A proper finale for the stories of the two main series icons, provides the same relative quality as the rest of the ezio trilogy, albeit the weakest one imo

borrows heavily from the previous title to create an experience of the same relative quality with a new setting and new mechanics to spice things up

the game that exceeded and improved upon the original in every way and define the AC franchise's core identity, albeit not with the best aged gameplay

A flawed start to a great franchise and still carries the DNA and must be recognized for setting the stage

a straight forward stealth game with a fun art direction and semi clunky controls

One of the more engaging battle royales from a quality studio, although I dislike how it has taken attention away from titanfall

a disappointing failure from a legendary studio, a perfect case study for the destructive capabilities of irresponsible publishers, stakeholders, and studio management

a time capsule of game tech history, AW is a visually pleasing game with a true sense of world building with an albeit challenging but fair puzzle and combat mechanics that don't give you direction and hints to the same degree as modern titles

after insomniac redefined spiderman and super hero games its hard to even justify the quality of this title. low quality, unpolished, with no clear direction that feels less like a well defined superhero simulation and more like an obligatory movie tie in

a complete and utter betrayal of the source material that has earned no right to associate with its predecessors

One of the most quality games to come from a movie tie in, Isolation is a great albeit not perfect survival horror that accurately captures the atmosphere and utter fear of being trapped in space with a deadly alien predator

Solid flight simulator at basic glance


mechanically simple and visually stunning. very comparable to Journey, however the swimming controls feel less inspired than Journey

An absolute abomination of a game that doesn't even deserve a proper review