I dig this game's style. Arcane doesn't disappoint with the visuals. However, I feel that Deathloop doesn't live up to it's full potential. It's too straightforward if that makes any sense. I never felt particularly challenged. If this had come out 20 years ago on PC as a full blown immersive sim, with actual progress reset everytime you died and micromanaging of your target locations, I think it would have become a cult classic of its time.

It comes so close to being the franchise best. The style has been juiced up to maximum overdrive. The music is funky as hell. The main villain is probably the best of the series even if the other aliens don't reach the same heights as the assassins from the first game. Gameplay is great. Fuckin' Rocky 3 is referenced. This should be a five star for me. I should love this as much as the original. But it falls short. The narrative feels oddly disjointed at some parts, par the course for the series, but still. The open world is too big with loads of bloat. Things get repetitive fast, and not in the intentional way that the first game was going for. I dunno, certain things feel off. It looks great though, even if it makes my Switch wanna die.

I went from a Suda fan to a Suda admirer after playing this game. The gameplay isn't anything to write home about and normally I'd dock more stars because of that, but the writing here elevates the game to four stars. I can't think of many games, or hell, any pieces of art that is this humanly self reflective. It doesn't come off as masturbatory in the slightest for me. Suda is simply reflecting on his career. Celebrating his highs and lamenting his failures. If there's any takeaway from TSA, it's get out there and do what you want to. Celebrate your success' and learn from your failures. You've got one life. Aim true and fire away.

The Rockstar that made this game is sadly long dead.

Vastly improved gunplay after the utter trainwreck that was GTA5's gameplay. Visually one of the most beautiful released in the last 10 years. Unfortunately suffers badly from Rockstar's lame ass mission design. Truthfully I think one of my biggest issues with this game is how unnecessary it is. We really didn't need to know the backstory of Dutch's gang or how it fell apart. We learn just enough I'm the first game without being bogged down by needless information.

This is the best gunplay that Rockstar has ever produced. It deserves all the praise for that alone. The soundtrack also fucks.

"I had a dream of my wife. She was dead. But it was all right."

A classic. Great atmosphere with fun gameplay. (With the exception of out of place platforming. Remedy, why do you do this to me?) Fair warning, play the PC version. Runs and controls better. May have to install some mods to fix audio issues though.

It's a very generous 2 stars. The amount of ego to stand and say that they put all of what they've learned into this game is enough to piss me off. The gameplay is both a step up and a step down. Leveling up is a fucking chore. The UI is a mess. Stealth is great in concept but severely lacking on top of not being worth the trouble due to lack of XP it gives out. The music is not it, man. Customization is atrocious compared to 2. Locking the game to always online back fired so badly that I can't help but laugh and say that Overkill deserves the massive vibe check this game got them. They learned nothing from the Walking Dead. The saddest part is, I could forgive this game for its problems if it wasn't so god damn boring. I stuck with Payday 2 through it's controversies because it was still fun. Payday 3 has the look of 2, but none of the soul. And I sadly dunno if they'll be able to fix this mess.

I love this jank piece of shit game. It's buggy, it's ugly, it's a money sink, and it's one of the most wildly addictive games I've ever played. My chimp brain gets such a dopamine rush watching the big number go up. Customization is awesome and there are hundreds of heists ranging in quality to choose from. I've logged days of my life in this game on two separate platforms and I'd do it again. The lifeline memories I've made playing this with friends is irreplaceable.

I am a very prideful animal who doesn't like to be proven wrong very often, but am I glad that this game did. RE4 remake isn't ashamed of its originator, it loves it with all of its heart. It's a testament to how far 3rd person action shooters have come in the last 20 years. It takes everything the industry has worked with since the OG RE4 and ramps it up to 11 with surprisingly tech heavy combat. It's no DMC mind you, but once you master this game, you feel like John Wick. RE4 remake remembered the face of its father and can stand alongside it as a pillar in the gaming industry.

How did you make an already mid game worse?

A good remake in it's own right, but fumbles in a couple places. A and B scenarios are non-existent and some bosses are bastardized. Worth a playthrough or two, and should keep you busy with it's load of free dlc content.

Better enemy variety but a step down in a lot of ways. What did they do to Mercenaries mode?

A good return to form even if it's repetitive and loses it's muster on repeat playthroughs. Solid amount of bonus content to dig into though.