Absolutely mindblowing.
This game has one of the most complex narratives I've seen in a videogame, and by the end, it successfully manages to answer every single question you have, and this is what I call good writing.

The way the story is structured is very fascinating, having to replay the same sections but slowly gathering more information and creating new branching paths is such a clever idea to tell a story, and it never gets boring. Also the way the overarching story is connected via the character stories is incredible, some character arcs conclude inside other characters' arcs, and they make perfect sense.
Reading the mystery files also gives a ton of information about what is currently happening in the game, and it's very helpful.

Sadly the game has only one specific flaw, which is honestly quite major, and it's the gameplay. The Destruction mode itself is a decent idea, having combat in between keeps it fresh considering how the vast majority of the game consists of pure dialogue, however, the combat itself is very shallow and mediocre, even though it can be fun sometimes, there are barely any interesting mechanics, and it's frustratingly repetitive. It only gets worse when you are forced to progress the Destruction mode so you can progress the story because it hurts the pacing.

Personally I didn't expect to love this game that much, it's a very unique experience, the plot hooks you from the beginning and slowly unravels in a way I've never seen before, the overall story is just phenomenal, and the characters are very well written.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

A very special and unique videogame experience.
One of the most depressing, complex, and deep stories I've had the pleasure of playing through, I love the subtlety, the symbolisms, the foreshadowing and relatable characters. It's a very well written game, it's aware of the themes it touches, and it gets even better when you replay the game to get the full story.

The gameplay is good, the abilities are fun to use, and the combos are satisfying, however, you unlock most things pretty early in the game, so it can get repetive after a while.

The new rearranged music is incredible, better than the original, and dare I say one of my favorite videogame soundtracks ever, absolutely beautiful.

If there is one thing that bothered me personally, is the amount of backtracking you have to do in the main story. Running back and forth, visiting the same areas multiple times, sometimes for unnecessary reasons, can get tiresome.

Overall this is an outstanding Remake, and easily the best way to experience this game.
It has few outdated elements like the fact that you need to collect all the weapons in the game in order to get the true ending which can be very exhausting, or the generic side quests, but it's still a phenomenal experience, and the new additional story related content is worth checking out.
Just for the story alone, it's worth playing through, at least twice, trust me.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The beginning of everything.
This is a very beautiful videogame, the environments, the areas you can explore, and all the different biomes are genuinely breathtaking. Exploring feels nice, there are random errands and side quests scattered throughout the world, it's almost something like an Open World.

I liked the characters, it's rare for a JRPG to have many characters and make them all likeable, but Xenoblade Chronicles managed to do that and I didn't expect it.
Every character plays differently, and there's a lot of customization, like changing outfits or even weapons, swapping and leveling up abilities, and progressing the skill-tree.

As for the combat, in the beginning it felt fresh but it did get quite repetitive later on, I do like it but it's not anything special, it's enjoyable for the most part and there's some depth to it, and some cool mechanics.

Also the music is great, the soundtrack is memorable and it's varied with beautiful overworld exploration songs and some pretty iconic battle themes.

This is genuinely a very solid game, it reminded me of some old JRPGs, and for its time it was probably one of the biggest. When I started playing it, I wasn't really blown away, the pacing is slow and it takes a while for the story to pick up, but the last few chapters are honestly impressive, by the end it really got better and better, there are so many plot twists and interesting ideas, and the pay-off is worth it.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

One of the best platformer games I've ever played.

The gameplay mechanics are very enjoyable and the level design is incredible, some levels are just jaw-dropping and they have their own unique art-style.

The music is fantastic and really fits with the game. There are also some "music levels" that are solely focused on the music which are very unique and cool.

As for content, there's a decent amount of it, making the game very replayable if you want a challenge.

And lastly, the boss fights are interesting and pretty decent, some of them are simple enough but they look great, and some others are quite tough.

Overall, this game contains everything a platformer needs, a must-play if you are a fan of this genre.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

It's a nice DLC but It's honestly very short.
There are some great moments in it, and Ellie's relationship with Riley is very well written.

Also I personally liked how Ellie feels weaker than Joel, so killing enemies is more challenging.

Overall I liked it a lot, but it doesn't really add anything new except from some more backstory to Ellie.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

This is a legendary classic that everyone needs to play, it's a fun yet depressing adventure, and a truly unique videogame experience.

I don't like Post Apocalyptic Survival games but The Last of Us is something more than that.
Joel is one of the most complex protagonists I've ever seen, sometimes his actions are villainous and selfish but he's so well written, you can definitely see where he's coming from, his loss impacts the story a lot and you feel his pain throughout the whole game.

Ellie on the other hand, is the perfect deuteragonist, she is a deep character with a tragic past but she's represented as sweet, happy and quirky, which shows that she is still a kid after all. In terms of gameplay, she never gets in your way and helps in combat as much as she can.

