Incredible game!
Loved the exploration, the “Aha” moments in which I was solving and discovering! Great soundtrack especially how much it kicks in at the last hours of the game.
There are a couple of things that I wished were done differently and found them bizarre to be honest but they are in spoiler territory but they didn’t ruin the overall experience.
I’m amazed by how many side quests this game has!! I’ve spent so much time yet I didn’t finish them all. I love the openness of the sky islands and freedom, and how overwhelming the depth can be when you first explore it.

The story is incredible and the main highlight ❤️

Though it uses a lot of ideas and areas of its prequel it still managed to give me a smile, to make me feel like a kid discovering and experimenting 🥹

I’m not sure what’s next and what can top this entry.

I really wanted to love this game, I liked the retro art style, the soundtrack, most boss fights were really fun and interesting! However, while I enjoyed the first play through (Episode 1) and it was fine, I was slowly getting annoyed when trying to finish the second play through (Episode 2). With the weird random nature of last episode for the true ending (despite my excitement of more characters showing up) my fatigue was at its peak and I stopped playing. It is unlikely that I will continue playing it again but you never know, maybe after some break.

Excellent game and fun adventure and surprise! Loved every bit of it! The characters and their personalities are charming. I love the humor and how the game doesn’t take itself so seriously. The gameplay is top tier! Incredibly satisfying to nail the notes as you adapt to new enemies and challenges. The boss battles are a key highlight and very unique.

Incredible effort by one person, great soundtrack and gunplay, the sound effects of heads popping is so satisfying and it does a great job at creating an eerie atmosphere. Can’t wait for a second chapter


Good game back at the day but a bit too long for today’s standards as it drags towards the last couple of chapters, interesting to see bungie’s take on anime based games. Their character art during dialog sucks though lol

Upgrade in level design compared to their older games, I really enjoyed the combat and as a dynasty warriors fan, I liked the Three Kingdoms lore

While I finished most endings around April, I finally unlocked the true ending and it was incredible! The puzzles, the dialogue, the conspiracy theories and the information in the game were incredible. Loved the cast of characters and I didn’t see the twists coming at all. Well done and I can’t wait to play the sequel

Incredible remake to an incredible game. More grounded while being loyal to the original. Great new challenge and changes.

Loved it, a great game that I believe non Harry Potter fans can enjoy. While the main quest was nothing special (especially the final boss) other side quests with different students and characters were incredibly fun and entertaining.
The combat is very fun and I love how chaining different spells yields different results that are well thought and make sense.

Very fun DLC with great soundtrack. Too bad it was a bit too short, loved playing as Richter.

Very nice game, but time consuming, I’ve played it in the original difficulty for about 6 hours then switched to assist mode and it was way more fun and convenient!

This review contains spoilers

My first visual novel game and a pretty good one! Loved the twists and I love how it breaks the fourth wall!! I haven’t the extra episodes though.

Incredible sequel!! Better in all aspects including horror, environments, character development, sound design! Just when you think you know when to expect jump scares, the game surprises you.

An incredibly entertaining and fun game! It starts a bit slow but once I got the third type of tinykin it was very hard for me to put the game down. Loved environments, the layout if the stages. It is a fun short adventure that still has content for the completionists. The game is upbeat and the artsyle is very adorable and unique. I played this game thinking that it is a Pikmin clone but I have to say that it is different and I enjoyed this formula more than Pikmin, it is like a hybrid between pikmin and N64 platforms/collectathon games. 9.5 for an indie game, 9 probably overall. Hope to see a sequel with a bigger scope.