One of the most addictive games I’ve played in a long time. Incredibly easy to pick up but painfully difficult to master when you get to some of the harder stakes and challenges.

Does suffer a little bit from “runs going great but this one thing happened and now it’s dead” which can sometimes feel unfair but overall doesn’t change that fact that the game is a really fun time!

I don’t know who’s else is playing Wii Play in 2024 but a friend and I spent an afternoon playing it and it was fun!

Simple for sure and a couple of the games are kinda whatever but the ones that hit are pretty good. Find Mii is my personal favourite of the bunch.

While you don’t need to go hunt down a copy by any means. If you happen to own it already maybe pop it in for an hour or so of fun with a friend or loved one.

I’m gonna echo what a lot of people have said about this game but dang what a cool concept that just isn’t quite there execution wise.

Being able to evolve your character and alter your stats based on what you pick is super cool! I didn’t even mind the fact your character resets a few times over the course of the game. The fact there’s even some secret things you can evolve makes the game feel so much bigger.

But man actually playing it is just such a slog. Good thing the game isn’t super long. It really boils down to find an area with easy enough enemies to kill, grind up EVO points, get stronger, fight next bigger thing. Also for me even when I became super strong there were a few bosses that felt near impossible to beat (Thank you save states).

It’s really too bad cause the game has really nice sprite work and even a pretty interesting story overall. Perhaps there’s a romhack version that fixes these problems but honestly I’d love to just see a spiritual successor cause there is a great game hidden in this one.

A pretty challenging 3D platformer but in a good way!

Controls take some getting used to but once you do it’s fun figuring out how to get to certain areas using your single wall jump and dash abilities.

I like how weird the dream world you explore is and the dislike for a few chuckles out of me at times!

A little on the short side but I hope that just means we get a bigger sequel down the road cause I’d for sure play it.

What a solid little game. Banjo-Kazooie is one of my favourite games, it might even be my favourite N64 game!

While I’ve played the original a whole bunch, I never had the chance to play the GBA game until now and let me say it was a very pleasant surprise.

It’s basically the 3D collect-o-thon platformer that I love shrunken down onto a handheld. Sure there’s a few issues like having trouble telling just how high something is when jumping to it and there’s a few Jiggies that are a pain but the problems are few and far between.

One thing I loved that the game did different from the others is its transformations. Basically in the old games each world had only one but here you can use any transformation in any world which made them feel way more important. I just wish they would have used them even more than they did.

In fact I just wish there was more game to play, with only 5 worlds along with the hub world there isn’t a whole lot of game. With that said what is there is great and if you’re a Banjo fan you should definitely play it. A GBA game I see myself coming back to.

A game that does a lot within the limitations of the GBA.

Crash Bandicoot The Huge Adventure does a great job taking what we know about the bandicoot and shrinking it down into a game that still feels like a Crash game!

All the stuff you’d expect is here just now it’s a 2D adventure! Levels are pretty quick and fun.

With that said for me this is one of those games that I finished but really have no drive to 100%, even though I know there’s a cool reward for doing so. This is mainly due to the time trials just being a little to aggravating for me. (Also I never got the yellow gem cause of how hard it is to get to).

If you enjoy Crash you’ll enjoy this game for me personally though I’ve always been more of a Spyro guy.

As someone who’s a huge fan of the movie this game is just alright.

It really skims the plot of the movie which is fine since it’s a GBA game but it was kinda funny to me how sections of this played out.

Aesthetically I like how the game looks and the isometric camera is something I’m weirdly nostalgic for. Levels have a variety of designs and you unlock new powers at a pretty good rate. There’s even some optional exploration but it’s really just to collect coins to earn extra lives so it’s not really worth it.

Gameplay is kinda hit or miss, there’s some pretty good puzzles and most platform sections aren’t too bad. However by the end of the game there’s some spots that are just super unfair. The Solar Surfer levels are a huge pain to play to the point that I imagine a bunch of kids who played this gave up when they got to these levels.

While I wouldn’t play it again it was neat to play a video game adaptation of one of my favourite movies!

A real contender for my favourite Resident Evil game!

