Modernized the FPS genre and holds up great today, an amazing first entry and still one of the best FPS games ever made.

The best form of modern Monster Hunter in my opinion, this game comes so close to being the best in the franchise and the additions to this game in specific make it play and feel much more fast paced in the best way possible.

Best in the franchise, roster and gameplay additions in this one make it easily my favorite.

My personal favorite of the franchise and an amazing sendoff game from Bungie.

A flawless entry to the Yakuza series and now the best way to begin the franchise.

This game is a downgrade to Zero in many ways and the Majima everywhere system really wears itself out over the game, still worth playing but probably my personal least favorite game in the franchise, story is still amazing though!

My personal favorite entry in the series, this game is everything I wanted a yakuza game to be.

A fantastic way to change an already great franchise and still keep it fresh, one of the best stories in the franchise as well.

Game is great and honestly didn't even age to me at all, solid beginning for the Arkham games

This was the game that arguments were decided over when I was like 9. I love how fast paced this game is and its crazy its managed to survive this long competitively.

Slower than melee for sure but the roster went so hard.

This game is still good to me but It's honestly just ultimate but worse.

Craziest roster in any game ever, I don't think we will ever see a game this big again. Also my personal favorite.

Dark Souls 2 but with even worse enemy placement

Yeah this ones great and all but I prefer the vampire one.