genuinely not as bad as you'd be led to believe, but nowhere near as special as the Arkham games

Fun (but not as fun as the first one) way to kill 30 mins. The small amount of playable peggle masters (or whatever it's called) holds it back.

Satisfying way to kill 30 mins.

Great fun! The horror/occult element scratches the part of the brain that loves the paranormal, which is balanced with the great gameplay expected from a Wolfenstein game to create a unique, super fun experience.

If only it were a longer full game and there were more secrets to find (things like the secret room in the library go far to keep the player curious about the secrets of this castle, and therefore more immersed in this world of Nazi supernatural powers).

Getting gold on all of the challenges is extremely tricky as well, hats off to anyone who did that!

Loved the co-op with my friend. Inventive game design too - fun experience!

Never really liked it. Was fun for a bit but created really toxic environments with friends.

So tricky to review. For the longest time this game was all I played and my friends and I sunk hours and hours into this game doing all kinds of stuff. On the other hand, I really would rather play anything else than load up Minecraft these days (not a comment on the game getting bad, but more a comment on my tastes changing). On balance though, great memories on this game means that it is a solid 4 star

What a game. Weird story but amazing gameplay and a great way to take your first step into the bizarre and exciting world of Metal Gear Solid.

Fun, at a time. But not my preferred fighting game. Best roster list of any fighting game though

Quintessential Fallout game. The game doesn't hold your hand and rewards you for that. Loved the different endings and will stick by the NCR until I die.


Fun game! Great gunplay and setting.

We do what we must because we can.

A very important part of my childhood. I used to joke with my friends that we'd be old enough to buy it in person and not get out parents to do it by the time GTA VI came out - I now have 2 degrees and a career before GTA VI even has a release date.

I still remember the absolute carnage when they released GTA online and nothing worked and there was barely anything in it. All you could do was missions and boring races. Great feeling when you saved enough money for the Entity XF or Adder though. And then when the money glitch came in Christmas 2013 it all went even crazier.

The single player was amazing and I wish they did dlc for it - multiplayer was also really good when it was all finished. Idk why they're still releasing content for it now though.

I may be the person who has played this game the most on the planet. Or at least top 0.1%. it is a forgotten entry in the Civ series but one that I love dearly - it was my first ever turn based strategy game and whilst it is overly simple at times it is a great "casual" strategy experience. I have cheesed so many deity victories and seen everything that the game has to offer but I would love if they made another (real) sequel - Sid Meier's if you're reading this I have ideas please talk to me baby...

I also want to mention the fantastic music and art styles, I'm happy Civ 6 went a bit cartoony as it felt similar to this one in tone.

Lacking. Still fun time to time but lacking the character of the Wii version. I hate that everything is unlocked from the get go and the driving feels coddled. Also - where is funky Kong?