Games where I Have the Top Review

Ill always take the opportunity to pat myself in the back, but in all honesty the main reason for most of these is going to be that I wrote the only review or the first review for it. Sometimes a mutual will write another review (often because they saw mine) and dethrone mine cough cough Deemon. I probably wont update this list or account for reviews Ive deleted so yeah


2 months ago

I really wasn't expecting the call-out, but it made me chuckle XDDDD. But being completely serious, your write-ups deserve way more attention, they are all amazing and insightful reads deserving of all the appreciation they can get, whether it’s the only review about the game or not, and I'll be checking out the reviews of this lot I haven't read yet!

2 months ago

fwiw i do appreicate all the lesser known games you put a spotlight on, most of them i'd never have heard of otherwise and it's put some cool stuff on my radar (in particular i have before the green moon in my basket right now and im very much looking forward to playing it!)

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