The ambitious end to a long running franchise, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a very fascinating game.
The gunplay is enjoyable, the puzzles are decent and the humor is pretty good, there are some hilarious character interactions.

The story though, isn't very deep but I liked the darker approach and the flashbacks, it's interesting enough to keep you playing, and it really makes you care for the characters.

Exploration works well, there are documents you can read or random collectibles to find, but they're not worth anything. I did enjoy the open area in Madagascar though, the fact that I could roam the desert with a car was surprisingly relaxing and fun.
Lastly, climbing is a very big part of the game, and even though the climbing mechanics are very smooth, I really wish there was less of it.

The action sequences are easily the best thing about this game, some jaw-dropping set-pieces keep you on the edge of your seat.

Uncharted 4 is the definition of a "Movie Videogame".
It's absolutely gorgeous, the cinematography is outstanding, the performances are phenomenal and the soundtrack fits well, but gameplay-wise it's just... exhausting, not because of the controls or the gunplay, but because of the hand-holding and the linearity. It really is an impressive experience and for its genre, it's probably one of the best games you can find, and a very easy recommendation.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" ~ 8.5/10.

This game was absolutely groundbreaking when it came out, a step forward for the gaming industry.

The characters are very good and entertaining, but unfortunately the story felt bizarre at times, not bad, I just think that some plot points weren't handled very well.

The gameplay and shooting mechanics are great, not a big improvement over the previous games but still fun.

The world is very big, there are many activities to do, and the side content is more than enough.
Overall, this is a remarkable game and pretty much timeless.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

A very nice reason to revisit Resident Evil 4.
This time, experiencing the story from Ada Wong's perspective, we get a shorter version of the main campaign with additional gameplay mechanics and new weapons, almost something like a New Game+ playthrough.

I don't have much to say other than the fact that this is a very fun yet short expansion, with some new boss fights, encounters and areas to explore.

It's worth playing if you crave more of the same, and it's also very cheap.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

I love Blade Wolf, he's definitely my favorite character alongside Raiden.

His playstyle is completely different from both Raiden and Sam, and he has some unique attacks aswell, but he feels clunky and heavy.
Also the platforming levels didn't fit well in my opinion.

I appreciate the fact that Mistral got some development and screentime, I really liked her as a character in the main game but she appeared for a very short time.

Lastly, the boss fight is a little bit disappointing and just okay.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

Jetsteam Sam is perhaps one of my favorite characters in Metal Gear Rising, and getting to play as him was very exciting.

His playstyle is similar to Raiden's but with some devastating unique attacks that feel powerful and look gorgeous.

Overall it's nice DLC but way too short.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

Absolutely insane!
I honestly can't believe this game is real, this is an over-the-top Hack and Slash fever dream

The gameplay holds up pretty well, it's very fast, smooth and fun, however, the controls can sometimes be bad and irresponsive.
You can unlock new weapons and pieces of equipment to use, so even if it gets repetitive, you can always switch to different combat styles and keep things fresh.
The parry mechanic is very weird, sometimes it doesn't work correctly, but when it does it feels very satisfying!
It's worth to mention that this the only game where your sword cuts through everything, from enemy limbs to objects, walls and even bridges.

Now for the story, it's weak but it has some incredible set-pieces full of action and suspense. Sadly it's a very short game, but the pacing is good, the game never gets boring or tedious.

The boss fights are the best thing about this game, and the music is the cherry on top, in fact the whole soundtrack is phenomenal.

I do wish the level design was more creative though, most areas look exactly the same, and the environment looks boring.
Also the camera can be a pain in the ass sometimes, it automatically focuses on enemies you don't want to attack and it gets really annoying.

Lastly, the humor and the sarcasm are unbelievable, this game is just hilarious, it knows when to be funny and it knows when to take things seriously.
I feel like this game was made for me, it's my first Metal Gear, and it's a damn fun experience.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

Pure videogame bliss.
This game looks absolutely phenomenal, the visuals are stunning, the environments are beautiful and the music is absolutely banging, easily one of the best and most important parts of the game.

