Was hoping/expecting for an adventure game with some interesting puzzles and bizarre atmosphere.

Instead got a puzzle walking simulator that just does not quite work for me.
P.s. its horror aspect is just gore.

Typically hate the word due to its over-usage but this is a masterpiece.

One of the best fictional stories I have read so far in my life. Perhaps even The Best.

"Older gamers" like to 'rant' how they had to use paper guides to finish some super hard Sega/Nintendo game.
Well, I needed a guide to not be raped each encounter.

- aesthetically pleasing art style
- customization of playable character using different forms
- relatively fun story

-repetitiveness and grindness of having to do 'chore' quests to rank up forms. Especially once hybrid quests (custom form) start.
- gatekeeping by suddenly running out of form quests (e.g. can't get to A rank cause literally no new form quests were given)
- OST is nice but not much variety, tiring to listen to same 3-5 songs
- Dungeons don't seem to have any unique memorable bosses from what I saw in the 6-7 hours that I played.

Overall, good game but maybe more fun and less repetitive playing co-op?

Appears to be rather very greedy.

Joined in at launch event to see that EU server was not a thing (hello, 240 ms ping) and stayed around for about a week to see what it had to offer. Resource and energy seemed somewhat imbalanced, not once causing me to pour all of daily "stamina" just to get some credits/resources for some level-ups.

What really made me quit for now was essentially 4 "limited-time rate ups" with split "pity" one after another.
With no time or chance to gather a decent amount of premium currency without real-money-transactions.

I understand that you are likely supposed to just choose one and be happy, but that does not make it any less scummy towards those who don't want to research beforehand what rate-up schedule will look like just after launch.

As for the rest of the game:
- the writing, even by gacha standards, is very poor at the start
- the protagonist model literally has no face (and I didn't notice any explanation why they couldn't have just given him a mask if they didn't want to animate different expressions)
- English dub is meh

I might return at some anniversary to see if it changes for the better. But somehow I doubt it.

Bit of a weird situation with this one. I really wanted to complete it but just couldn't. It became a "slog" to play.
Maybe this will shed some spotlight:

The good:
-The OST sounds really great. Highlight of the game. Would recommend.
-The environments look cool, retro-style without too many irritating filters (that some put to replicate "old style")
-Satisfying to see head explodes

The bad:
-The weapons. Not much variety and you get most of them really early, so there's not much to look forward to.
-The enemies. Same enemies over and over and over again, with a rare instance where a new variant is added (again, very rare to happen)
-Levels & Map system: maybe I have a terrible sense of direction or too spoiled by modern games, but I would clear enemies in let's say 5mins, and then spend 15mins aimlessly wondering around in an already explored area with no idea what I am supposed to do as there are no Objectives that would hint where to go.
Map exists but despite multiple tries I found it to be pretty much useless and unintuitive.

-Secrets. As non-completionist didn't have major issues with this but having in some cases 35+ secrets per level and most of them being just a stash of loot? No unique weapons or anything like that? Sad.

Reason for quitting:
Got to next stage, thinking I was already close to the end of the game, already feeling slightly burnt out from repetitive enemies and aimless wandering. Decided to check a guide/walkthrough to see how much was left.
Found out I was only half-way done at best...

From what I played (2 sets of levels), in a nutshell it is a dating sim for speedrunners with some questionable quality writing.

Was tempted to just shelf it but I highly doubt I will ever return to this.

Music's good tho.

Better than State of Decay games,
yet worse than State of Decay games?

Foundation for a good game was there but it's too long, too bland (even hordes soon become not that special) and there's very little to keep you going unless you really like the thought of "ex-biker in zombie apocalypse deals with anger issues".

Even with mods to make durability and fuel capacity not feel so tedious it was still pretty boring for me to play.
But it can look fairly pretty at times.

Previously played demos and now EA 0.1.214.
Will be using this to keep track.

Thoughts at the moment: looks neat, but kinda wish there was more variety to stealth than just stay in shadows and stab stab.

And while I kind of understand the idea behind it, longer distance between save-points and scarce health items do make experimenting not that tempting.

Very beautiful and cute... but the gameplay's kind of too lackluster to bother finishing it.

Such a great game with such a terrible fun-nullifying final level (among some other "clunkiness").
Still excited to play the sequel.

Top-notch level designs in most cases, but I felt rather underwhelmed by the main story.

Felt as if game focused on one group of characters bit too much while other two groups remained kind of ignored throughout the whole game. Despite final parts trying to make them relevant again.

I gave in to the mass of reviews that called this "perfect", "masterpiece", "true game", "100/10", "I'd sell my soul for this game", etc.

Aaand I didn't see it. At all. Tried multiple times, I swear. Even if I kinda understood the emotional aspect of the loop.

Unlocked and did most of the ship log, yet the more I saw, the less interested in story I became. In the end, just looked at how to get the ending instead of discovering it myself.

Some planets were interesting, I'll give it that.
Controls on the other hand... were not great.


Got soft-locked multiple times.
Gave up and watched the final 30 mins (apparently that's how much I had left) on YouTube.

Played a demo and now 0.289-xxx Early Access version (which looks and feels better than some other game's 0.8 versions) and it has been pretty great overall.
It's got charm, appeal and a lot of potential. Could end up a really really good colony sim with intriguing Underschool exploration mechanic.
Excited to see how it will evolve.