i will not eat cheese or corn for the next 3 months

130GB for borderlands 1 in 1080p

the nerve to release this when Disco Elysium is on the market

most boring piece of shit game ever



I regret to inform you that I have taken a massive dump at your front door


everybody wants to be Journey but without the ᚻᚪᚱᚢᚳᚪ ᚾᚪ ᛘᚢᚳᚪᛋᚻᛁ ᚾᛁ ᚳᚢᚳᚻᛁᚻᚪᛏᛖᛏᚪ ᚳᛖᚾᛄᚪ ᚾᚩ ᛘᛁᚳᚻᛁ ᛋᚩᚢᚷᚩᚾ ᚾᚩ ᚳᚪᚹᚪ ᛁᚪᛘᛁ ᚾᛁ ᛘᚩ ᛁᚳᚩᚢ ᛋᛖᛁᛄᚪ ᛋᛇ ᛘᚩ ᚳᚩᛏᛇᛋᚢ ᚾᛁ ᛏᚪᚳᚻᛁ ᛘᛁᚳᚻᛁ ᚹᚩ ᚠᚢᛋᚪᚷᚢ

rng simulator into evangelion ending