Arguably the best Hack 'n' Slash combat in any videogame so far, Dante is easily the best character to play as, his mechanics are insane and he has so many weapons, it's wild. Nero is very enjoyable aswell, at first he feels kind off generic, because his kit is all-around quite balanced, but once you unlock more abilities his combos are incredibly fun to do. As for V, he is... interesting, his gameplay mechanics are quite different but not really in a good way, he slows down the pacing by a lot and sometimes his levels feel like a slog to go through.

I didn't really mind the story, the writing is a little bit weak but there are some nice plot twists and epic moments in it.

The cast is pretty good, every character is entertaining and cool, but what bothered me is the very cheesy and cringey dialogue, the over-the-top "badass" one liners and the unnecessary jokes.

I think the biggest issue of the game is the outdated level design, every level is linear and boring to look at, dark colors everywhere, pathetic puzzles and no variety at all.

It's worth to mention that, at first, I wasn't a big fan of the gameplay and the characters, but once I reached Chapter 10, the game got progressively better and better, with Dante carrying the entire game, I really came to appreciate it by the end, it's just a very fun and solid game that I recommend to everyone.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" ~ 8.5/10.


The pinnacle of the indie genre, Hades is absolutely remarkable, and the perfect example of what makes a videogame "fun".
I really don't like the concept of Rogue-Like/Rogue-Lite games, but Hades was surprisingly enjoyable from start to finish.

The characters are the highlight of the game for sure, every character is very likeable, they all have their own personalities, and they really enhance the story of the game, which is very simple and all around just good.

The gameplay is fantastic, all the power ups and the Boons make it less repetitive, which is a big issue with Rogue-Like/Rogue-Lite games, and I love how Hades tries to stay away from repetitiveness as much as possible, by adding unique dialogue to almost every encounter, it's crazy how much effort was put into this game.

Also I love the soundtrack, it's has a unique old school arcadey vibe to it and fits perfectly with the game.

This is quite literally a flawless videogame, the only complain I have is that it's just not really my type of game, but the fact that I enjoyed it that much should tell you how stellar this game truly is.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I was very excited to play a Super Mario game again after so many years, and having seen all the praise for Super Mario Odyssey, I was sure I was going to enjoy this game.

In many ways, I think it lived up to the hype, from the very beautiful worlds, to the phenomenal gameplay mechanics and interesting power-ups, this game is a joy to play.

The story is the same as always, it's kind of whatever, but the ending is honestly amazing, and the throwbacks to the previous games are handled very well.

What bothered me unfortunately was the grinding for the Power Moons, infact, it exhausted me to the point where I got lost several times and it mostly felt like a chore.

Also, the boss fights are underwhelming, some of them are actually re-skinned, which is surprising for a short game like this one.

Overall, even though I expected something more from it, this one of the most enjoyable platformers I've played.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" - 8.5/10.

A perfect depiction of Japan's dark underworld.
The story is amazing full of plot twists and crazy moments, incredible writing and great characters.

The gameplay though, it's enjoyable and overall decent but it gets repetitive, you don't really unlock any new moves after the first few hours in the game.

The side content is more than enough, there is a lot you can do such as play arcade games, sing in the karaoke, dance in the disco club and many more, and there are also some interesting side stories.

I got to say, I'm very happy I finally played this game, it was a pleasant experience.

Final Rating: "Amazing ~ 9/10.

Arguably the best Resident Evil game, it mixes survival horror with action perfectly and manages to stay fresh and consistent from beginning to end.

What a ride that was, from the likeable characters, to the great horror sections, the beautiful set-pieces, and the very fun gameplay mechanics, this game is all-around fantastic.

I did find the puzzles kind of uninteresting to be honest, and the boss fights are mostly bullet sponges, but I enjoyed the backtracking, going back to areas I already explored only to find more things, the way the world is interconnected makes exploring feel smooth.

