Really fun beat'em up. I don't feel like it does anything crazy but you don't need to reinvent the wheel with every game. A little bit on the simpler side but still feels engaging enough. I feel like it drags a bit near the end but I think it helps give the game a good length. The graphics are great as well. All around a solid package. I'm not the biggest TMNT head but I still enjoyed this game for what it is.

A good third person shooter. It feels great to play and the story is great. Feels like a classic Mafia style movie. Overall it feels like it has good twist and turns. Sad to see this as the last major Mafia release but we'll see what the feature holds.


Probably one of the last times I remember playing a Demo and liking it so much I ran out and bought the game. Seriously before the SP demo I thought there was no way this game could be good. Back when this came out all FPS games were copying COD and everything felt generic. Seriously unreal how doubtful it seemed that this game could be good. But then it came out to great reviews and they released a demo. I was blown away playing it, how fast pace and different it was at the time.

All the shooting and weapon variety felt great. The story was interesting and probably the one aspect I think DOOM (2016) does better than eternal. While the stakes of Eternal are higher it also feels more corny in a way.

At the time I think I disliked the MP. The MP beta is what really took my interest away from the game. I don't know why I hated it so much. It's a fun but simple arena shooter. Maybe it has to many COD elements that wear it down. This was still the time when games had "thrown in" coop\MP modes to boost up the value. I miss that era a little, sure you got stinker MP modes on games that didn't need them but it was a nice surprise when one was good.

Honestly just really like the art style. Vibrant and colorful 16 bit art. And gameplay is fun for a slightly basic 2-d platformer.

Amazing follow up to Spider man(2018). It feels more like a stand-alone expansion ( the city map is re-used) and luckily it's priced kind of like one.

This game follows as the title implies Miles as he learns more about being Spider-Man. The story starts with him finally being left alone to defend the city. And from there major and minor villains start coming out of the wood works.

What this game really improves on is the gameplay. They made a bunch of tweaks to make the combat faster and smoother. Miles powers add another level of complexity both for combat and stealth. A lot of these gameplay improvements made there way to Spider-Man 2 which even has the OG Spider-Man getting combat powers.

Of course the traversal mechanics are just as good as before with no improvements this time around. Although hard to complain since if it ain't broke there's no need fix it.

It can be argued this can be skipped for Spider-Man 2 but I feel like it really helps shape miles into his own character for that game.

A great attempt at something new for the pokemon franchise. Does a good job of showing we open world Pokemon can and should look like. The monster are all seen on the map and you can just run up and fight them\capture them. Also the poke-dex is a nice background objective since you can keep capturing\fighting monsters to learn more about them for the poke-dex entries.

Performance is pretty bad however. Constant pop-in and frame rate issues. I will say this is forgivable here since this was there first attempt at an open world game. But it really sucks they went right away to Scarlet and Violet instead of taking a year or two to get better performance, if that's even possible.

A great sequel to a great game. Pretty much plays the same as the first one. The puzzles are a bit more complex and so is the story. You meet one new robot AI dude who try's helping take down GLADOS. Which then it turns out he just wanted her powers. So then it's up to you and GLADOS to fix everything.

Once again the story and writing are amazing. The writing is pretty damn funny which is always a nice surprise for a video game. The story may explain more of the background history but it still does a good job of leaving somethings unanswered.

Technically the only real mechanical change is adding special types of goos that have physic changes. But even without that they still do a lot to make complex and enjoyable puzzles with portal gun. There is also a coop mode that for the short time I played it was amazing. Having access to anther set of portals sounds great until you have to leave control of them to a second person. Also it's pretty crazy that the PS3 version was crossplay with PC. Although I think that functionally probably broke after a year or two, still awesome that it existed. From my understanding the PC version also had cross hat support with Team Fortress 2 where you could earn certain hats in Portal 2 and they would transfer to TF2 as well which was a cute feature.

