"Times Yuji Naka has been arrested" has exceeded "Amount of buttons in Balan Wonderworld"

If you take showers this is by far the best Smash game.

By far one of the most relatable modern gaming protagonists - Peppino Spaghetti is a simple man only capable of feeling crippling anxiety and/or murderous rage, cursed with the legacy of being Italian.

Who are you to say what makes a game good?
Drakengard 3 is the best game of all time.
Drakengard 3 is the worst game of all time.

These are not one opinion, but two opinions from two people with opposite tastes and different experiences. The gamer's mind is capable of such feats because there is no universal truth when it comes to art or entertainment: There can be only individual truths. One person's great work might seem like utter trash in another's hands; the very same piece could satisfy both. Art has no rules for its creation nor does it follow any instructions about how to appreciate it. This applies especially to video games, where anyone can create anything they want at any given moment and players can play however they wish whenever they choose (barring regional censorship). Games can thus never fail on principle – they will always be fun if you let them.

But is Drakengard 3 supposed to be fun? Yes! It absolutely is meant to be fun! However…

It's just too much fun! And I mean that literally. Playing through this monstrosity was as physically taxing an experience as I've ever had, which isn't saying a lot since my list of hobbies includes doing hard drugs and drinking radioactive cleaning solutions straight from the bottle. That's right: Drakengard 3 is a real-life endurance test. The constant flow of intentionally bad game design and juvenile humor conspired against me in ways that few games have ever managed. Just the other day I woke up thinking about this game and immediately passed out again. That said, if you enjoy challenge then you'll find plenty here in one way or another, and if you don't know what kind of game Drakengard 3 really is then this review may be confusing.

I cried because I thought Pokémon was dead after finishing this game. Sometimes I wish it was

I know a guy who insists that this is the best game of all time.

It is a damn good minigame collection, I'll give it that

The absolute peak of Smash if you shower irregularly

Did You Know? Doki Doki Panic was originally called Super Mario Brothers. 2 in America

Long-winded shitty tutorial for non-gamers makes the game sound more complicated than it actually is while simultaneously not teaching you mechanics you will interact with in your very first race, creating a dangerously fake skill filter and leaving a disastrous first impression.

As an example - the tutorial spends like 10 minutes teaching you about your backup emergency attack that you can use while out of rings, while spending 5 seconds to tell you rings are a boost/health meter akin to F-Zero that you should be spending constantly. Another example - the closest thing to a race track you drive on in the entire tutorial is a drifting track that requires you to hit maximum level drift boosts, when the actual race tracks in the game are designed around drifting for short periods of time outside of extremely wide turns.

Anyways there's a THE iDOLM@STER stage that doubles as Honey the Cat's home stage

One of the most Reddit games I've ever played

If you're wondering if you should play Ghost Trick, you should probably play Ghost Trick.
This is by far one of the most stylish and expressive DS titles, with fantastic characters, stunningly clever puzzles, beautiful art and animation, and a rock solid mystery story that ties it all together. Criminally unknown.

IMO, not nearly as bad as some people would like to tell you it is but almost certainly the definition of "Early Access". I enjoy the Blegends Blarceus-esque gameplay, I like the Pal designs I've encountered, some much more than comparable creatures from That other series, and Zoe is an absolute baddie...

...but it's very technically shaky and clearly missing a lot of the meat on the bones, so I have to put it on pause for now 'til release, since I'm not the biggest fan of Ark and its' ilk, even if I enjoy how Palworld specifically handles it. For the people that LOVE those kinds of games and can work through their technical issues and set their own crazy goals I see them getting hooked on this shit.

All that said, isn't it kind of crazy this is the only Blokemon game that actually has natures and personality traits that make each individual Pal a little more unique like the original series???

I liked Sonic 06 as a kid and even this was too bad to pretend it was good. This Kinect-focused disaster slaughtered my favorite series of racing games before it was able to truly excel. The new Sonic racers can't even compare.