing that in my opinion this game does better than anything is it’s very unique clever puzzles. Very few games have made me think to myself “damn that was a clever design” but I felt I was thinking that in every few rooms in Animal Well. The puzzles and traversal forces you use not only your brain but every item at your disposal. Some puzzles make you use multiple in quick succession at the proper timing. Some have many solutions. Some will have you so stumped you start believing you don’t have the correct item yet. But every single one is designed wonderfully. The mystery in this game is unbelievable. Every single small detail seems to have a rhyme and reason to it. Nothing is wasted. Yet still the game remains a mystery even as the credits roll. The maker of the game has said it may take years before everything in this game is figured out and while that sounds crazy I believe it. Another thing that stood out to me was the art. I understand it is devolved graphics but that doesn’t mean anything to me. It just feels right for some reason. It fits with the mystery and I honestly feel like better graphics could possibly take away some of the things that make this game great.

The only real negative I have is a few of the items are absurdly difficult to find. But at the same time it adds to the mystery so can I really count that as a negative.

There are many games better than Animal Well. There are even many Metroidvanias that are better than Animal Well. For me this a rare case of a game though. It isn’t so much about how good of a game it is. It isn’t about the gameplay, or the art, or the music, and it surely isn’t about the story, as again, seriously wtf is going on. What Animal Well should be judged by to me is less the game and much more an experience. I know a lot of my feelings on this may sound like a mix of cliches and confusions. I hope I’ve made some sense. But it really is a game that’s a lot easier experienced than explained. One thing that I am certain of is you owe it to yourself to experience Animal Well.

For years I avoided playing this game because it looked so stupid and silly that I thought there was no way I could have fun. I have no idea why I decided why to go ahead and pull the trigger and start playing it. Turns out it is stupid but it was also very funny and a nice game to be able to turn off your brain and just play. Its weird to say about a game where your a shark that can fly 50 feet out of the water and your sole purpose is to eat everything in sight can be relaxing but it truly was for me.

The best part of this game by far is the narration, voiced by Chris Parnell. Maneater understands its game is off the rails and uses this opportunity to give Parnell some incredibly off the wall and funny lines. The gameplay at first is very fun but it does quickly become a game of hitting the same few buttons to eat anything whether it be a fish, seal, human, great white shark, a boat, or a sperm whale. To be honest though that was part of what I enjoyed about it in a way. I just sat back, turned off my brain, got collectables, attacked humans, and listened to Parnell say funny things. Its not a great game by any means but if you've just played some challenging games or a few long RPG's I think this game is a good option to kind of reset you mentally to get ready for your next challenge or long adventure.

Also fuck Scaly Pete.

2024 games played ranked.

Mega Man 9 seemingly came out of nowhere as an excellent addition to the Mega Man series that felt like it would start the ball rolling to not only appease fans of the old games, but also bring in new younger fans. Mega Man 10, in my opinion, put a quick and sturdy stop to the proverbial ball. 

Mega Man 10 is the only game in the series that brings nothing new to the series. Mega Man 1 obviously started it all. Mega Man 2 added more bosses, a password/save system, and E Tanks. Mega Man 3 added Proto Man and Rush as well as sliding, Mega Man 4 added item purchasing, the charge shot, and, for a minute. a new "main villain." Mega Man 5 is by far the closest to Mega Man 10 with really only adding beat, which is a nuke bird so still pretty cool. Mega Man 6 added new rush adapters and energy balancer. Mega Man 7 added bolts to collect to use as money for a shop you can go to between levels, changed the bosses from 8 to two sets of four, ushered in the 16 bit era, and most importantly introdeced Bass and Treble. While I'm not a fan of eight they tried many new things with cutscenes, voice acting,  much improved graphics, and improved sounds. Mega Man 9 is a super polished NES style that introduced playing as Proto Man and time trials. Mega Man 11 came with new graphics and the double gears system.

Mega Man 10 not only added nothing new at all but it followed the polished Mega Man 9 and instead of continuing in its footsteps he ditches the amazing level design and instead sacrifices all level design for set pieces. The doubled down on the bad level design with terribly placed traps and enemies that jump out of holes that will stop you in your tracks so that you fall into a insta kill hole. Let me give you an example of both of these things. The worst level in the history of Mega Man is, in my opinion, Commando Man’s stage. There are several rooms with instakill spikes, insta kill pits, where in most of them are enemies that shoot up out of no where while a sand storm will randomly pops up and blows you forward or backward. Doesn’t sound to bad. Here comes the set piece over level design. When the sandstorm comes you can’t see anything. On top of all this the if you run against the wind you won’t stay in the same spot so you can’t just run in place to fight out the sandstorm. You basically have to guess if you’re in the right spot and if you’re not you will find out immediately because you’ll be dead. It’s maybe the worst level design I’ve ever seen in a competent level game. The game is littered with this nonsense but this level is the most egregious by far.

