Actually pretty fun but I don't feel like coming back to this again.


Honestly the horror gameplay actively sucks and after a point becomes tedious along with scary. The story is consistently very interesting and thought provoking though, particularly uniquely with the environmental storytelling. It still doesn't make the game amazing for me but the story is worth the asking price 100%

Really fun FPS shooter with really novel gameplay. The challenge of the game is something I really enjoyed despite it feeling dated at times, almost like a puzzle game at times and it was really satisfying to overcome every level.

Slowburn but very good set up story that displays the worldbuilding, extremely exhaustive NPC dialogue and character interactions very effectively in a plot that sneaks up on you until it suddenly becomes kino and makes you absolutely pine for the next game. Estelle and Joshua my beloved.

The first game of this huge series is a good showcase of why it's so popular. It's fun and the characters are charming but ok fine you're really here for the amazing last two cases and they make it worthwhile.

Absolutely amazing metroidvania that has a strong sense of exploration and really engaging combat provided you can overcome how unforgiving it really is. The world is just amazing in how much effort is put into fleshing it out, the lore is really engaging, the art is amazing, the music is really good, the bosses are a highlight, I just love mostly everything about this game besides like I mentioned, how unforgiving it is sometimes.

Everything about the Dragonsong war shines above everything else and it's incredibly well done.

The areas are quite good, the music is excellent, the characters are quite good, even the gameplay is starting to get decent.

The side content besides the alliance raids is very good.

Only thing I wish is that one particular aspect of the main story had been fleshed out better.

Pretty good, Masked Apprentice is peak

Rewrite has a pretty solid cast of characters particularly the heroines particularly Kotori and Akane, and this saves the VN for me which otherwise is honestly a complete mess of both very enjoyable and very uninteresting elements which it featured way too much of at the cost of more characterization that I would've wanted. Route quality is inconsistent but most of them fall victim to the main issues I have, just to varying degrees. My verdict is that it's a 7/10 hiding a 9/10 that didn't know its own strengths and got bogged down in its weaknesses instead.

Great open world game which is incredibly pretty and vast and I really like just how much it has. Early game is really fun, sniping out enemy camps and figuring out how to do shit is some of the most fun things I did in the game. Unfortunately it loses its novelty in terms of playing when past a point it becomes trivial to traverse and overcome challenges in. Shrines are pretty fun but too short to leave an impact. Dungeons are pretty cool and have great atmosphere but again are too short or in a way basic to leave an impact. The story is actually kinda cool, mainly for its iteration of Zelda, and absolutely do the memories for her. Combat can be cool in terms of the system and stuff you can execute but the bosses are way too meh for this to matter. DLC has some good content but I can't get into the best of it any more than the best of the base game (at least the Champion's Ballad which is the one I actually completed).

The story starts off pretty bad but eventually starts getting legitimately quite good, and generally becomes a fun romp of mainly adventure style storytelling, lots of mythological/historical lore and casts of characters which occasionally pops off to have great ones (like Bedivere). Overall I personally wish the characters were more focused on because it gets tiring seeing just mid quality/barely good characters appear but it's still a pretty solid storyline that has some standout good arcs enough to maintain interest.

Gameplay wise it can have some really fun fights/sequences and the events can be pretty fun but 95% of the gameplay I do not enjoy at all because fuck gacha and fuck the gacha grind holy shit I hate it so much fuck off.

Also the protagonist is complete ass. I acknowledge the self insert protagonist is meant to be like this but they refuse to do anything interesting with them and plus it leans into the self insert harem fantasy aspect so much.

Yeah never coming back to this one sadly.

