Best 2d game since Super Mario Bros 3.
Nintendo is second to none when making amazing games.
Basically everything in this game is perfect.
Amazing graphics, great soundtrack, just perfect gameplay. And what about level design?! Just the best I ever seen. You can make great games just with ideas from one level of the game.
Thats just GOTY level of a game.

What an amazing game. Great surprise. I have never heard of this dev until this game and its just a bangger.
Clealy take Max Payne as a inspiration. Good story told from a third person pespective and WHAT AN AMAZING soundtrack. I mean, what the fuck.
Nice collection of weapon too. The levels could use a little more work, to use the bullet time more, but its ok
Everyone should play this game. Best indie game of the year until now.

I didn't play sooner because of the reviews when the game launched. I regret now. I really like the game.
Shame because of the negative reaction I dont think we going to get a second game from this reboot.
I think is a very nice little game, perfect for gamepass.

Its a ok game if you like SaO. The story its kind of a mess, but SaO is always a mess. If we put only anime games, I think this is a better game than most of all that get release.
And nice songs from ReoNa as always.

The gameplay is ok I guess. You can basicly beat the game just pressing ''X''. But are Kirito-kun
And the last thing is that how many girls Kirito will get until the end of SAO?

Disappointing game. Could be something really good. Nice atmosphere, good graphics but repetitive and simple gameplay drag the game so much.
I hope they get to make another game, because there's something here. But its a shame.

The original it's my favorite PC game of all time, probably. The remake is good...nowadays we have a lot of this type of game. But back then was not tha common.
Great story, great shooting mechanic, great graphics. Nice to remeber the story once again.

FromSoftware S2 Great game, Increble combat. Amazing story. Great boss fights.
Not the best world... Could be a litle bit more viarity. But its a 5 stars game.
Miyazaki is a fucking genius.

Classic. But I can only beat this game nowadays because of save

Great game. One of the best remakes ever produce.
I didn't like the original game that much, but this remake improves the game in a lot of ways.
The pace of the game is way better now, the gameplay is great and RE engine is the star of the show.
The story is bullshit but like all of Resident Evil.
Well, lets see if they gonna remake RE 5 and improve again.

Didnt age well but still a good game.
Back the time when the games didnt hold your hand for everything.
Would be nice a new Onimusha

Ok game. Nothing special. Boring story, ridiculous puzzle (even the protagonist says so). The graphics are good, the weapons too. And the OST is really good.
In summary it's a game trying to be bioshock but without Ken Levine.

better than the last one. But still a tech demo and the story is a mess
The good thing are the graphics

One of the best games of the year. No doubt. The amount of technical problems is unfortunately huge, but it doesn't even erase the brightness of the game.
Good story, amazing gameplay.
Improves everything, or almost everything that the previous one failed. Waiting for the last part of the trilogy.

I've always been curious about this series. One of the oldest coming out of from china that are still published today. The ''Final Fantasy'' of China.
It's definitely not a bad game. As mentioned in another review here, it's not a bad game had/have some potential. The story is very interesting, the skills are very cool and the graphics are good.
But everything else feels like an early Xbox 360 game. The game has many annoying bugs (not being able to use a sword at certain times for no apparent reason), map disappearing, not being able to run and others. In addition to popin constants in the graphic part.
But overall I'm glad the game is on gamepass. It's worth the curiosity and as I said, it has an interesting story with good twists.
Made me curious for the next game.