As big of a fan as I am of the Blue Bomber and as sad as I am to report this I just can’t recommend this game.

My Mega Man Rankings:


My 2024 games ranked:


Blasphemous is an absolute anomaly for me. I love me some Metroidvanias but I always want either the movement options or combat to be high level for me to really enjoy it. Blasphemy’s movement is as basic as it gets and the combat is virtually one combo, hit, parry, hit, repeat. But for some reason even though this game does neither of those things this game just hits. While the combat isn’t impressive I appreciate the difficulty in boss battles, i appreciate the fact that for many bosses you will probably fail once or twice but you learn just enough to quickly pick up the right ideas to come back and go toe to toe with them. The boss fights are my favorite part of this game as they all feel quite a bit different and visually are very unique and well designed. While the combat and movement don’t always hit the third huge part of Metroidvanias, exploration, was very good. The map isn’t huge but it’s end up being bigger than you’d think and it’s full of secrets.

The art in this game is extremely good. The gothic culty religious themes they went for hit. Main characters and bosses are very unique and carefully designed. Each area is eerie yet beautiful. It has an overall pretty good sound track with a few top notch songs. Superb voice acting by the entire cast.

The best way I’ve heard a description of this game is through the awesome FallenGrace “A little Castlevania, a little Dark Souls.” If you are a fan of either of those series or Metroidvanias in general I would say this is a definite recommendation from me that you should play.

My 2024 ranked:


My Metroidvanias ranked:


I had not heard of Valiant Hearts until less than a week ago. As I fumbled through the PS Plus section of games I saw that it was available to play through it so I thought I just heard about this I guess it’s fate to play this.

Valiant Hearts is a heavy narrative game where you explore areas solving puzzles as you navigate a few wonderful characters through World War I. The puzzles start off very fun but they do start somewhat repeating by late game. Luckily this isn’t that bad as the game only lasts around 5ish hours or so. The gameplay is fun enough but definitely nothing special.

What is absolutely special about this game is the story and the characters. It’s a good dive into war and the effects it can have on people. How most people are just caught up in hell because of choices beyond their control and doing their best to navigate the cards they’ve been handed. I quickly fell in love with Emile, Karl, Marie, Victor, Freddie, Anne, and one of the greatest doggos in gaming Walt. The love and selflessness throughout the game between them is heartwarming. There are so many emotions that I went through from genuine joy to feeling heartbreak. I have only teared up a few times playing games but there is one part in the game, if you have played the game you know the part I’m talking about, that really really got to me. It was easily a top 3 most emotional moment in any game I’ve ever played. This story and its characters are the reason you need to play this.

It is easily one of the most underrated games that more people need to know is out there waiting for them. This an easy recommendation for literally anyone no matter what kind of games you are into.

It barely made my top 100 for the time being:


My 2024 ranked:


What happened to the series I love. Seriously Mega Man X through X4 are excellent games with 5 being a very good game. Then X6 was a slap in the face money grab after the series was suppose to be finished with X5. Then X7 was one of the most abhorrently made games of all time. While X8 was a major step forward from X7 it still is a far cry from what this series was. It legitimately makes me sad that one of my favorite series ever died and in such an awful fashion to boot.

I digress. Mega Man X8 is not an awful game by any means but it definitely isn’t a quality game either. Instead of going back to the basics that made the series great they decided to give every level a gimmick. Some are ok and some are outright bad. The worst level by far was Giga Bolt Man O War’s stage. You are on the slowest floating type thing in the world with controls that make you think it’s part of X7 with no explanation on controls and it is at best bad and at worst infuriating.

I’m going to cut this review shorter than most and just say the story is ok, the music is ok, the art is ok, the gameplay is ok the game is just ok at best.

If you ever want to play this series, and you really should, just play through X-X5 like Keiji Inafune intended and not what he was against which is what Capcom ended up giving us for some extra cash.

