Top 25 Games Played During 2021

Did this list before, now updating it with other shit I've played since then. List is moreso a reflection of emotional staying power than individual game quality.

Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment
good shooting + esoteric atmosphere, composition and storytelling = best n64 game and possibly one of treasure's best games.

"to humans, our power is an object to either hostility or worship" shove that shit in my fucking veins yeah man


Very solid as a western-developed shmup, completely untouchable as a piece of interactive media. Completely supercharged and powerful - but please for the love of god, go in blind.


Darius Gaiden
Darius Gaiden
A turbulent festival of psychedelia and the most fluid, well-balanced entry in the Darius series. The rushed low-points of its design are justifiable given the chaotic, surrealist nature of its flow.


Deltarune: Chapter 2
Deltarune: Chapter 2
Sometimes stuff is popular because it meets shallow, gentrified expectations

Sometimes stuff is popular because it's Just That Fucking Good


NEO: The World Ends with You
NEO: The World Ends with You
Fantastic sequel about loving life, yourself and others. Gave me exactly what I wanted from a TWEWY sequel, and even though it feels like it was made on a microscopic budget, it uses its constraints extremely well.


The Jackbox Party Pack 7
The Jackbox Party Pack 7
Played this with classmates earlier this week and genuinely started choking when someone (read: Me) drew an alligator fucking a stickman. Peak caucasian filth.


Lord Monarch: Tokoton Sentou Densetsu
Lord Monarch: Tokoton Sentou Densetsu
Completely hits the madman itch in my head that wants to just set up huge numbers and steamroll shit. Story mode's a very cute romp too, with a shit-ton of full color illustrations for a 16-bit game, memorable characters and overall great production value. You could argue some aspects of its story haven't 'aged' well but it's so par for the course with this era, I literally cannot care.


Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
A very Nintendo-ified sequel - in some good ways, and some bad ways. Still absolutely fantastic though, Treasure never fails to be the undefeated producer of Video Game-ass video games


Kero Blaster
Kero Blaster
In a state of affairs where 90% of indie action games are metroidvania roguelikes with no semblance of level design and a delirious amount of padding, Kero Blaster was more than a breath of fresh air: It was a fucking water fountain on a hot summer day.


Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
Didn't emotionally hit me in the same way it does for most people because I've already been saturated in RE4-posting during my entire web lifetime. But it was still hella good! Extremely powerful and memorable from top to bottom.


Vertical shmups are great but I've been hard-pressed to find one that really 'grabs' me on a soulful level: They usually lack the hori shmup trait of visual spectacles and swooping scenery. So Rayforce caught me off-guard with how absorbing its visual style was while also being an extremely strong shooter with a badass lock-on system.


Hyper Duel
Hyper Duel
Possibly Technosoft's best shooter from a pure pacing and gameplay POV. Even where it lacks the chaos and fun level setpieces of the Thunder Force games, it makes up for it by being cleaner and more elegantly designed in most respects.


3D Fantasy Zone II W
3D Fantasy Zone II W
The fact this game exists at all is fucking insane, let alone that it's the best entry in the series. War trauma Opa-Opa all the way.


R-Type Leo
R-Type Leo
Spiting shmup boomers everywhere by calling this the best R-Type by far


Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo
Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo
Completely acidic in the grimy soul it oozes from its sound and visuals, built on top of a madman's shmup that'll often have you intentionally taking hits to meet time limits. Completely unique and feral.


Nothing mindblowing in hindsight: Just a very well-executed zelda 2 & monster world tribute. Lots of great mechanics, a strong sense of real character growth, and good utilization of its dungeon items as long-term utilities within your moveset.


Dolphin Blue
Dolphin Blue
This DC-era Metal Slug clone is a JAM. Great vibes, some much-needed fixes to aspects of MS that sucked, and some great new ideas. Doesn't necessarily hit the same highs, but it's still raw as its own thing.


Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi
I fucking suck at this game and will never invest the time needed to 'git gud' at it. Peak bullet hell. Peak music. Peak scoring.


Ring Fit Adventure
Ring Fit Adventure
Did more to improve my physical and mental health than anything else in the last 3 years. Was higher on my older list, but moved it lower here because this game just stops giving you good new content after the first dozen worlds and it really killed my motivation to keep exercising


Clockwork Aquario
Clockwork Aquario
I'm a simple person: You throw me a half-bitten sandwich and I'll eat that shit right off the floor if it's got good cheese.


Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania isn't even my bag but I'm still a sucker for this


Thunder Force V
Thunder Force V
Unbalanced and hardly a 'great' shmup but who the fuck plays Thunder Force for a good shmup anyway? I'm playing this for the kino. I'm playing it to pulverize a corrupted Rynex with 6 overcharged homing lasers.


Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Solid-ass RPG that makes me wanna dig deeper into the genre. This is a really good video on it too


Jewel Master
Jewel Master
fucked up. sucks but has a lowkey vibe that I can't pull myself away from, like finding the shitty deviantart scribbles of a web artist you love. and those TUNES


Something I would've loved to death if I played it younger. Having tried it at 21 with no prior nostalgia, it's not a very elegant platformer and is honestly pretty overrated, but the ideas at play with the game's systems and worlds are all great. Very imaginative, even if not necessarily as 'thought-provoking' as its worshippers would like you to believe. Does Sasha Nein qualify as a DILF?



2 years ago

answer to that last question is a resounding yes.

2 years ago


I'd fuck the shit out of him

2 years ago

Based Treasure chad

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