right like everyone else i played this a lot in its hayday.

3*, lemme explain where points are lost;

music— the music is so balls. 2am being the only good track is sad its the same thing over & over again
repetitive— once you’ve played the game for like a month’s worth of content you’ve played it all
‘what now’— finish your island? cool buddy, nothing left for you to do now

i would not return to this game i milked it dry & while that is mostly my fault, roald the penguin is the only highlighting feature anymore


- it is really solid for like a month at least
- roald
- mario 64 penguin
- building is decent, could use some QOL but i like building so i like this aspect
- customisation & expression is excellent
- gambling for villagers is free you just need NMT, take notes genshin

anyways after having played some stardew i think just play stardew over playing this. its cheaper & the content is more meaningful.

no freakin clue why i'm reviewing this

got it bc someone gave me a £15 off voucher for the switch eshop, i wanted to make venti in the game. i achieved that goal. made quite a few genshin characters actually

the character customisation & interactions are fun, but it gets repetitive after a while imo


- customisation
- venti
- horse
- i have like head empty thoughts on it so this review is quick to write


- gameplay doesn't have much variety
- interactions get old fast

play if you liked tomodachi life (which i personally did)

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persona 5 is extremely good, what can i say?

i wanted to get into this game for a long time since seeing joker added in smash, because joker was absolutely snazzy, but only got into it like last year so i'm a pretty new persona fan

i like the anime art style, i like JRPGS, so this was a total hit with me. let's discuss!

- story was really good. its... i'll say the ending is pretty goofy & extreme considering the point you start at, but its to be expected of a story where a bunch of kids band together to end committers of crimes
- individual characters are all of pretty good quality! favourite personally is futaba because she lives in her room & eats a lot of instant noodles n curry & collects figures n stuff very relatable, also her actual character arc is great, akechi is cool because he is very interesting with the context of how illegitimate children are treated in japan etc.
- visually it holds up imo since it has great art direction
- MUSIC IS SO GOOD!!! though you might be sick of hearing it, since you've heard it in every single youtube video you've ever watched i assume lmao
- hot take i like the jp voices more than the eng voices (except for ann because i'm a huuuuuuge venti fan) but all-around the voice acting is good
- just the overall gameplay is so much fun, i've played through the whole thing twice in both languages & really enjoyed my time with the overall loop, i didn't want to put the game down once i had finished it!

...but, there are a few negatives keeping this from being perfect. Major spoilers ahead, you've been warned.

- needing to replay the whole game JUST for maruki's palace is... seriously? like i had fun, because i love the game, but man having to replay the entire game JUST for the extra palace that i missed on my initial blind playthrough is annoying. but, it was well-worth it because imo his palace's music could nearly be considered the best, the enemies looking like horrific creatures when they chase you is excellent & he genuinely made me stop & think about his deal.

- you can't date the guys man ;( the female characters are great of course but throw a bone to the guy enjoyers out here, i'm a straight woman so i just picked the character i liked the most in the story to date to make them happy (futaba) but for my second playthrough to spice things up i went for ann since i was playing eng dub that time

really a good game on the whole, & those issues are miniscule but they would make this into a perfect game if they fixed those things. good stuff! do recommend!

side-note; their merch quality is good, i own the futaba & akechi nendos & have ordered another futaba figure soon to come :) i would appreciate some better plushes tho, the ones i've seen are kinda mid or weird

P.S. morgana is not that annoying. as a cat person he is simply not annoying. not after experiencing JP dub teddie in persona 4.

i haven't played this game in a while, but i think i have a general enough feel of it to leave a review, i will update this once i eventually, PROPERLY, finish the game

when i first got my new gaming pc, this was one of the first games i played, & honestly really cute & good stuff! i played a LOT of animal crossing NH in its hayday like everybody else did. but the short time i spent with this game was a lot more meaningful, & when i have more time i really want to play this more since its so chill

so i'm gonna list everything i like so far;

- music
- visuals
- cute
- interactions & events feel very unique
- i like that there's some combat in the game
- upgrading & growing your business is a good time

i kinda went in blind first time so i definitely am not playing optimally lmao, but i do like this. i'll embarrassingly admit, i only downloaded this game because i heard you could date in it, & sebastian looked like computer xiao to me so i was like 'yeah!'

i have no idea when i'll pick this up again, but if you somehow haven't played this yet & enjoy being happy then this is a good game yes

