I honestly think this game is actually very fun, the gameplay mechanics are exceptional, the different types of ammunition and weapons make the gameplay feel fresh and rewarding, without ruining the pacing.

Story-wise it has some weak moments, but for most of the time it's pretty interesting, and it has some great moments.

Even though the game lacks some RPG elements, the characters are the highlight of the game.

The ending is definitely rushed, but it doesn't really ruin the story. I had a lot of fun playing this game and I totally recommend it.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

One of Microsoft's most ambitious games of the past few years, the brand new campaign expansion and all the additional multiplayer content are worth checking out.

Gears 5 was honestly a surprise for me, while the story this time around isn't that interesting, the gameplay mechanics are arguably the best in the series, the game feels very smooth to play, and the new additional mechanics are great.

It also includes two very open areas which you can explore in order to unlock new abilities or learn more things about the world. There aren't many things you can't do in them, and the side quests are very generic, but it's a cool attempt to make the game more re-playable.

Lastly, the game takes a while to pick up, the pacing is sometimes weak and the desert area drags quite a lot, but in the end it's definitely a worthwhile experience.

As for the multiplayer, it works well, there's a decent amount of game modes to choose from, and there are many customization options.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

A nice little campaign expansion, the new gameplay mechanics are great, but the story and the pacing are all over the place.

Sections getting repeated again and again, there are many times where you feel like you're doing the same thing.

It's alright, I enjoyed my time with it for the most part, but after a while I just wanted it to be over.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

Gears 5 was honestly a surprise for me, while the story this time around isn't that interesting, the gameplay mechanics are arguably the best in the series, the game feels very smooth to play, and the new additional mechanics are great.

It also includes two very open areas which you can explore in order to unlock new abilities or learn more things about the world. There aren't many things you can't do in them, and the side quests are very generic, but it's a cool attempt to make the game more re-playable.

Lastly, the game takes a while to pick up, the pacing is sometimes weak and the desert area drags quite a lot, but in the end it's definitely a worthwhile experience.

As for the multiplayer, it works well, there's a decent amount of game modes to choose from, and there are many customization options.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

This is something different, I was never interested in the Olympic Games that much but this game is honestly fun!

There's a great amount of minigames to choose from, and every single one of them is completely different from each other.

The character roster is nice, the characters have different stats and traits so you can experiment with whoever you want.

And lastly, the London Party mode is a blast! The stakes are higher, and it contains some unique and exciting minigames.

Overall, the controls can get in the way sometimes, but still an enjoyable game, especially if you play with other players.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

The most complete modern Tomb Raider package, the DLCs are decent and worth checking out.

A grand sequel, this game is an improvement over the first game in every single way.
I'm very satisfied with the fantastic set-pieces and the high amount of action, some pretty cool moments here and there.

The biggest improvement here is the gameplay, it's more accessible, and feels grounded with additional mechanics that make it feel more like a survival game where you have to manage your resources.
As for the puzzles, they're awesome, every puzzle is creative and very unique, all in all very enjoyable.

The side content is more than enough, the game is overall very complete and there are many things you can do. Exploration is one of the game's strongest points, there's a good amount of side quests to do, tombs to raid, secrets to uncover and collectibles to find.

What didn't really surprise me is the overall story. It's very similar to the first game in some ways but it's not as dark, and the writing is straight up weak, predictable plot twists and characters making questionable decisions.

Last but not least, this is my favorite version of Lara Croft, I think she looks the best in this game, and she's very likeable.
This is my favorite Tomb Raider game.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

Alright, hear me out, I honestly enjoyed this game, it's a technical marvel, the gameplay is great just like in the first game, the cast of characters is bigger, the side content is more varied and the world looks absolutely phenomenal, but ultimately the game didn't meet my expectations.

Exploring the world feels better than before, and the climbing is something the game definitely needed. There's actually a lot of content and the game is pretty big, there are random minigames you can play, races with machines, an entire arena, and many more things to do.

Unfortunately, despite the few improvements in the Open World and gameplay, the game feels like a step-back from the first game in almost every other way, sure there are some quality of life improvements, melee combat is way better and the new skill tree is a nice addition, but the core gameplay still feels the exact same for the most part, and the story is such a mess, the pacing is terrible, and the ending is insultingly bad, I did like some of the new story beats but in the end it honestly feels as if the story didn't really progress.

Also the physics and the collision detection are absolutely atrocious, getting hit mid-animation while rolling perfectly to dodge an attack or doing a critical strike and getting interrupted by an enemy is just incredibly annoying.

It's a well made game, and my experience was mostly positive but I expected more after 5 whole years.
At the end of the day I actually liked it, it was a fun experience and I really wanna see how the story is gonna continue from here.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

With all the additional content, the Complete Edition sealed Horizon Zero Dawn as one of Sony's most successful new IP debuts.

One of the most interesting settings I've ever seen in a videogame, this game is gorgeous, from the graphics to the worldbuilding, it's pure eye candy.

The game may feel a little bit linear at first but when it opens up, it gets better, and the story is decent with some cool twists later on, but sadly most of the characters are painfully generic and forgettable.

