If you are still playing this game, please for the love of god don't start selling shit on Nookazon. It ruined my whole experience.

This game takes RE5, somehow makes it edgier, and still somehow sucks ass

I've only played 1 Silent Hill game (this one), and I already know for a fact that this is the worst one.

I know my reviews suck but Driv3r sucks harder. The good thing is is that they're both the funny kinda garbage

I applaud anybody who was able to enjoy this enough to beat it

I'll be honest, the only reason I haven't beat this game is because I'm a fuckin pussy. Too scary for me

Finally! A game where everything can be considered a "goopy little guy"!

It's the first thing that comes to minds when people say parkour game, which means it's good.

Ratio + Attack of the Twonkies better

Your local "average metroidvania that didn't do too much, but still did a lot"

It's the worst Animal Crossing game (we don't talk about Amiibo Festival) but that doesn't mean it's bad! It's just not, y'know, good.


It looks, feels, and sounds great. Like seriously, the soundtrack is really good.

I bought this as a substitute for RE8, but it feels like RE7 if they ripped most of RE7 out of RE7. I still bought RE8 anyways.

As a Hitman game, it looks and feels like a Hitman game