The absolute highlight of this game is the gameplay - the dungeons while not particularly on the complex side design wise make up for this by being extremely fun to play through, the middle ones in particular standing out as such enthralling experiences. The combat is also just extremely fun and has a lot of great moves and while I wish the game used and tested it more, the fact that it exists at all is incredible. Though I say that as the final boss is literally a test according to the metrics I wanted anyways, but like I said I wanted more! But it pretty much makes this final boss my favourite final boss in the series and among the best bosses in the series in general. The one gripe I have with the gameplay is that besides that final boss and one or two others, the other bosses are really easy to the point of not even being that notable or enjoyable to fight, which is definitely a shame given how well designed every other aspect of the game is, but even with that this my favourite Zelda gameplay for sure.

The plot is well not the most impressive to me. It's decent and I enjoy the unique atmosphere it has, but neither of these things stand out as particularly impressive to me. The exception to this is Midna, she's easily the best Zelda companion and one of the best characters in the series for me, so at the very least it gets some things right.

The world to me doesn't feel as alive as MM was in terms of its various races and people, which is a shame but not something I particularly mind too much so it will stay a minor issue but still an issue nonetheless. I do like the overworld in the sense that the different areas are pretty cool to explore, but in this area I feel it's surpassed by Majora's Mask too.

Another one of my issues worth mentioning is that the first third of the game aside from the dungeons is slow and at times relatively tedious, particularly in the twilight sections, not to mention the fact that the navigation is slow too. Once you're past the third dungeon though the pace in general picks up thankfully.

Even for all my gripes though, the highs easily make this yet another Zelda game I adore and it's so worth playing.

First of all, you are all wrong and this game is amazing, sorry.

OK to go into detail, first up, the narrative is very strong and definitely my favourite Zelda main plot. Pacing wise it isn't distributed evenly, but I really don't care when it's this good anyways. The characters are just really easy to get attached to, like this game really made you care about saving Zelda which is quite the achievement, and the lore for this being the first ever Zelda game chronologically is really damn cool.

Gameplay wise it's an interesting mix. The dungeons while not quite on the level of Twilight Princess are still quite good to me overall - mostly dungeons 3 to 5 and the final one, though, the other ones are fine. But the ones that are good are tons of fun, the puzzles are consistently so clever in a way that Twilight Princess wasn't (this isn't a bad thing by the way it's just different) and it makes use of unique and great puzzle mechanics to do this. Atmosphere wise all the dungeons are great but this is never a surprise anyways so yeah.

The bosses well, they have a few stinkers but some of them are generally just quite fun to fight. Not an amazing roster overall, but it isn't like any other Zelda game has a roster that I feel is better than it so it's fine.


Once we seperate ourselves from dungeons and bosses, evaluating this game becomes interesting. The summary of the game's areas is that for me, for the pre-dungeon sequences for dungeons 1-6, Faron and Eldin are generally just ok. They definitely contain some of the more annoying sequences in this game especially some of the bad tropes like NPC escort for example. Lanayru I pretty much love all of it, both pre dungeon quests are actively great and it's just such a unique and interesting area and it's so good.

The pre final dungeon sequence without spoilers is well... not good. It's painful padding and while I find Lanayru's is kind of fun it's still tedious because it's a gauntlet of sequences that aren't even dungeons like they should've been since this game is best at that (seriously why didn't they just make three more dungeons), and it definitely stands out as one of the low points in the gameplay.

One aspect of the gameplay is consistently great though, that being the silent realms. They all are just extremely enjoyable to me and the atmosphere is just absolutely perfect.

Oh yeah, the Sky and Skyloft are pretty fun to explore and contain some good stuff, but still isn't quite as good as Majora's Mask's equivalent for me which feels much more interconnected and contains a lot more fun sense of a town for me. I guess the sidequests are kind of fun but I just am not amazed by them.

Still overall the things this game does well makes it straight raw based kino and I won't be friends with you if you disagree thanks bye bye.

While taking a different approach from the base game it still manages to be incredibly satisfying to play and solve every mystery in the classic Outer Wilds way, and atmosphere wise it is absolutely top notch. This game is scary man. The narrative is also very memorable and one particular moment almost brought me to tears. Yeah very good stuff

Pretty fun and classic Toby Fox with interesting hints of greater darker themes. The music clears as usual.