The gameplay is smooth and fun, very fast paced combat, using the environment against your enemies and hitting the weak spots feels satisfying. There are also different weapons you unlock as you progress, and a decent variety of enemy types.

Unfortunately though, the side content didn't really surprise me, most side quests are repetitive fetch quests or glorified stronghold liberations, there's no innovation whatsoever.

It really is a solid game overall, even with its shortcomings, the unique and fresh setting, the very enjoyable gameplay mechanics, the beautiful Open World and the amount of content definitely make this game a very fascinating experience, not the best of its kind but a pretty nice one.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

This Expansion is pretty nice but it feels like a chore at times.
The new armor sets and weapons are good, but the Frozen Wilds storyline is kind of uninteresting and it doesn't add anything valuable to the game.

Granted, I really liked the setting, it's refreshing and something different from the main game.

Also the new enemy types add some challenge to the game.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

One of the most interesting settings I've ever seen in a videogame, this game is gorgeous, from the graphics to the worldbuilding, it's pure eye candy.

The game may feel a little bit linear at first but when it opens up, it gets better, and the story is decent with some cool twists later on, but sadly most of the characters are painfully generic and forgettable.

The gameplay is smooth and fun, very fast paced combat, using the environment against your enemies and hitting the weak spots feels satisfying. There are also different weapons you unlock as you progress, and a decent variety of enemy types.

Unfortunately though, the side content didn't really surprise me, most side quests are repetitive fetch quests or glorified stronghold liberations, there's no innovation whatsoever.

It really is a solid game overall, even with its shortcomings, the unique and fresh setting, the very enjoyable gameplay mechanics, the beautiful Open World and the amount of content definitely make this game a very fascinating experience, not the best of its kind but a pretty nice one.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Ghost of Tsushima manages to capture the setting of feudal Japan and the Samurai perfectly, making it one of the most gorgeous looking games to date.

My favorite aspect of the game is easily the gameplay, there's a big variety of tools to use when it comes to combat, and the feeling of the Katana is excellent, smooth animations and many abilities to unlock, slashing your way through waves of enemies always feels amazing.

As for the story, it's very simple and predictable, but there are some pretty great emotional scenes that are very well done.

Unfortunately though, the Open World is just a very beautiful wallpaper, there's no depth here, it's shallow and gets tedious after a while.
Also, most of the quests are very repetitive, and the trailing missions don't really fit in this game.

I enjoyed this game, and even though it does nothing new, the incredible gameplay saves it.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

The Black Sheep of Tomb Raider.
Unfortunately it's indeed the weakest game in the trilogy but it's still a pretty fun game, just lacks the charm and the things that made the previous games iconic.

The game repeats itself many times, you'll climb and swim a lot in this game... A LOT, to the point where I got exhausted. There are barely any gunfights, most of the game is either exploring or killing enemies from the shadows, and the pacing felt weird, it takes way too long for the game to pick up which is a shame because the core gameplay is great.

The story is nonsensical, but I enjoyed the dark atmosphere. The issue is, for the last game of a trilogy, it doesn't feel like a proper closure, it's just another adventure similarly to the previous games.

The best part of this game is definitely the exploration, the puzzles are even better than before, and the game mostly focuses on raiding tombs instead of fighting hordes of enemies. There are also actual side quests you can do, which are kind of boring but I don't mind them.

I've got to admit though, even with the weak narrative, this game contains the single best moment in the entire trilogy in my opinion, Lara Croft's development really shows here, and yet again, she is the star of the show.

Overall, I like this game but it could've been better.
It has some strong moments, but sadly the lack of innovation is disappointing.

Final Rating: "Almost Good" ~ 6.5/10.

I don't necessarily mind the supernatural aspect in this game, but this one was way over-the-top.

Also, gathering the materials was just annoying and felt like a chore in my opinion.

Granted, I liked the creepy atmosphere, and the boss fight was something different.

Final Rating: "Weak" ~ 4/10.

A decent way to add some depth to Lara's character.

The mansion looks great and I had fun exploring, but some puzzles are straight up annoying and just difficult to figure out.

It's a mediocre DLC but way too short, not sure if I recommend it.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

A grand sequel, this game is an improvement over the first game in every single way.
I'm very satisfied with the fantastic set-pieces and the high amount of action, some pretty cool moments here and there.

The biggest improvement here is the gameplay, it's more accessible, and feels grounded with additional mechanics that make it feel more like a survival game where you have to manage your resources.
As for the puzzles, they're awesome, every puzzle is creative and very unique, all in all very enjoyable.

The side content is more than enough, the game is overall very complete and there are many things you can do. Exploration is one of the game's strongest points, there's a good amount of side quests to do, tombs to raid, secrets to uncover and collectibles to find.

What didn't really surprise me is the overall story. It's very similar to the first game in some ways but it's not as dark, and the writing is straight up weak, predictable plot twists and characters making questionable decisions.

Last but not least, this is my favorite version of Lara Croft, I think she looks the best in this game, and she's very likeable.
This is my favorite Tomb Raider game.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.