TLDR; if you are only playing for visuals & combat, then its pretty good. but as someone who values story in games the story here is dogwater except in belobog (1st zone) & is getting better in their newer zone... still not great

setting this as 'completed' despite all my unfinished quests because i can clear all the hardest content

star rail is decent. if you like genshin & you are ok with turn-based games then this game is fun, i mostly only ever play it once every 2 weeks when a new MOC/PF releases, i don't bother with the quests aside from the main story


- its generous for a gacha
- great visuals
- almost every 5 is good, so you can justify using anyone
- just in general you can forcefully use anyone if you build well
- the animations are amazing


- bad story (belobog was EXCELLENT. it is CARRYING those 3
. but everything else feels like meh, penacony is picking it up a bit but i will wait & see what comes of it)
- repetitive gameplay (my issue with the gameplay is not that its turn-based. i like pokemon. but in competitive pokemon, i can have ACTUAL strategies! gacha games are numbers game, get good enough artifact so you can do your killing.)
- music is mid (wildfire is good & belobog has some bangers, but Exalting Sanctum is the only area name i remember because its the only area where i like the music)
- because this is a gacha having 6 artifact slots with no options for off-sets is super painful

i enjoy some of the characters i do have & admittedly i have my fun with the game. & i'm more interested in the game right now because they are releasing more interesting kits for me to play around with. but now that i can clear the hardest content, its a matter of me keeping up with the content, & once they make a character i don't want again i'll probably take another long break

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TLDR; i genuinely think this game is fantastic, please give it time if you think it isn't your thing immediately

i'm gonna admit, i wasn't immediately immersed into this game's world like a lot of people were. it took me a lot of time to come around to properly sitting & experiencing the full thing. i got frustrated often & got lost so much, i nearly thought the game wasn't for me; oh boy i was VERY wrong

i think the combat, art style, music, art style, music again, & combat again is what really sold me........ (i will address the elephant in the room of lore later my god)

for me i think when i really sunk my teeth into the game & put more effort into navigating i really began to enjoy myself. the music, atmosphere & art design is too good to miss. i slept on this for WAY too long & i'm joyously happy to be a part of the insane silksong-waiting cult now--

bosses were when i was happiest with the game, i love learning attack patterns etc. like my GOD, GODHOME WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & my favourite boss is Pure Vessel if anybody cares :) the combat in this game is second to none. i love how i used to struggle terribly with much earlier bosses, & then i wipe the floor with them in godhome. you FEEL your progression in gameplay, you FEEL your massive increase in skill, radianting all bosses & beating P5 made me feel like a genuine god gamer (well i beat bug god so deserved for me yaaay)

grubs are also perfect, i got the talking grub plushie because my life would not be the same otherwise. the other HK plushes look great i will snatch them all up

also despite my immense fear of bugs this game manages to make them cute enough to be highly tolerable & in fact lovable (deepnest was fine, the only time i got genuinely scared was the grub mimic you encounter when using CDash to leave crystal peak. if you think this game is scary, take it from a total scaredy-cat; you will be fine)

ok now the lore. I LOVE IT. its so cryptic & weird & i love watching video essays so mossbag was a lot of fun for me i've watched all his videos. like you need to go hunting to understand this stuff, i tried to TLDR it to a few people on a stream once & nobody understood what i was waffling about because it goes so deep, to be honest the gameplay is so good that if you wanna ignore the lore & play you can, but the lore makes everything SO MUCH better if you understand & care about it. like i was already enjoying myself but all the dark, sinister lore makes this all the more fun to explore

this is more of an external factor & i suppose you can even consider it a flaw that the story is so cryptic & hard to understand without looking to youtube & other sources. but for me personally, it was amazing, breaks my heart & THK/pure vessel is definitely my favourite character lore-wise

there was such genuine passion put into this game, begging you to play it. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! anyways 11/10 my favourite game as of now my autism activates anytime i see a picture of the little thoughtless knight dude

P.S. you know their merch is high quality, bc i have the hornet figure & my phone has fallen on it like 3905953568939643 times yet this thing has still not broke yet???

