I'll put up with any story as long as I get cool combo attacks


I was suppose to be playing this in 2014 on my 3DS, not 2024 on my Steam Deck

Changing the best Paper Mario game so that its half its frame rate, feels slower than the already slow feeling original, has worse music, doesn't even look that much more impressive, and doesn't add anything new is actually a bad choice. At least it fixed Vivian's dialog to what it was always suppose to be.

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That was the most brutal-est ending I've had to sit through


Nostalgia is way too powerful

I'll do anything to play a good-ass metroidvania but it's alittle too easy. The hardest part is playing during no nut November

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Why did they get rid of the laser hallway part

I'm losing my fucking mind!

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It took till 2023 to get an action game that has Invaders Must Die in it

Sybil really isn't my type... But...

I would overall recommend playing route D, but only with a save file you download off the internet.

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I thought the FF7 remake changed the ending to this

Been playin' this at 3am and it starts messing with my memories. Instead of my remembering my past, I'm looking into different universe where everything is the exact same except young me is playing a slightly different version of Mario 64

Now I know what happens when you make your roguelike too easy