I love how well polished this game is. The way enemies look as you shoot off bits of their bodies and how Leon and Claire have little comments when enemies are near by or if you miss hitting them a few times. It’s so good!

A good amount of suspense as you have to manage your inventory as only have so much space to start. Even if you do have to pass on some items the games map will make them for you and it’ll even show you if there’s still items to collect in a room which is a great feature that helps when exploring.

I didn’t even mind that you have to play the game twice to get the true ending! Thankfully there are a few differences so it’s not the exact same thing.

While I don’t know if I’ll ever attempt the game on hardcore difficulty or try and get an S rank in the campaign Resident Evil 2 Remake was a blast to play!

Guess I’ll have to try the remakes of 3 and 4 at some point!

A short but pretty decent adventure puzzle game!

Story was engaging. The puzzles were pretty good I did have to look up a couple little things but I think that’s more so a me thing then a flaw with the game.

If you’re a fan of Call of Cthulhu then you’ll get a kick out of this one!

Another retro game that while it hasn’t aged the best is still neat to look back on!

I played this on the Switch’s NSO service, which unfortunately meant I only had rental Pokémon to use but I also had restore points to help me retry some of the more annoying battles.

I’m sure for its time it was crazy to see Pokémon in 3D for the first time. Ironically now the standard is having Pokémon in 3D and people reminisce on how good the sprites used to be. With that said I do find it cool to see all these old 3D models in action while playing.

Working around the old Gen 1 mechanics was an interesting challenge in fact it’s almost part of the appeal of revisiting this one i’d say.

Finally theres the mini games which might be the most fun part of the game if you have some friends to play along with!

As a Pokemon fan who grew up with Gen 3 it’s neat to go back and try this one out. If NSO online adds the Gen 1 games and connectivity with Pokemon stadium id consider bumping this ranking up half a star or maybe even more!

Played through the whole thing in one sitting.

Bioshock 2 fixes some of the flaws in the gameplay from the first game. Not to say the first ones gameplay isn’t good but there was just some stuff the 2nd game did better.

I also really appreciate the fact more characters have unique models in this one. That was something that always bothered me about the 1st game was that most important characters were just regular enemy models.

With that said I do feel the story is kinda lacking in this one. While I’m invested in getting Subject Delta to Eleanor it doesn’t quite carry the same weight as the first game.

While I do praise the improved gameplay the actual objectives you have in each level also didn’t feel as unique or interesting to me as the first game. Also the game is a bit shorter then the first which isn’t bad but I would of liked maybe 1 or 2 more levels.

With that said I still love this game and I feel it’s very deserving to be talked about in just as high regard as the first! And that isn’t even mentioning the superb DLC Minerva’s Den which honestly has a better story then the main game.

While I don’t revisit it as much as the first it is still a game I enjoy fondly.

Playing this game when I was younger was what made me realize how deep a video games story and themes could truly go. Funny that it takes place in a city at the bottom of the sea.

It’s partly nostalgia but man do I love this game! Sure it has some flaws but the story is great, gameplay is fun and the presentation is top notch! Rapture is such a weird place but each level gives you insight into how it functioned and the audio diaries are one of the greatest collectibles in video games. Giving us both context for how this place used to be and providing us with a bunch of little stories within the game.

I always come back to this game every couple years just to reaffirm my love for it. One of my top 10 favourite games of all time!

It’s surprising how well this game holds up considering most NES games really don’t!

A wide variety of levels and fun power ups that keep things interesting along with pretty solid controls makes it very much worth playing!

I will admit I played this on NSO online and I did take advantage of the rewind feature a few times mainly in Worlds 7 and 8 but when I do revisit this one I’ll try and cut back.

While it was neat to visit the first Mario Kart it really hasn’t aged the best and unfortunately isn’t all that fun to play by yourself.

I’m sure with a friend there’s more fun to be had but honestly you’re better off playing a different Mario Kart.

Some people hate how may power moons there are, I am not some people. There’s so much to do in this game and sure sometimes you get moons for very simple things but that doesn’t change the satisfaction of collecting them for me!

The kingdoms are fun to explore and all the new characters have fun designs! Shoutout to the Shiverians of the Snow Kingdom for being just the most adorable round bois.

This might be genuinely be my favourite Switch game!