Having played some of popcaps other games before replaying this one, this truly feels popcaps swan song. This game remains the most accessible yet rewarding tower defense game. This game constantly manages to keep throwing new ideas left and right, and it still manages to get pretty challenging at the end. Elevated by its incredible charm, and put onto goat tier due to it's endless replaybility. Seriously on top of survival mode which is already endlessly replayability on its own, the amount of minigames (some even referencesing popcap games like what) are simply astounding. Easily the studios final hurrah and one of the best tower defense games ever made. Absolute classic.

This game just oozes passion, there are so many moments where it feels like the devs loved what they were doing. The countless references, the myriad of rhythm styles that continuously get introduced, the silly and campy story that manages to be heartwarming at the end. This is all on top of the main main mechanics remaining fun, unique and satisfying throughout the entire game. There are a lot of little things that bugged me to not make me give it a perfect rating though. I would say they overclocked on the rhythm gimmick admittedly, it affects thing like the jump being the worst jump in anything ever, or objects just flying in and hurting you to the beat, or rhythm sections being way too strict, among other things. Despite all that, I'm so happy that this game exists. This In a world of AAA games trying to appeal to as many people as possible, I'm so happy Hi-Fi Rush was designed to be a cult classic.

Also Peppermint and Korsica were absolutely dating by the end of the game thanks devs

Even as someone who really loves this game and Parrapa as a franchise, I'm not sure if I'd recommend them. The rhythm sections are extremely simple by todays standards and the replayability is extremely lacking. It's a game that is entirely held up by its charm, but when the charm is just this fucking good, then its extremely worth it to me. Really wish they'd make a new one.

Even as someone who didnt get super into it like alot of other people did, I really enjoyed this one. The combat and movement are super simple yet extremely satisfying, and the atmosphere and exploration is unparalleled. Very rarely got lost in this game too. The boss fights especially are a highlight, especially with the music. Will definitely consider replaying to enjoy it more but I enjoy it alot as of now.

I know I shouldn't have expected it cause it was made earlier, but like mini motorways with trains should've been a slam dunk for me but just isn't. Unfortunately the game feels a whole lot less accessible, with trains just straight up not registering people without making new lines which is so weird??? Hope someone gives the concept another go.

This game makes my autism brain so happy like seeing the traffic flows go well is extremely satisfying and it actually doesn't feel mindless too despite how simple it feels.


Love this game. The campaign is great and all, super relaxing yet isnt brainless and remains super fun and charming to play throughout. I wish the main game was more challenging so the survival aspects were more fleshed out but whatever, an absolute great time and graphically stunning.


Something that always got me about this game was how cinematic this game felt. Like this is the Mario game to end all Mario games, Mario is going to space, Bowser is taking over the galaxy, and you recruit the power of the stars to take him down. The levels music are mostly either melancholy or bombastic, and your literally flying around multiple planets. Couple that with some incredible level design and an amazing narrative hook with Rosalina, you have a Mario experience unlike any other.

Ok yeah, this game doesn't have the same narrative drive that the original did, but when your played some of the best-designed levels in Mario history as a kid, I doubt you really cared. Also this one has Yoshi so its on par with the original at least

Ok objectively, this game has so many problems. The microtransactions, the bot problem, the lack of consistent content all that. But when your just playing the game, it's just flat out an unparalleled experience. To this day I haven't found a multiplayer game that's as consistently fun as TF2.

At the best of moments, it was the greatest game of all time. Unfortunately a myriad of bad business decisions, terrible gameplay patches, and me moving on from online shooters caused me to lose my attachment in the game. Despite that I'll always remember the fun times with the game. Rest in piece.

Easily the best Kirby. The gameplay is as tight as ever with a gimmick makes it feel truly dynamic. Level design is great with some amazing stylization with the mechanized aesthetic. The story is heartbreaking when pieced together, the post game is fantastic, easily the best Kirby games and one of the best 2D platformers period. It's literally gurren lagan 10/10

hat game rat game black and white and brown game tell me about the power of your soul

I just do not know why they didn't put this one on the switch, literally got all the best microgames, amazing cutscenes, endless amounts of content. If you needed a good representation of what WarioWare is all about, this is the game.