i am simply adding this to my logs as a mark of respect to the first pokemon game i played, this post is HUGE, so TLDR; you can play this for historic purposes or to see where mega evolutions began

i haven't played this game since i was like 11 or something but i would be lying if i said i did not have the most splendid vibrant wonderful amazing memories of it

the day i discovered wifi on pokemon was a truly fun & inspirational day (i was a slow kid ok it took me a while to figure out how to use the 3ds wifi i'm so smart)

anyways when it comes to if this game still holds up, imo i would have to play it again to see but i have really fond memories of it. warning that its super easy i would not suggest it if you want an actual challenge but i was a stubborn child so you know what it was perfect at the time

decent if you want to see where mega evolutions came from, i unfortunately am not the best for objective opinions here i just really like this game because of when i played it, that experience was definitely 5 so i am giving it 5

so anyways i will part with 2 stories i really like, no these are not relevant to the game's objective quality;

story 1;

so i got a dratini from wonder trade & i showed my dad like 'look i got a dratini' (he had no clue what that was) but i was flexing how it was 'from another player across the world' (yes i discovered 3ds had wifi at this time how did you know?) & i freakin loved that dratini. i didn't know about restaurant grinding at the time (HOW????? I PLAYED THE GAME SO MUCH) so i literally maxed out my battle chateau. i became the richest Y player ever. & i trained my dratini from 1 to 100 all the way into a dragonite; i also on the side had a crazy berry farm going on, with like a ton of sitrus & leppa berries so i'd 'never need pp ups again' (i had like 900 it was crazy) (i remember that route being my favourite, since it had a town nearby with a pokemon centre + battle chateau + grass + cool view + daycare) anyways that's irrelevant & i finally did it. maxed out dragonite. when i put him on offer on a trade? i got my first ever arceus. wow i was STUNNED ( but i gave away my goat D: ) so that was cool

anyways now dragonite is my favourite pokemon, his shiny is good stop lying to yourself, & i still have a dragonite plush from when i was that age :) he has seen better days tho lmao (same for a pikachu plushie i have)

so i REALLY wanted a shiny. i was CRAZY about the idea of getting a shiny. i did EVERYTHING to get one... i could not get one. but finally, i found a shiny............ what was it? was it an amazing masuda method starter? an exciting strong one? no it was a freaking flabebe because i was farming on the route i liked. and i was SO EXCITED LIKE I WENT INSANE I NAMED IT 'SHINY?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?1111!???' <---- forgot the exact distribution of ! ? 1

also i got jumpscared by zapdos when i did that & my heart started pounding sooo that's how i learned the legendary birds were in the game! unpopular opinion zapdos is my favourite one :) he is cool

but every time i tried to trade the flabebe for something epic & cool, we didn't have chat during trades back then. they added this later on thank god. but before you had to catch & nickname pokemon to tell the person what you were looking for oh my goodness i miss the stone age... so because my flabebe, which just so you know, literally the only way you could see it was shiny at a glance were its super tiny blue eyes, so people kept flashing me with the '?' or 'NO' or 'DON'T HAVE' nicknames (why did everyone have caps) because they did not have any shinies to offer me. while i tried offering them MY shiny.

it only registered to me YEARS later why nobody saw my flabebe as shiny... i could've just evolved it into florges its a more obvious shiny lmao

i have way more stories of this game, but i'll cap it off there for now. play it if you;

- want to see where 3D pokemon began
- want to experience mega evolutions in their rawest form
- has some of the better music in pokemon games imo
- want to make your own judgement on if this is where pokemon had its downfall

imo that started in gen 7, but was propelled hugely in g8. but hey, i'm biased, thanks for reading all of this

...god, my nintendogs review will be biblically long

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well. time to write this

i got this as a birthday gift 4 years ago… i got the game because i heard you could ride a horse in it (i like horses)

yeah it ended up being so much more then that

the music style here is really my style. i adore the somber, gentle atmosphere. the world feels so peaceful despite the ongoing threat, it truly feels like the world is telling you; ‘Take your time.’

like the shrine music. when i hear it, i feel like i’m being invited to sit & enjoy this puzzle, no hurrying involved. the deep melancholic main theme, the rich & flaming intensity of dark beast ganon’s theme, i think if you cannot tell i really do like the music here. i think about it in my daily life a lot, like if its hot outside my brain thinks gerudo village theme, or if i’m just walking its that relaxing theme that plays in the fields. Rito village is my favourite song in this game btw, may or may not have listened to it for 10hrs in a row once ahah

i love the visuals here. they are colourful & beautiful, & i love all the character designs. there is such a distinct beauty to everything. me liking this & hollow knight so much is making me realise how much i dig a somber, post-tragedy story lmao

i especially like… Rito village nooowaaaaay you guessed it! its like my main hub for anything & everything i do. can you guess what my favourite zelda species in BOTW is, its really hard to guess i know

the horses were fun! i was disappointed a how often i had to depart from them, but then i got lost in the beautiful world & didn’t care anymore lmao

the story, contrary to what everyone says? i liked it! i didn’t mind all the memories, to me it was a realistic way to tell the story of a man remembering things after extreme amnesia. the point of the game is the full nature of the world, & this way of storytelling lends itself to that nicely. i value story a lot, & to me it felt well-conveyed.

