An amazing game with witty dialogue, and a story that is simple but packs a punch. I love this game to death.

I'm tired of logging in, collecting things to sell, get that money, pay off something, and then do fucking nothing. No more of this shit.

A great spider man game that didn't have the best story, but I still enjoyed it a lot.

How to make you hate Sonic even more the game

I love this game, but, goddamn, is it hard to complete

It was decent, but too easy and short

The bowling game is the greatest game in existence

Best and only racing game I'm good at

While very easy, and only hard at the very end, it's worth playing for how Mario came to be

It wasn't the game I thought it was going to be

Not my favorite Mario game because of how it uses 3D and open world, but still fun to play