Honestly for how old it is it holds up really well. I think I've played modern platforms that felt worse than this.

Very chill platformer. Your meant to struggle climbing around and gathering parts. As you progress you get more movement tech but it still involves mostly climbing which is pretty unique for me. Honestly my biggest take away is how peaceful the game can feel yet still be such a massive world. I hope we get a sequel.

Probably the first ever "Rage Game" I ever got good at. This is a 2-D kind of a side scroller shoot-em up. The main point of the game is to defeat bosses. You can unlock a variety of weapons and perks to help you with that.

There are non boss stages but honestly they are the worst parts of the game, they're not hard just boring. You can really feel like they were just thrown in since people complained about boss rush only, considering the DLC doesn't have side scroller levels I really think that's the case. For variety the game includes flying shoot-em up boss stages so there is variety when it comes to boss fights.

Of course the main draw is the art style and I gotta a say it's a masterpiece on that front. It really feels like you're playing a cartoon from the 50's. There's so much attention to detail with animations it's unreal.

Overall a great game to both play and look at.

I'll be honest and say I never played the original, it just didn't hook me. That isn't to say I think the OG is bad.

I really enjoyed the remake. I thought the combat was fun. It's a bit of a light hack N slash with light turn based mechanics. You're always attacking but certain moves require a meter (pretty much based on a timer) to fill to use. You can switch around to pretty much any party member both for combat variety and to have better fighting tactics.

I found the story to be a nice tale of corporate espionage in the name of saving mother nature. Although the main character Cloud doesn't seem to care about that and only wants money. As the game progresses you meet more wonderful characters. You also see Cloud change as a character as time progresses.

The game features nice little hub areas with side content. It breaks up the game enough so that it isn't just going to point A to point B.

With the sequel coming soon I would recommend checking this one out. It's not too long so you should be able to beat it before the next once comes.

I'm a sucker for beat'em up games and I love Jojo so I had to check this out. I wasn't really disappointed.

First I should say I played this with an English translation patch but even then as long as you watched\read part 5 you can pretty much understand what's going on the whole time.

The game does a decent enough job of following Part 5's plot. Pretty much each level is a different stand boss fight. Your goal is to find either the trick to beat the enemy or just beat the shit out of them.

The game has a variety of characters you play as that can play pretty differently. There's some characters that only get like 1 level which is crazy they even bothered to do that. Back in the PS2 era devs really were willing to make one and done mechanics.

The bulk of the gameplay is just beating your enemy. Either with your fist or your stand. The stands make for some fun combos since it can kind of feel like separate character helping you out. There's also special events you can trigger that happen if you recreate scenes from the manga. Although it can feel like bullshit the way you trigger some of them. The scenes are cool to have since it rewards fans with a little bit of extra content.

Honestly if you wanted an interesting game adaptation of Jojo's I would say you should check this out.

Interesting action take on RE. But still nothing specail. If your desperate for another co-op RE game this might fill the itch.

The only other interesting aspect was the multiplayer that was PvPvE. You could mess with the other team by fighting in the middle of zombie hoard. So it was a different MP experience for the time.

With the remake out it's hard to justify saying you NEED to play this. But if you want to maximize Dead Space content you should start with this one. I believe one aspect that still holds up better is the characters. Mostly because in this version Issacs is just a silent stand in for the player so the other characters are given more room to develop. Since Issac becomes a voiced character in the Re-Make they seem to siphon the importance of the other characters to Issac.

I have to say I'm not the biggest sonic fan but I have fond memories of being given a hand me down genesis and playing the hell out of Sonic 2 with my Brother.

This was actually the first sonic game I sat down and beat. It was really enjoyable. It's a fun and fast 2d platformer. Even if you don't want to go fast there's other characters and routes in each level to change it up.

Of course the pixel art is amazing. Just looks great in HD. All the colors and details really pop.

Here's hoping for a sequel (at this point I can't imagine it happens but you never know).