I played this as my second Fire Emblem game (after Fates) and enjoyed it, but it's not something that stood out to me that much. Some of the music is incredible though.

I don't remember too much but it was enough to keep me interested for a few play sessions

Pretty neat back when tilting your smart device was groundbreaking

It's alright I guess, nothing crazy but more integrations with the main Pokémon games were fun to have

It's a pretty neat use of the 3DS but really shouldn't have cost $15

Honestly I don't see the appeal at all. For the gameplay and visuals.

I tried it at friends` places a few times and it's not really my cup of tea. Maybe if I had grown up with it. Either way, the soundtrack is legendary (pun intended)!

Easily my least favorite of the Pokémon Mini games released in English; none of these minigames were particularly fun to replay.

Played this on 3DS Virtual Console. I don't remember too much but it was pretty solid and I had fun with it.

Possibly my favorite online party game with the fun of trying to type things as fast as possible

I maxed out the step counter at 9,999,999

I have never regretted buying anything in my life more than this game

I can't believe someone else crafted Dwayne The Rocky Mountain Oysters Johnson before I did. Props to them for such a monumental discovery.

Decently fun at the time, but the gameplay wasn't too deep.

I didn't care at all for playing actual baseball games. But in this game you could control the players and make them run into each other, after which they'd yell "AUGH" and fall over. This was the funniest thing ever.