This game improved and overhauled a good bit from the past games and has the best bosses overall. Sometimes it has an identity crisis too but it works out in the games favor mostly. Still however a great final entry for the Souls franchise.

Everything I wanted from a sequel to 7, I love the influences from 4 in this game as well.

Rawest game of all time honestly, please just give it a fucking stable frame rate though man.

My personal favorite fighting game of all time, It looks stunning and also had amazing post launch support, I always come back to this game.

The 3rd gen games improve upon many aspects from the prior games and the Hoenn region is still my personal favorite, this is the first game I ever consciously remember playing, and for that it will always be special to me.

The coop/multiplayer were neat but this game remains mostly unmemorable.

Combat is great and the story is solid, I just hope the characters and weapons get fleshed out a biiiiiit more in the sequel.

The perfect open-world superhero game for me, I adore this game so so much, and the traversal/exploration is probably my favorite in any game ever.

Improves the first games gameplay but the story is a downgrade, kinda short too but still worth playing nontheless.

I love the character customization and party building in this game, I really hope they try this formula again eventually because it makes this one so much more replayable than the others.

A very solid addition to the franchise and a great JRPG overall, I have fond memories of playing this on the PS2 and I was surprised it still held up so well on 3DS as well.

One of the best modern JRPGs, follows the formula of if it ain't broke don't fix it.

This game was absolutely not for everyone, however I love the improved gameplay and the boss designs and OST once again are amazing.

The worst of the year-long D2 expacs, stuff set up in this expansion didn't even pay off until this year (2023) and as a whole was uneventful overall.