in a series of games with very divisi vie quality, Detroit stands out to me as the most whole quantic dream experience that knows exactly what it wants to be in terms of gameplay, story, and choices. the game is not perfect by any means, some of the characters stories feel uneven and it is very on the nose and tries to be high brow with its symbolism about marginalization and the human condition. Still, if you have to play one quantic dream game that you can take seriously, this is it

A major graphical/technical overhaul of the fromsoft game that needed and deserved it the most, Bluepoint has once again managed to prove themselves the absolute GOAT of remastering and remaking classic titles. while the core gameplay remains largely untouched, the graphical improvements are night and day with the original, and were it not for the ps5 scarcity I would strongly recommend every casual/interested souls fan alike to try this version over the original

Im not the biggest mmo person, and I was only interested in this as a kid cuz of the promotional CGI videos and the different iron man style armors you can unlock, but looking back this game is very repetitive, drab, and just decent at best

While I admit I consider this to be one of the weaker fromsoft games alongside OG Demon Souls, even the lowest souls game is still worthy of praise. DS2 maintains all the fundamental good of the fromsoft games, and only falls short due to a few niche and quirky mechanical changes, along with a 'quantity over quality' boss design.

also absolutely fuck the frigid outskirts, worst area in any souls game no cap

carries after the original crash games level design while incorporating new elements to keep it fresh. didnt pay too much attention to the story but overall a good experience and miles better than any of the other crash sequels from the mid to late 00s imo

While I have no personal experience or nostalgia to playing the orignal playstation crash trilogy, this was definitely the best way to experience way. Definitely a challenge, sometimes a unfair one at times even, but overall I enjoyed it regardless

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A fun experience that feels like a saints row game on the other side of the law. gameplay didnt have the most depth and there wasnt much side activities to do besides orb collection but that was fun enough. also the story took a surprisingly dark twist at the end despite not being a story heavy game

much like any arcade style driving game, Crazy Taxi is tons of fun with louds of absurd color, noise, and personality, and surprisingly solid driving controls for a 20 year old game, but it does get old after a while so i recommended only coming back to this one occassionally and or in small doses

best game ever made and you dont even need wifi or money to play it, 100/10

a challenging but fair 2D platformer with a surprisingly deep story and a great message about mental health and self acceptance. Its an uphill climb getting that ending summit, but thats the name of the game

My First Call of Duty is still the one I remember the most fondly. WaW is a great WW2 FPS that introduced some of the best mechanics and game modes of the series to date

a solid call of duty entry that borrows slightly from titanfall, and provides a good campaign

a solid fps that doesnt take itself too seriously, a fun but kind of mindless experience

a solid spin off to bl2 that gives a somewhat unnecessary but still rewarding bridge between bl1 and bl2. still kind of weird that everyone on the moon is australian tho

the long awaited sequel that gave us an experience that fulfilled many fan desires while managing to provide a few unexpected new twists. doesnt quite eclipse BL2 but is the best thing since in the series