Mega Man X Series Ranked:


My 2024 ranked:


Uma sequência necessária e muito eficiente pra manter a franquia viva

Muita gente começa a jogar Resident evil até hoje, pelo segundo da franquia, eu mesmo fui uma dessas pessoas. RE2 foi praticamente um dos primeiros jogos que eu tive contato através da emulação la na época do Project64, lembra dele? Pois é.

Mas eu fui zerar mesmo RE2 bem mais la pra frente quando eu tinha uns 12 ou 13 anos e decidi terminar a versão de Gamecube dele, eu lembro que joguei tudo lendo detonado exageradamente e isso acabava estragando a minha experiência com o jogo, mas mesmo assim eu havia gostado bastante dele porém se tornou algo esquecível pra mim devido a eu ter lido mais do que jogado de fato.

Mas tamo em 2024, e surpreendentemente todos nos entramos em uma onda de jogos Retro uma hora ou outra, a minha hora chegou agora. E como estou experimentando a franquia Resident Evil, foi um prazer voltar a Raccon City mais uma vez.

No começo do jogo a gente se depara com um clima de terror muito mais apocalíptico e mais assustador do que o anterior, invés de sermos jogado em uma mansão cheia de zumbis e montros, aqui a gente é jogado a uma cidade logo de início, que esta cheia de pessoas infectadas, carros destruídos e fogo pra todos os lados.

Mas óbvio, a gente passa a maior parte do tempo dentro de áreas fechadas tal qual o primeiro jogo, porém estranhamente as áreas fechadas desse aqui trazem um sentimento de abertura, é como se elas fossem algo mais amplo e menos achatadinha como a do primeiro. O que obviamente é feito da evolução e aprendizado.

E o jeito que os mapas aqui são estruturados, é parecido com o primeiro e segue a mesma fórmula que a maioria dos jogos lineares (da época, e de hoje em dia também). Você passa por cenário A, B, C e D, a sensação de progressão é presente aqui e seu backtracking não faz você voltar ao mesmo lugar o tempo todo, na verdade você apenas sente que ta progredindo seguindo em frente e isso é muito bom porque não da aquela gastura sabe, aquele sentimento chato de voltar no mesmo canto e não ta andando nunca pra frente.

Os enigmas aqui eu sinceramente achei um tanto mais simples, e isso acaba andando junto também com o cenário que nesse aqui ta muito mais intuítivo e facil de se localizar, graças ao mapa que agora conta com cores pra saber onde usar tal chave sem precisar ficar gravando tudo na cabeça como no anterior. Não se engane, artefatos não mostra onde ser usado então você ainda vai ter que coçar a cuca as vezes.

Acho que a única coisa que eu posso dizer ser meio chatinha do RE2 é o seu tamanho, o jogo conta com 2 CD. 1 CD do Leon, e 1 CD da Claire, porém ao terminar a campanha com o Leon, você habilita o lado B da Claire, que te da acesso ao final verdadeiro do jogo, que no caso explica o que a Claire passou durante o tempo que você jogava com o Leon, tem falhas na conexão? Sim tem falhas, mas são coisas da época que passam despercebidos até.

Bom é isso, vale a pena jogar a versão de PS1? Cara, sinceramente? Não acho.

A versão de PS1 é sim boa e é totalmente jogável e desfrutável hoje em dia, porém temos a versão de Gamecube que da pra colocar o Seamless HD Project, que injeta texturas HD no jogo que deixam ele uma maravilha de lindo e da pra aproveitar bem melhor a versão original do jogo. E não vai pensando que é um projeto de textura mal feito como muitos daí ta, se tu der uma olhada ele realmente é muito lindo e muito bem feito, remasteriza o jogo total mesmo e olha que eu sou muito nariz em pé com esses projetos, mas esse me encantou demais.

O amigo que todo mundo ama, mas quase nunca aparece

Code Veronica na franquia Resident Evil é igual aquele seu amigo que você vê a cada 10 anos na vida mas sempre que ver ele você gosta muito, gasta seu tempo conversando com ele por horas e sempre aprende algo novo, pra no fim.. ele sumir de novo.

Acontece é que recentemente Code Veronica parece que voltou aos holofotes com a notícia de que estão fazendo um Remake do jogo mais queridinho da franquia, e eu até ia falar que ele é esquecido pela capcom.. mas com essa notícia rondando por aí pelo visto a Capcom ta lembrando dele muito bem.

É claro que junto disto, cresceu o hype que faltava em meu coração pra eu dar uma chance ao Code Veronica, eu sei eu sei a gente não pode se deixar levar pelo hype mas po não dá Resident Evil é Resident Evil não é qualquer jogo e olha que eu nem sou muito fã.