i’m from the UK so the british voice acting was top class help (it was cute ok i will excuse it) but now i live knowing that link is probably british i’m not sure what to do with that information

this game is hyped a lot by all its fans, & maybe that might annoy some folks. i think the love it gets is earned in full. this game had a huge influence on the whole industry, & while we may all want the constant open world releases to slow down a bit, this game did propel genshin into existence which i must thank it for (or diss it for; my finances are in DANGER)

my favourite part of the game was the feeling, don’t know how to describe it. the feeling of playing it. exploring this world felt so… right. it felt right to me.

even in the age where we have TOTK, please play BOTW, the vibes are completely different between the games in my opinion. i will be brute & say i prefer BOTW’s much more. also i love kass :)

combat is nice aside from weapons always breaking, its pretty straightforward & there is some skill progression. you’ll know your good when you can kill lynels naked, that’s probably the hardest thing you can do in the game

also as much as the koroks are memed on, i collected them all. after the 100th it felt less like a chore & more like a therapeutic journey through this peaceful world once more.

btw i love revali & kass

obviously do recommend, main shortcomings are the following;

- framedrops in areas like the korok forest
- for some the story is told too unconventionally, or just not told at all to some
- weapons break too often
- rain climbing
- final boss is too much of a pushover. its a visual spectacle more than anything else


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this game makes me go insane because i love it so much.

TLDR; this game is not hard but if you want to have a quality novel-like story experience i beg you to play this

alright my autism kind of activates when i gush about this game. i have to say literally anything that has 'redemption' on the end of it makes me go !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WOAH ITS REDEMPTION

the story starts slow but you really ease into it. i played this game in increments until i blasted a lot at the end because i got too invested in what was going on. i remembered everything that was going on each time because it was a fun story to follow, & Arthur is one of the most likeable outlaws ever

this goofy american time is such a delight & i really don't want to spoil anything in this review because the main reason i would recommend this to anyone is the plot.

this is the kind of story that i wish i could show everyone in my family because its so good but they are all fossils who do not know how to play video games, but i feel like this story works so well in this medium because it really took its time with things & used those full hours of playtime to really do something special

also the song at the end is so so so so so good especially if you get the good ending & it is so emotional & i can't say arthur morgan out loud without nearly crying each time

arthur you are the goat & this game is the goat if you haven't played it somehow do that right now you will not regret it

main complaints;

- you can't save during missions. if you've started a mission, prepare to finish it; granted they are only ever like 20-30 mins a pop but would be nice for the longer ones

+ i'm an irish person myself so the random amount of irish people was fun

also, i hate gore & blood anything like that, & almost didn't play because of it. so for my fellow gore-haters; if you mostly steer clear of your dead bodies you'll be fine, there is like 2 really violent parts in the story where i had to look away. spoilers ahead for those who need this;

1. there is a part where a head with its eyes... ehmmmhmhnmhmhmhm is shown to you out of nowhere. maybe not that bad but it was gross to me

2. your final camp in the game requires you to enter this... VERY grotesque cavern with a terrifying statue thing outside of it. look away for that bit, enter the cave quickly & get to your goalpost fast, then you will remove the scary statue outside

my squeamishness was still able to handle this, so you should be fine

the thing is i treat this as literally only a genshin mod dump. like i introduce a bunch of genshin characters & create wild stories with one another. it is a BLAST

that is literally the only thing i do on sims, i thought 'hey i have played this game might as well throw it on my list of stuff i've played'

also, i do enjoy building/architectural/creative things in games; the house building is fine, its solid, & i do like building but tbh you start off with more deco options in roblox bloxburg like jeez why do i have to download all the furniture individually its annoying

anyways, 3.5/5, its not really my go-to if i want to build something. i'll unironically play bloxburg over it or minecraft for that but i am rating this based on how fun it is to do goofy things to my genshin sims. the actual game itself if you play it without mods is kinda boring imo, just my honest take.

(however, at least with sims housing plots are free & you can build without having to deliver pizza for 3 hours for each 3 hours you spend building. or 6 bc you can't decide what funny pngs to put on your walls)

i'm calling this 'completed' bc there is like no plot here you just download mods or don't play

P.S. do NOT bother with the DLCs. Overpriced for what you get, i do know someone who has nearly all of them & they like the game a lot, but ehhh i think you should take advantage of this being free