Chie's English voice acting kinda annoys me but Persona 4 is so much of an upgrade for Persona 3 FES.

I think I shed a tear when I played the first level for the first time because of how stylish and "my thing" it was

This game finally made me realize that I'm fucking stupid


The greatest creation in the history of mankind

The AUDACITY to even THINK that this SHIT is worth anywhere NEAR FIFTY DOLLARS

And to think people were excited for this game...

It's crazy how big Travelers Tales balls were while making this. They were so confident in the pile of junk

All Star is canon in the Donkey Kong universe.

Besides Link's extreme lack of nipples, this game is everything I could've imagined in a sequel

I still don't get why this game was remade, all I know is that it's the Last of Us and I want it

It was my first and my favorite PS2 game as a kid, and I enjoy like I did then! I loved and still love everything about this game! it's pretty fucking hard tho not gonna lie

It's crazy how this game released on the Wii and not the Wii U

Not gonna lie, but I think Garfield got too real in this one. I was on the verge of existential crisis

Obligatory "Hey All" to start your day