Definitely recommending this one, it's a very solid videogame experience that pleases both survival horror fans and action fans alike, a superb Remake.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I love Overwatch, it's definitely one of my favorite Online Multiplayer games out there.
Overwatch 2 is essentially a free update, with additional heroes, new abilities, new maps and a couple of Quality of Life improvements.

The problem is, the game still has the exact same issues it used to have, and the new progression system is flawed and confusing.

While being marketed as a sequel, it doesn't feel like a sequel at all, which is slightly disappointing.

That being said, the game is still a lot of fun, it's quite literally the same game as before but with some additional content, and it's also free, so I can't complain, it's just not really worthy of the "sequel" title.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

This game is spectacular, it was a fresh take on the Online Multiplayer First Person Shooter genre, and groundbreaking.

Unfortunately I'm a little bit late to the party, so I missed most of the good things that came out from this game.
Is it fun? Undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable First Person Shooter games I've ever played!
The gameplay is fast paced, creative and diverse, the character design is phenomenal, most of the heroes look fantastic, the maps look gorgeous, so many hidden details everywhere, overall I can safely say that this is a fantastic game.

But what doesn't make it a flawless game is the horrible matchmaking, and the lack of gamemodes, which is a shame because it really is a fun game overall.

It's still a very enjoyable experience, and I'm glad I didn't miss out on it, one of my favorite Online Multiplayer games for sure.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The hype is real.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a very fascinating experience, to some extent it's a beautiful masterpiece of a videogame that excels in many ways, and one of the most important games of the past few years, but unfortunately this game is flawed to its core, with flaws that cannot be fixed.

Before its release, CD Projekt Red promised so many things, to the point where everyone praised them and had high hopes, but the amount of issues the game had really hurt its reputation, it was an unfinished mess with issues that went beyond just the poor performance and the missing features that were supposed to be in the game. Three years later, after multiple patches, updates and downloadable content, the game is in a pretty good state, but it's not exactly what we were promised.

The story and the characters are surprisingly solid, the game touches some interesting topics and has depth, many set-pieces, a lot of action and some pretty emotional scenes, even though some parts are a little bit rushed towards the end.

The gameplay is great, it feels satisfying, every gun has a different feeling to it, and there are some special weapons with unique abilities. There is also a decent amount of weapons to get, upgrades and skills to unlock.

Night City is one of the best looking cities I've ever seen in any videogame and it's filled with quality, the side quests are phenomenal, and I enjoyed exploring, however, I wish there were more side activities and minigames to make the game more replayable.

Where the game disappointed me specifically is the outdated AI and the RPG mechanics, in fact the game barely feels like an RPG sometimes, the dialogue options are almost absent and choices don't matter for the most part. This makes the world somewhat lifeless, there's not enough interactivity, it's like the NPCs don't exist, and for an Open World game this is a very major and noticeable flaw.

Lastly, I did encounter some visual glitches, texture pop-ins, frame drops and even crashes when I first played the game, but after the 2.0 patch, I barely noticed any bugs and I've had a pretty smooth experience overall.

Ultimately this isn't a remarkable RPG but still a stellar videogame in many ways.
Despite the technical issues it suffered from when it first came out, after such a long time it's finally playable, and even though it failed to reach its full potential, I still recommend it.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" ~ 8.5/10.

An improvement over the first game in every way possible, Gears of War 2 is definitely the best game in the series.

It's a ruthless game, full of violence, gore and action.
The story is pretty interesting for the most part, nothing special but it does depict the atrocities of war very well.

The gameplay is enjoyable, it's a brutal fast paced cover shooter with a good amount of creative weapons to use.

The dark atmosphere sets the tone of the game perfectly, and it can be quite scary at times. There are many different areas that you visit throughout the campaign, and each area looks unique.

Last but not least, the boss fights are jaw-dropping!
This really is an Epic game after all.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.