The story itself is pretty simple on paper but it's very well written, and the pacing is absolutely perfect.

Now for the negatives, the game is very linear, and the secondary characters are forgettable.
That being said, despite some minor flaws, I think that this game is absolutely timeless and definitely deserves to be in PlayStation's Hall of Fame.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I don't like Post Apocalyptic Survival games but The Last of Us is something more than that.
Joel is one of the most complex protagonists I've ever seen, sometimes his actions are villainous and selfish but he's so well written, you can definitely see where he's coming from, his loss impacts the story a lot and you feel his pain throughout the whole game.

Ellie on the other hand, is the perfect deuteragonist, she is a deep character with a tragic past but she's represented as sweet, happy and quirky, which shows that she is still a kid after all. In terms of gameplay, she never gets in your way and helps in combat as much as she can.

The story itself is pretty simple on paper but it's very well written, and the pacing is absolutely perfect.

Now for the negatives, the game is very linear, and the secondary characters are forgettable.
That being said, despite some minor flaws, I think that this game is absolutely timeless and definitely deserves to be in PlayStation's Hall of Fame.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The Apex of the tactical role playing strategy genre.
Three Houses was my very first Fire Emblem game, and surprisingly, it's very beginner friendly, the gameplay itself is smooth, simple and straight to the point, and the overall difficulty is quite easy. As for the combat mechanics, they're very well made, everything works as intended, overall it's a blast.

The social simulation aspect is very enjoyable, I really liked exploring the Garreg Mach Monastery, bonding with the characters, doing side activities and interacting with the things around me. It does get slightly repetitive after a while though, because the amount of things you can do are limited, but it never really bothered me.

I also want to point out the fact that the music is great, Japanese Role Playing games usually tend to have an exceptional soundtrack and this game is no different, especially when it comes to the battle themes.

The story is pretty good, but the pacing is questionable, some plot points are solved very quickly, which results in confusion. The lore is intriguing and deep, every House has a different story to tell, you will meet new characters and learn more things about the world.

The characters are cool, every single one of them is likeable and they all have their own little personalities and quirks. You can also recruit some of them in your team, and even change their class to make them play however you please, which I really appreciated.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a fascinating game, it's enjoyable from start to finish even with the pacing issues, and I genuinely had a phenomenal time playing it. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to get into the series, even if you've never played a Fire Emblem game before, this is the best place to start, probably the best strategy game I've ever played.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

What a great sequel to one of my favorite games of all time.
I'm beyond satisfied with this continuation of the story, and while the premise might feel a bit similar to the original game, it's still pretty good.

What makes this game very different is the gameplay, I really enjoyed the gameplay mechanics, it feels fast and it's very fun, I had a blast playing through it.

The music godlike as I expected from a Persona 5 game, however the audio is sometimes a little bit weird, for example there are few times were you can't hear the characters very well, but it's not something that bothered me that much.

Overall I loved this game, and it's a perfect spin-off sequel for Persona 5.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" ~ 8.5/10.

A hauntingly beautiful and heart-breaking masterpiece with updated visuals and additional content, this game is an absolute must-play.

A tragic and dark story of love, hate and forgiveness, The Last of Us Part II is a very brave and ambitious game, and the perfect example of what videogames should strive to be.

It's definitely a big improvement over the first game in many ways such as the gameplay mechanics and the depth of storytelling, but unfortunately there are some few moments where the pacing felt slow.

The intense music combined with the masterfully crafted atmosphere and the fantastic audio design are some of the best I've seen in a videogame.

The Last of Us Part II takes some big risks, and makes some decisions that some people might not agree with, but honestly, I loved it...

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

A dream come true.
Rebirth is an evolution, an improvement from the first game in every single way, a true sequel, and a mind-blowing remake.

I'm absolutely amazed, I didn't expect a game this big, with so much content, a crazy amount of mini-games, and an actual open world map where you can travel seamlessly to other continents and get distracted by random side activities, it's genuinely insane.

What surprised me the most though is the fact that combat feels better than ever, the gameplay mechanics are deep, there are so many new materia to use, combos last for way longer, and the addition of the aerial combat helps a ton.
It's worth mentioning that this game is actually quite challenging sometimes, I really had to think a lot and play strategically, which is fun obviously, however, I noticed a small difficulty spike near the end, but the epic spectacle fights and gorgeous visuals made every encounter worthwhile.

Also, I just have to mention how phenomenal the soundtrack is, like wow, the entire soundtrack features over 400 songs, which is wild!

