So far only FromSoft can deliver the sense of exploration that I enjoy most about this genre.
That said, I did like some of the music and no complaints on the technical side of things.

I wish souls games were armored core likes.

The combat has some great things going for it, there's a decent amount of skills for you to weave into a DPS rotation. The dodges and counters are particularly fun... and the best thing about the combat is that if you play well you finish the game faster!

Gav and Cid are great though.

I really enjoyed experimenting with different classes throughout the game, and the bosses were always something to look forward to at the end of the boring levels.

Jack is possibly my favorite video game protagonist ever and really carries the story to new heights for the Final Fantasy franchise.

Unfortunately no souls game that I'm aware of has managed to have a compelling gear system, the best thing I can say about this one is that it has so little impact on how you play the game that It may as well not exist.

Thousands of hours well spent

The community had the best banter of any MOBA, it will be missed.

The gameplay was a nice middleground between the fast paced action of League and the methodical pace of Dota 2.

HoN spearheaded a lot of innovation in the Genre, but ultimately fell behind for a plethora of good reasons, unfortunately nothing else plays like it.

Carries on the torch from DoTa and HoN in some regards, its the moba with the best characters stuck in what I would consider the worst game due to its terrible concede system and muddy visuals.

Really good adventure with the most consistently fun boss fights in the series. Unfortunately suffers from the same issue as every other souls game - lots of cool weapons but you are discouraged from trying them with expensive upgrade materials locking you into your existing weapon.

NieR Automata asks the question "What if the original NieR had good combat" and never answers it.


Best story I've experienced in a GameBookStageplay
Had some cool ideas for genre mixing too, text based parts are a highlight.
Soundtrack is fantastic too.

Have not finished it, I've been stuck on a whole different planet.

I think this game has my favorite game OST ever.

The story and characters are actually my favorite in the series, the gameplay is solid too, but there are some distracting technical issues with this game on the switch.

The levels, music, characters, story, combat - its all good. it all comes together to make a great game. but hmm, when the combat gets boring make sure to mix up your party - although the customization is lacking compared to later entries.