A short and sweet stealth game, with fun gameplay and mechanics.

Real Simple hacker game, but pretty good for what it is.

While slacking in aspects like writing and bug fixing. Things like companions, weapons, and environment make up for it to me. Worth a try.

A simple game abt a small ppl, A tiny drama unfolding in Shoshone national forest. The atmosphere and visuals add the emotion of story, it's the little things in this game that can hit the most.


A great rougelike with fantastic dialogue and story, hyped for hades 2

The WW1 game to end all WW1 games. Despite being 7 years old at this point all the editing, art direction and atmosphere still hold. Forever a classic

Good gunplay, great atmosphere and an ending that makes you feel no matter.

Don't the let cute aesthetic, this will destroy as it destroyed me.
Even tho all the character aren't likeable, the writing that makes you feel for them is top notch.

The best unfinished fallout game, god I wish there was bug fix update or smth for xbox.

Harsh and dour, with exciting battles and good stories for your heroes. Don't get too attached

4 years well spent. Chalice is welcome edition to game including the new mechanics she brings. The bosses are still filled with same creativity and love from the base game. def worth the money.

The kills, the character and the stealth are there. The powers you can use exploit the environment give so much creativity to player it's great. It one of many the reasons this game is considered a classic.

A worthy followup to previous entry, the stealth and gameplay are still pretty good, the endings also have a heavy weight to them fits prefectly with the world of Dishonored.

Bloody grim fun. It makes great usage of its movement and weapon mechanics in a fun yet still challenging way. Good stuff.

Oh Splatoon 1, how good you were back in ye olden 2015, sorry you're filled with cheaters