441 Reviews liked by LeandroJiraya

Quando um jogo tem a cara do Sonic, mas não tem nada a ver ao mesmo tempo.

Tirando o nome que faz a 5°serie dentro de mim gritar alto: gostei muito da proposta de gameplay: bastante dinâmica, diversificada, e torna ela prazerosa ao ponto de você nem ver a hora passar.

Mas alguns pontos me incomodaram:

- O controle que você tem com o ioiô é impreciso demais, e demora pra você se acostumar. O primeiro chefe acabou sendo o mais difícil pra mim kkk

- Algumas fases tem muitos atos, e isso acaba enjoando um pouco (ainda mais que a música não muda em cada ato)

- E o que me incomodou de verdade: o jogo ainda contém muitos bugs. Não foi raro eu simplesmente entrar numa parede, ou cair em um precipício do nada

Mas nem todos os pontos acima estragaram a minha experiência, e recomendo bastante pro pessoal que curte um jogo plataforma 3D mais clássico!

The Predecessor To One of My All-time Favorite games!

Jump SuperStars is a great game with different mechanics from its successor, In This game, instead of Buying Character Evolutions with the Money you Earn in Battles, You need to Unlock the Panels and Put the Character's face Corresponding To the Panel, it Seems like an Interesting idea at first but After Unlocking Several Panels it Will Take you a Long Time to Figure out Which Panel Each Character is From,
I Wanted this Mechanic in Ultimate stars Deployment in a Different Way.
if You are an anime Fan I Recommend This game The Only Problem is That it is All in Japanese... I Recommend you Consult a Guide, Gamesfaqs is a Great Site for That.

One Thing i Forgot to Mention that in This game There are Specials Together from Different series Like: Gon+gonhan, Naruto+goku, Luffy+Jotaro, Eve+Allen and Many Others...
All With Unique Attacks and Animations!.

Esse aqui chegou de surpresa e eu gostei muito, me fez voltar pra época do P.T. O jogo aborta uns temas bem pesados psicologicamente, as perseguições são tensas e me deu muita agonia

fui sem expectativa e me surpreendi

Undead Horde is an interesting case. It’s easy to get into, you can turn your brains off but not so much that there isn’t any strategy. There are actually enough things to consider but the pacing is good and you always feel like you’re making some progress. You control your minions with 2 stances, you support them with your equipment & magic, you can attack enemies yourself, you will be able to summon different minions and there is lots of loot to find. Loot is either dropped from enemies, broken buildings or found in one of the many secrets (48). The point is to claim areas (38) from humans by killing all of them and destroying the buildings/towers so they don’t spawn either. You’ll speak to many NPC who will guide you in terms of progress and you can do quests for them. Some give valuable loot or they will start selling you stuff at the base. There will be different shops than can be upgraded with money. The loot itself has different rarities and passive skills. The player levels up and then gets to pick one of the three cards that focuses on some stats more (health, command, attack and mana). All of this took me 12-13 hours to 100% including achievements. But, you can also do new game plus if you want more.

Let’s start with the good stuff. As mentioned, the game is engaging so that it’s easy enough to get into without being complex. The gameplay is fun and works well for the most part. The progression system is fine. There are lots of different units to control including unique heroes who are a bit more OP but require more command to summon. The music is decent and I LOVE the voice actor of the character you play as. He’s awesome when he talks in that evil and macho way even though the game kind of looks cartoony. It really works. The game is kind of being evil in a funny way and you get to notice that with the dialogues as well. It doesn’t go too far with the humor though. It just adds a bit of charm. The game doesn’t overstay its welcome and the achievements are enjoyable with a caveat.

The caveat being many of them can be considered missable if you start a new era (new game plus). So make sure you do all quests (40 including touching the urn), find all secrets, claim all areas (including optional ones), etc. in the current run because that stuff is not carried over. From what I noticed, only your level and what you have equipped or in your inventory is carried over. Other con is the graphics being basic. While they’re charming and do the job, they’re not going to wow you. The control of your units and the way you claim areas need a bit of getting used to. You might die a lot early on when you don’t know that you can use the teleporter to heal and come back while keeping progress of the current area you’re in etc. For the ones who crave lots of strategy and thinking, this might be too simple and therefore boring to them.

I’ve decided to play Undead Horde 1 as a demo for Undead Horde 2 since that one was part of a bundle and I wasn’t sure about getting it. UH1 not only made me get 2 but it’s also a good game in its own right. It’s definitely a game worth taking a look at, especially when it’s on sale. It can surprise and hook you for a while without being super amazing.

my first contact with okami was my dad bringing home an illegal copy of the PS2 version, little did he know it was completely in Japanese

and I finished this game, somehow

Vontade de pular de um lugar mto alto (sem tendências suicidas

Horrivelmente mal feito. Eu queria chegar a enfrentar pelo menos um boss principal, mas é impossivel controlar o personagem com essa jogabilidade de margarina no chão

Quando eu vi Dorfromantik pela primeira vez, a ideia de um Carcassonne infinito com foco em puzzle me deixou muito animado. Comprei, joguei uma partida incrível, fui super bem. Joguei a próxima e... meio que foi a mesma coisa?

Na terceira, eu já estava cansado de fazer exatamente a mesma coisa. Eram os mesmos tipos de objetivos, não tinha muita variação ou desafio além de continuar colocando coisinhas na tela e encaixando.

