Fun follow up to both Spiderman(PS4) and Miles Morals. Does a great job of combining both the Spider-Men. Combat can still feel a little stiff but the improvements from Miles Morals really help give the game something fresh. Movement is as fun as ever and the wing suit adds so much fun. Story is okay, pretty predictable until the final act of the game that does throw a big surprise. Although the cutscenes and acting really help keep the story together. Switching between characters helps give the game some extra juice and it also helps with give more mission variety since each character can some exclusive missions. While I really did enjoy my time, I look back at the game as a safe but good sequel. It's exactly the type of follow up I would expect but it's still done well.

This is an amazing multiplayer "extraction" game that is full of looney tunes type bullshit. The whole point of the game is for your team to land on a planet then enter a facility and try to gather as many items as possible to sell to meet a company quota. You have a certain amount of days to make the quota and each planet visit is one day. Then much like real life where every time you meet the quota, it is then raised for the next time.

The game play is basic first person stuff. The main point isn't really combat it's to gather shit, but the fun comes in meeting the scary ass monster that are inside and outside the facility. All the monster feel like SCP bullshit which I'm personally fine with since none of them feel like 1:1 rips offs (although they come close to it). While combat is possible I enjoy that it feels extremely risky to try and fight\kill the monster.

The game does an amazing job of feeling of everything just barely working. For example your in game voice always has a distorted digital sound. It adds so much atmosphere and helps turn everyone into a voice actor like all those viral clips show.

One major aspect of enjoyment is the constant risk versus rewards the game makes you take. Do you risk going to a planet with a strange status effect? Or risk selling your items for cheaper but not losing them(Not something I would do since I'm not a bitch)? You can risk buying access to harder planets that have more junk. Just a constant choice of risk vs reward.

It truly amazes me this game is just $10 and still gets updates! Any rough edges like bugs feel like nothing since the game is so cheap. And best of all it seems to run pretty well on any system made since Obama was in office.

Hate to say it but I just couldn't enjoy the game. I tried, I believe I'm more than halfway done but it just stopped grabbing me. I'm not a huge Fantasy guy so for me the story is dull. Maybe I'm just dull guy. I'll give high praise to the voice acting and characters (Loved Cid especially), it helped push me along. The combat also didn't keep my interest. I enjoy DMC\Action style games but this one seems to focus on cooldowns instead of being able to pull of cool combos. Normal enemies feel way to strong for what should be quick and flashy combat. I believe that's what helps make the best battle feel better since the they're meant to go on a bit longer than regular fights.

I'd say if it looks interesting to you go for it but I definitely don't plan on finishing it any time soon.

I honestly haven't played this in years but I remember going to different cousins' houses who had Wii's and playing the shit out of this. I enjoyed the character variety and map variety was good as well. Having motion controls was a cool option but honestly that shit was tiring.

Also playing Mario Kart online for the first time was cool as hell because before you ALWAYS had to play with AI who could cheat. Now if you were good enough you really could just smoke out everyone. Which probably never happens due to all the items but still better than cheating rubber banding AI.

The main reason I gained interest into Mahjong was because of the anime Akagi (which is amazing and you should go watch it)

Fun way to play Mahjong online. I'm not gonna explain how to play here but it's kind of like poker in a way but with multiple ways to build a "hand". Just playing through this game is how I learned to play Mahjong. Probably can't play in person too well since I'm used to the digital game blocking illegal moves.

Also I do enjoy the anime girl aesthetic a bit. Keeps the game cute looking and it's fun to spam high pitch sounds while someone is making a turn. Also really fun to have the Iwao Akagi collab character since he's an old ass motherfucker playing with cute anime girls. Here's hoping to a Kaiji collab or at least bringing back the Akagi collab so I can get the Akagi character

Gonna be honest and say I had no idea this was the third game in the series. After the studio that made TimeSplitters shut down I wanted to try out the series so I looked at the Microsoft store and saw only Future Perfect and 2 were on there. So I assumed this was the first game in the series. If I had looked at the screenshots on the store page probably could have avoided that mishap.

Either ways despite starting this game at the end I still enjoyed the story and characters. I was a little lost at some points but I was still able to follow along with everything. There were parts where I was thinking the game felt like I should know these people but I just assumed that was the point. In the end this is mostly a comedic story so it doesn't take it self super serious so neither should you.

As for the gameplay it's mostly a first person shooter. The guns can feel a little floaty but that's meant to help with the controller aiming and it still felt satisfying to me. Also the game has a decent amount of weapon variety since you time travel to different eras with different guns. As for mission to mission gameplay it's pretty much just linear corridors but since the shooting is fun that's not an issue.

Unfortunatly I didn't grow up with this game so I'm not sure how fun the multiplayer was but from just playing the single player and playing bots it seems like it would be a ton of fun. Also there are bonus challenges missions that help increase single player replay value. But I didn't really play them since I was satisfied with the story mode.