As for the story, at first I was somewhat worried about the new direction it took, but as I kept playing, I noticed that for the vast majority of the game, the story is very faithful to the original game, and I'm glad! The characters are amazing, the side stories are beautiful, and almost everything was handled with love and respect, and I couldn't be happier.
That being said, the only issue I have with this game is the ending. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I just think that it's not executed very well, in fact it's kind of a mess sadly, I like some things about it, but overall it made the story even more confusing than before, and took away all the emotional impact from the original game. Ultimately, it doesn't really affect or ruin the overall game because it's just 1 chapter in a game that's around 40-50 hours long, and also, this game only covers the middle part of the original story, so there are many things left unanswered, which means that I still don't have a definitive opinion yet, since many things are going to be answered in the sequel.

I absolutely love this game, it's a JRPG masterpiece and the best Remake I've played to date, it surpassed its predecessor, and I cannot wait for the third and final chapter of the Final Fantasy VII Remake Trilogy Project.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

I'm so glad that I've finally experienced this legendary game, it's definitely the best old Final Fantasy game I've played.

The gameplay is surprisingly decent albeit slow and outdated in some aspects, but the beautiful story makes the experience worthwhile.

The characters are interesting and likable, some of them could have had more development but the main cast is great.

The music is brilliant, arguably one of the most iconic soundtracks in videogame history.

The only things I disliked about the game are the annoying minigames that affect the pacing, and the unnecessary filler in the middle of the game, but other than that there isn't anything else that bothered me that much.

Even after all those years, this game managed to surprise me and even make me feel emotional, it's such a big game, and probably even a masterpiece for its time, I'm honestly impressed.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

An Incredible tale of Father and Son.
This new fresh soft "reboot" of the God of War series is a masterfully crafted experience from beginning to end.
In terms of story, writing, pacing and tone, it's brilliant, Kratos himself went from a bloodthirsty monster to a very mature and wise character, and his son Atreus is arguably one of my favorite sidekicks in any videogame ever.

I love the gameplay changes, combat feels more realistic and grounded, but it can also be quite chaotic and action heavy, with many abilities to unlock, combos to do, and clever mechanics to try out. The camera can be somewhat frustrating during some fights but I didn't mind it much.

The environment looks fantastic, so many areas to explore and secrets to find, unlocking new equipment or upgrading weapons feels very rewarding.
The game also has backtracking, so you can always go back and find new things, and even a mini open world map where you can travel to various realms you've unlocked and explore every last corner.
There's a good amount of side content such as side quests and challenges as well, and it's definitely worth checking out.

What I didn't enjoy much personally is the re-skinned troll boss fights, there are many of them and they're all very similar. Also the final act is quite slow compared to the rest of the game, and even though I really liked the climax and the final battle, I was expecting something more.

That being said, for me this is one of the most important First Party Sony games of the PlayStation 4 generation, a videogame that everyone needs to play at least once, absolutely remarkable.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

The Game of the Year Edition offers the definitive Bloodborne experience, The Old Hunters Expansion is a must-play if you own Bloodborne, and it elevates the game to new heights.

Bloodborne was my very first FromSoftware game, and having no prior experience from their past games I expected to have a hard time with it.

So did it live up to the hype? Yeah, I really enjoyed it, in fact at times I wanted it to be more difficult, but overall I think that it's fairly challenging, it knows when to punish you and it knows when to reward you.

I loved the gameplay, it's extremely fun with some creative mechanics, and the amazing trick weapons. The first area is quite rough but once you manage to understand how some of the mechanics work, then it's just a joy to play.

The worldbuilding is breathtaking, and the way the world changes when you have more insight is absolutely genius. There's a lot of content, exploring the different areas, uncovering secrets, finding shortcuts, interacting with the characters, completing side stories and taking your time with the game feels very rewarding.

The atmosphere is unrivaled, it's scary and haunting but also beautiful in a very dark way. I absolutely adore the Gothic-Cosmic Horror theme and the Victorian-era inspired architecture, possibly my favorite setting in any videogame.

The monsters look terrifying, some very interesting designs and nice symbolisms, I personally got to kill every single boss - even the optional bosses - and I really liked most of them, they require strategy and quick reflexes.

The Blood Vial farming is very obnoxious in the beginning, but it's not a big issue once you progress halfway through the game. Having to manage your resources becomes more of a secondary distraction, and the rally mechanic allows you to heal while playing aggressively.

Now, where the game disappointed me is the second half of the main campaign, the boss fights not only get progressively easier, but the quality of the game falls a little bit.

Also I want to point out that the lore is very intriguing and rich, full of mini stories, the way everything connects together is what makes it truly special.

Overall I genuinely enjoyed this game, it really is an exceptional experience, especially if you're a fan of the genre, it's pretty close to perfection.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

I honestly think that some parts of this Expansion should have been in the main game. It contains the best content in the entire game, adds more depth to the story and answers some questions.

Also, the boss fights are significantly more challenging, which is a good thing because the second half of the main game was a letdown.

The only thing that bothered me is the length and the lack of areas to explore, it feels quite short but it really is worth playing, it's a must-play.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.