Acho que o jogo me perdeu aí e todas as vezes que abri pra jogar, fechei em 5min. O jogo é bem pensado, muito legal, mas foi triste quando em 1h eu já tinha muita coisa do que o jogo tinha a oferecer. :(

featuring Olavo de Carvalho from the Brazil series

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

RTX? More like FarTX because this freaking stinks.

Eu adoro experiências de videogame que são diferentes, engraçadinhas e duram uma noite: Pikuniku é exatamente isso e eu não poderia pedir menos pra um dia que eu estava cansado e levemente acabado.

O gameplay em si é bem simples e mistura puzzles muito, muito fáceis com sessões de plataforma e exploração fáceis também. Provavelmente meu review está totalmente enviesado pelo meu cansaço (talvez em dias normais eu acharia tediante os puzzles), mas foi muito legal porque aparentemente era o que eu precisava? É tipo assistir um filme de criança bem besta, mas é colorido e bonito, então você se conforta ali.

O humor é muito idiota e inofensivo, mas volta e meia eu dava umas risadinhas. Movimentar o personagem principal é meio estranho as vezes também, mas a opção de correr ajuda e logo você vai conectando diferentes lugares. A ideia de coletar troféus e chapéus ajudou a me animar e querer procurar coisas novas.

Minha sugestão? Deixa pra jogar Pikuniku num dia meio merda, que você só precisa se desligar e rir de qualquer besteira. Vai ser uma ótima noite.

A animação como forma de expressão artística é incrível e não cansa de mostrar seu potencial a cada ano, com novos filmes, séries e curtas mostrando mundos mágicos e imaginativos que nunca seriam possíveis na vida real. The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo seja uma das provas que ao juntar todo esse ferramental com a interatividade dos videogames funciona muito bem para criar experiências ainda mais surreais. O jogo é longe de ser perfeito e definitivamente termina bem antes do que eu esperava, mas eu gostei muito de brincar um pouco com o Mr. Coo e fico na espera de novas aventuras com o meu amarelinho tripartido.

mais: https://cosmonerd.com.br/games/critica-games/the-many-pieces-of-mr-coo-critica/

man.. so many thoughts, so many expectations, and barely any fun to be found.

i've been following this game for quite some time, i saw it a few years ago and only late mid last year i followed the man behind the project on twitter, ever since hollow knight i've been keen to see more things from the land down under and its finally time to show the world what australia is made of! show me what you've got.

i'm always cautiously optimistic in general, i always give indie devs especially the benefit of the doubt. pat naoum (the man behind the game) would always upload "his process" to twitter (and maybe other social media but i only follow him through twitter) and to me it seemed very clinical, by the books that the game never really spoke to me but hey if he spent 7-8 years working on this, its gotta mean something right? not only that but i am literally the perfect audience for this game, i grew up playing puzzle platformers, this looks cool enough in my books.

well.. it was a sad struggle to get through this game. i mean no offense when i say this but this game was not fun at all. i really tried to play this game with optimistic eyes but it really doesn't do anything interesting or unique that i see no reason to even finish it, and im sorry to shit on something you've worked on for so long, but if you're reading this pat, what were you doing for those 7-8 years?

the game plays so generic, the physics, the aesthetic, the sounds, the gameplay.. there is no life at all in this game, no passion for gaming. maybe a passion for art, but im not playing this for the art lol. this plays like someone's first unity game with maybe somewhat "interesting" art choices? sure it fits the theme of the game, being handpainted and all, but maybe it wasn't worth it in the end because well, was it really needed to begin with? the main selling point of the game wasn't even that interesting, so what are you left with? a barebones puzzle platformer with little to no soul. all bark no bite.

the only thing i can give pat credit for is that some of the puzzle designs were quite interesting! i did enjoy 2 or 3 puzzles but they were few and far between, it is mostly just mindless running around some soul-less landscape and eventually solving the puzzles just by doing what you're doing, nothing engaging for the most part.

perhaps this game was not designed for me, despite being a puzzle platformer enjoyer? so who exactly was this made for? art fanatics? maybe there was some "deeper meaning" behind the game that i am not getting; "maybe the whole point is that the game is absolutely horse shit because.. maybe the painter had a shit life or something! its meant to convey how shit your life can get but you can still make money off of it if you put your heart to it!" (for legal reasons a joke and i have no malice intent), but you have to actually grab me, get me interested in the game before you can decide to throw this bullshit at my face. im not going to pretend that i understand the game. this game was not fun, not interesting and i didn't finish it. this probably did not need to take 7-8 years to make.

i've got a question for you pat, did you actually play the game? did you think this was going to be fun? were you constantly bombarded with positive reinforcement that you were blinded by the good that you couldn't find the bad in the game? well, i think you might need to get new perspectives. thats starts by playing some games yourself and understanding why you enjoy them or why you hate them. if you get no emotions from playing games, maybe a new path in life may take your further. who did you make this game for anyways? im not saying i could make this, but stardew valley was created in 4.5 years and that game has 100x more content and replay ability, i dont even need to mention other solo indie game devs that have made it big by just creating what they wanted to create.

please don't take this as an insult if you are reading this mr pat naoum. i see you only get positive ratings and positive reinforcement about this game, i legit could not find a single negative thing about this anywhere, so i felt the need to step in and rain on your parade. let this be a wake up call that you disappointed a potential fan. i was really excited for this game :/

Cute game, with a lot of varied gameplay for each costume Peach wears. Some costumes/game mechanics are similar across the levels, but still pretty fun to play!
Knocked a star as the game is quite short, but generally cute throughout, and worth the buy if you love Princess Peach.