I really want to like this game but after 40 hours I still just don’t understand how to play

Really fun game sad to see it dead

Great game I never got finished it because I didn’t enjoy the gameplay but that’s more a me thing but the graphics and story were great

Absolute masterpiece of a game. I find it hard to do anything in story games after the story is over but this game has me hooked. The story was incredible and all the characters were super fleshed out. The gameplay was fantastic and super fun. Even after the story was over it’s still a lot of fun going around and doing random stuff. I never got to 100% the game but I tried. Even though this is defiantly not my most player game it is my favorite game and I can’t wait for RDR3 if there ever is one

Pretty fun I’ve never been a fan of Mario but this game was fun anyway

Love this game I would consider this in my top 5 games and my second favorite story game only behind rdr2 I would highly recommend.

Too hard for me so I never could complete it but the gameplay was really fun

I suck but it’s fun messing with my friends

Used to be so fun to play with friends and have fun on but they ruined by added way too much stuff. The sweats are also really annoying. I miss when this game was actually good I have so many memories of having fun with friends on it

Pretty fun but I never finished it and I for. Remember why

It was pretty fun in the beginning but it sucks now

Loves all that I played but my pee wee brain is horrible and can’t figure out all the puzzles without a YouTube tutorial