Mas enfim, antes de começar a jogar ele primeiramente eu tive de me decidir por qual versão jogar já que esse jogo tem varias edições diferentes e em uma breve pesquisada no google descobri que a versão que os fãs mais indicam é a de Dreamcast, portanto, comecei a joga-lo nela.

De início estranhei os controles demorei um pouco pra me acostumar mas depois foi tranquilo fazia muito tempo que eu não jogava um jogo de estilo tank então isso também ajudou eu ficar perdido nos botões, então já deixando uma coisa aqui, se for começar pela versão de Dreamcast saiba que os controles não são nada intuítivo.

Os gráficos me surpreenderam bastante e me lembraram MUITO do remake do Metal Gear Solid la do gamecube. E isso é uma doidera porque o Code Veronica é um jogo do ano 2000 com gráficos que podem ser comparado a jogos de 4 anos depois, sua iluminação é uma parada perfeita apesar de atrapalhar em algumas vezes.

Mas uma coisa que eu tenho de elogiar muito aqui nesse Resident Evil é o quanto ele é intuítivo e basta poucos minutos pensando pra você não ficar perdido nas fases. Foram poucas as vezes que eu tive de abrir o google e pesquisar pra onde ir já que os cenários sempre ficam ativos na sua mente enquanto você ta jogando, o que complicou mesmo foram os enigmas, eles sim são um bagulho complicado de resolver e eu tive de dar umas pesquisada marota pra entender (eu também sou burro e péssimo em puzzle então isso ajuda), mas fora isso eu só tenho que dar parabéns as pessoas que trabalham no level design desse jogo aqui.

Ja falei de gráfico, jogabilidade e até level design mas e sobre sua trama? Bom.. tenho de dizer que ela é muito bem explicada e bem construída você chega até mesmo a se apegar com os poucos personagens apresentados na história. Claro né que ele tem um clichê de Resident Evil que quem já é introduzido na franquia e já joga por um bom tempo sabe como funciona, mas isso não tira os pontos positivos dela, muito pelo contrário, o clichê aqui é bem aplicado e mantém o ritmo da história.

Porém um ponto aqui que eu gostaria de abordar é sobre as ligações que a história dele faz aos Resident Evil anteriores, a franquia é conhecida por ser boa de jogar mesmo não sabendo e não tendo jogado os anteriores, só que com Code Veronica eu não sei se isso se aplica muito bem. Muitas das vezes o jogo faz uma relação e solta uma referência ali a algo que aconteceu nos jogos passados principalmente do Resident Evil 1 e 2, então eu não sei se seria o melhor Resident pra começar a jogar ele me parece um jogo muito mais pra quem já é por dentro das coisas ali da história e tal. Da pra tu se divertir sem saber nada dela, porém você vai ficar perdido em algumas situações importantes então fica ai o aviso.

Bom mas enfim, eu não sou fã da franquia apesar de eu ter jogado até uma quantia razoável de jogos dela, mas eu gosto MUITO de Resident e Code Veronica pra mim entra na minha lista de melhores jogos que eu já joguei na vida, a versão de Dreamcast hoje em dia pra emular tem uns problemas, você provavelmente não vai ter a experiência 100% você vai presenciar alguns bugs de textura aqui e ali, e se você não ficar ligado com o uso de save states você pode acabar perdendo o save, então se for jogar essa versão hoje em dia fica esperto com isso!

Mal espero pra rejogar esse jogo de novo daqui uns tempos.

I love this game so much. Luigi's mansion had me hooked from the start, I absolutely love the satisfying gameplay and clever use of mechanics. This game was charming all the way through. While part of me was expecting more traditionally hotel themed floors, every floor was more clever than the last, and all my floor predictions came true but not in the way I was expecting if that makes sense. For example, I was thinking "there definitely has to be a swimming pool floor" and yes there was, accompanied by a whole fitness center to go along with it. While there were a lot of bosses, none of them were boring or bullshitty (gimmicky). They were all fun in their own ways and extremely satisfying to beat. I must say though, I enjoyed Hellen Gravely's fight more than King Boo's, it was challenging and definitely took a few times but it really made you utilize every mechanic in the game. The only complaint I have is Polterkitty was just extremely annoying (though I think that's the point) and gimmicky to fight, the window for stunning him was extremely short and didn't always work? But that's seriously the only complaint I have about this game. It was a super fun experience overall, I can definitely see myself going back to it as a comfort game.