Overall I was impressed with how well the game held up. The graphics are cartoonish so it's hard for that to ever age terribly. Although I did play this on the Series X so it was upscaled and that probably made it look way better than it originally did.

Amazing and surreal feeling twin stick "shooter". The main goal of the game is to enter a level, pick an animal that gives you a bonus perk, and then clear out the level of enemies. It's simple but very fun. You kill quick and you die quick but the reset is near instant so even if you keep messing up it's not a huge waste of time. The reason I wouldn't fully class this as a shooter is because there are multiple and viable different types of guns \ melee weapons.

The story is pretty abstract and meant to be interpreted in multiple ways. Their is a sequel so there are canon plot points but it doesn't matter to much. I still enjoy the Miami vibe and the small story structure is enough to keep you hooked. Trying to figure why your doing what your doing and what that can even say about you as the player.

Overall just a fun game to play and even master.

A tedious feeling game. I honestly can forgive "cringe" writing if the gameplay is good but in this case it just isn't. Maybe with more refinement the gameplay could be better. I'll admit I only played around launch so it's possible they made it better but I doubt they made it that much better.

I enjoyed pretty much all the Saints Row games up till this point so I went in with an open mind but I just couldn't do it. The game felt too boring and nothing really hooked me in. I can see some elements of SR 2 but that's all, just SOME elements of it. Maybe this could have gone a bit better if it wasn't a full reboot and gave us some of the old characters to keep us engaged.

From what it seems like you can get this game dirt cheap with the expansion and updates so maybe it's worth checking it out but for me personally I would not waste your time. To many good games out there to waste time on a mediocre one.

A fun and satisfying shooter. Really good coop experience. Loads of base game content and with the steam version there's even more content to explore.

An enjoyable choose your own adventure type game. Pretty much if you've played TellTale games since the walking dead you know the gameplay style. Light point and click elements with dialogue choices that effect the story. I've never read Fables before this but I felt the game did well enough to explain the universe. The main gimmick is essentially what if fairy tales were real in the modern world AND had to get a 9-5 job.

As for the story it boils down to you as detective trying to figure out a murder. The main There's a lot of twist and turns as well as interesting characters to meet. I mean these games live on the story \ characters so it has be good otherwise there's no point in playing them.

One interesting thing I remember about this game was there was a LONG delay between episodes. Normally there was like a ~3 month delay between the studios episodes but for this one there was a 6 month gap between episode 1 and 2. Rumor has it they redid the plot of the game since they didn't want to follow the original comics storyline, I don't know if it was ever confirmed but I feel like it makes the game more interesting and mysterious. Like it makes you question if something was cut\ meant to be expanded, adds like another layer of mystery.

Amazing Puzzle game with an interesting story. The whole time your questioning what's going on\ why you only have some robot talking to you.

The main gameplay gimmick is being able to place portals on any (allowed) surface. So the main way to solve puzzle is to figure out the best portal placements. Of course the game adds physic elements to add more depth.

It's pretty much dirt cheap nowadays and it's really short. Like if you get a somewhat decent handle on the game you could beat it in a day.

Fun "Anti" Shoot em up where you're the enemy shooting a bunch of shit. It's a very simple game where you move your character around a map and have them auto shoot enemies. Your main goal is to kill enemies and collect items around the map. The game really shines when you do have a bunch of projectiles shooting out of you and your dodging\weaving enemies to survive. I will say the maps are bit bland but at least they are there to add variety.

The game also gets a ton of free and paid DLC so kind of hard not recommend trying it out.

This is the game that convinced me to get a switch and I'm so glad it did.

Seriously just a fun 3d platformer. I had some experience with other 3d Mario's but I never really sat down and played them all the way through.

The whole hat mechanic adds so much depth to moving around. The hat also adds the take over mechanic which has its own movement tech. All in all this game just feels great to move around in.

As for the worlds you explore they are all amazing to both explore and look at. The worlds all feel pretty different which gives the game a good variety feeling. Exploring all around for the moons always feels rewarding and there's always a variety of easy and hard ones to find.

As for graphics in my opinion they look great. Even for a switch game the art style really makes the game shine. The music and audio is also amazing.

Another major highlight for me is the costumes you can get for Mario. Just really adds another level of variety. Seriously some of them are nuts and completely change Mario's art style. Which are my favorite types of costumes.

A truly amazing game all around.

It still stunning to me this is the first attempt at making a 3d Mario and it went super well. Still extremally playable to this day. Just controlling Mario alone is super fun. Seriously if I was playing this when it first came out I could just spend hours enjoying how it felt to control Mario compared to everything else out at the time.

It's pretty crazy how this games fighting style has been copied all over the place. Which makes sense since it feels great and fluid when done right like in this.

Overall an amazing game. The story and voice acting keep you engaged, although maybe the story can feel a bit to video gamey (Your about to complete something and then some other objective must be completed). The game play as stated before is amazing and there's also some pretty decent stealth sections to add to the variety. There's also riddles in the game to solve which helps give that detective aspect of Batman into gameplay form.