Probably my favorite of the non-classic Battlefields. This is the only game I can think of that has an intro that makes you feel bad for playing it.

The sniper rifle is a plague on multiplayer shooters and I cannot imagine Sir Joseph Whitworth, inventor of the malicious device, is none too pleased.

Some of the new content such as the addition of a plot and the goat feel really barebones. Others such as the challenge train and the timing display at the bottom are more than welcome additions to the franchise. While I have a lot more fond memories playing previous entries in the franchise, this is still a solid entry and a must have for any fan of the series, or just anyone looking for a great 3DS game to play.

Open world was the right move, but this needed another few months in the oven.

This game was made by fucking dino-phobes, man.

I could just list all of the faults of this game. How it sometimes feels like flicking isn't the best control scheme for a video game. How the latter half feels sort of lazy with all the copypasted retreads. How there's a .05% chance your palm will accidentaly eject the game cartridge due to how you have to hold the DS for this game. How Moai Doo Wop 2 is a thing that exists. But in reality, the sheer amount of fun you can have with this game more than makes up for any of these little nitpicks and pushes Rhythm Heaven into the upper echelon of video games as a medium.

not bad for a first person dungeon crawler

One of the easiest platinum trophies ever. Oh, and it also comes with a groundbreaking award-winning JRPG too.

I remember that my friends always ALWAYS wanted to play this after school. The art is nice, the gameplay is objectively solid, and it still somehow managed to piss me the fuck off.

It's not even the games fault, my friends were just shitty.

The motion controls are fine, the graphics and soundtrack are really nice, but holy christ in heaven above is it boring


Ares in the streets, Dionysus in the sheets

Alright fine, jeez I'll put the wrist straps on...

Always loved how one of the axe guys was in a test tube at the end. This implies some scientist tried to genetically engineer a flannel-guy

Better than people were giving it credit for, but still there were some parts that were kind of a slog to get through. This could have used some more interesting set pieces and actually having your demon allies appear during battle. Someday I'll come back and 100% it.

It's bad. Holy shit, it's so bad. All the characters, especially the protagonist, are absolute morons. The puzzles are all obvious, the shooting feels boring, the absorb bullet mechanic is terrible, you move around the overworld with the mannerisms of a drunkard, just all around an unenjoyable experience. "Oh, but the writing's good!" Not really. The game expects you to just accept a ton of unreasonable circumstances and roll with it. "The doors lock... just because, okay!" It unironically feels like a child wrote this.

The music is decent though.