It's bad. Holy shit, it's so bad. All the characters, especially the protagonist, are absolute morons. The puzzles are all obvious, the shooting feels boring, the absorb bullet mechanic is terrible, you move around the overworld with the mannerisms of a drunkard, just all around an unenjoyable experience. "Oh, but the writing's good!" Not really. The game expects you to just accept a ton of unreasonable circumstances and roll with it. "The doors lock... just because, okay!" It unironically feels like a child wrote this.

The music is decent though.

The motion controls are fine, the graphics and soundtrack are really nice, but holy christ in heaven above is it boring

Fun with friends, but it could use a lot of changes. There is so much fog outside to the point where it's not scary/atmospheric but just frustrating. Finally getting to the end of a day only to die to something you couldn't even see makes for an extremley frustrating gameplay loop.

Yet another tolerable experience from Mario and co.! and by co. i mean my shaft and by tolerable i mean my seam

Maybe the arcade version is better, but the Dreamcast version feels like I'm sticking one thumb in Rudy Giuliani's mouth, and the other in his asshole.

It feels like it should be shovelware, but you can tell that some effort was put into it. Given the fast paced arcade-style gameplay I would say "good in short bursts", but that would imply that I would be willing to go back to this game. If you do end up liking it, there is plenty of content and unlockables to be found. Not awful by any stretch, but it's certainly telling that the best feature is mashing the buttons on the loading screen to hear a cacophony of farts and burps.

The visuals, character design, and music is astounding. Flying around as the robot is also one of the best feelings in video games period. However, the voice acting really is just as bad as everyone says it is, and the gameplay overall is sort of a confused mess. It also features one of the most puntable protagonists in gaming history. The sequel is definitely better, but there is a certain aesthetic to this game that can't really be found anywhere else, assuming you don't kick that kid for a 44 yard field goal.


A rare "so bad it's good" game that is fun just to look at and experience. Get some friends over, play the multiplayer, do a quick runthrough of the neutral story, whatever tickles your fancy. Just do not play it alone and/or go for completion. The bizarre level design and tedious mission objectives combined with some lackluster hit detection will wear off a lot faster than you would think.

Ape Escape 2 (2002) is a video game in which several monkeys wearing pajamas try to escape from a secret laboratory in which a professor makes cookies that the kids just crave! three stars

I love Homestar Runner and Strong Bad, and the humor is very on point. I could see if you're not a fan though this game being very confusing or annoying. Also, this game crashes a lot. Multiple times on PC and Wii the game would either hard freeze or softlock me out of using something important like the menu to quit. So I would only really go in if your a fan.

Not that a non-fan would be digging up a decade old point and click to play suddenly.

This is a game where you have to use your brain for once! NEato!

Got about 90% through the game, and then my hard drive crashed. You bet your tight little asshole I immediately played through it again and beat it. It's that good.

Every time I played this game, a huge storm started approaching outside of my house. It was initially off-putting, but in the end I think it did a lot for my motivation.